Chapter 54: Dark Secrets Unravel

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I was summoned by my brother. I was in the gates of hell and walked down in the long hallway.

The cave where only fire was lit and hoods where shown of human figures.
I knew they weren't though. They held knifes and I just walked straight into the huge double doors.

"Ah my brother. Come, sit."
He gestured his hand over by him and I walked over towards the long dinning table.

"So Aron. How you been?"

"Not that you care." I snapped at him as he just chuckled.

"You know your really something. Your powerful but not that powerful."
He poured some surgar into his tea and stirred slowly.

"So this is why you summoned me here? To pick at me?"

"Oh no. Even though that would be quite relaxing I summoned you here for a important reason."
I then sat down in the chair across from him.

I leaned back and listened.

"Aron, Venus is the evil that needs to be defeated not me."

"What the hell are you talking about? You better watch what you say!"

"Oh relax brother, jeez."
He gestured me to cool off and I clenched my fists.

"You don't see it yet of course, but you will."

"I love her! How dare you try- hold on a second your just trying to ruin our relationship!"

He smirked evily. "Aron your so wise. But I am afraid that baby is powerful, and I mean to powerful to be yours."

He raised his eyebrows up at me and I looked at him. I mean I really looked at him.

"What are you saying?"

"That the child is not yours."
I felt my stomach twist around inside as I felt like I might pass out.

"See I was the one who put my child there. The child will be mine. It is mine, not yours, not even Venus's. Mine."

"You created your own creature?"

"Ta dah! You finally put the pieces of the puzzle together."
He stood up out of his chair laughing.

"Why? Why her! Why did you have to pick my Venus!"

"Your Venus? Wow you must really love her. You don't know do you?"

"What? What don't I know!"

I pounded my fists onto the table and yelled.

"Oh come on Aron you should have guessed by now. Where do you think Venus got all her magic, power, and energy from? Me."

"Impossible! I don't believe you!"

"She is my daughter, which means your her uncle."

I felt my legs go out and then I no longer could breathe.
It's not true. It can't be!

"You have to face the truth Aron it is time! Let's rule the kingdom together as brothers."

"Your not my brother. You never will be." I spoke with all my rage and had tears in my eyes.

"If your not my brother, why is it that I heard my daughter Venus is in the hospital for what you did?"

"I didn't do anything the person who was drunk did."

''Right. But you couldn't have just been nice and tell her the truth beforehand. Maybe she wouldn't have been in this mess."

He walks up to me. "It is time to bring upon the apocalypse."
He whispered in my ear and I felt goosebumps go up and down my neck.

"If I do this, promise me something."

"That is?"

"You won't harm anyone I love. Or try to ever and I will rule with you."

"Hmm. Alright deal. As long as you decide that is what you want."

I thought about Venus. How she was related to me and I jad these feelings towards her. I didn't want to hurt her, I wish I could forget I ever met her.
Because I don't think I could ever stop loving her more than a niece.

"Have you made your decision?"

"Yes. I have."


Hey can you guys belive that? I know some of you may be mad and I am sorry. You will see...


First Full Moon~#1✔[EDITING]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu