Chapter 6: Anger issues

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She came in looking as amazing as ever. But I for some reason always seemed to feel better once I saw those eyes.

She sat down at her desk from across me while I looked down trying not to meet her eyes. I some how though ended up meeting her gaze and find myself almost feeling all my problems fade away.

"Hey." I said to her and she finally snapped out of it and went back to getting her stuff out.

I watched her as she took out a book.
She had a few in her book bag and I saw a wired looking amulet around her neck.

It changed colors as I kept looking at it but only for a second.

She had a tattoo on her wrist that had the amulet on it as well. Weird.
This is just getting even more confusing.

She looks over at me and I look away quickly. "Stop looking at me ok."

"What are you reading?" I asked her nervously.

"None of your business."
She said without turning around.

"Where did you get your amulet from?"

She took a while to answer for some reason. "My mom."

"Wow a straight answer this time, I'm actually shocked." I said jokingly.

She laughed and said "why are you so interested in me?"

She turns around in her chair shutting her book. "Maybe because there's something about you to be interested about."

She and I both smiled at eachother for a long few seconds and she finally giggled covering the awkward silence.

"Tell ya what, call me."
She gives me her number and I take it.
Then the bell for first hour rings.

Sucks that she and I share only one class togther.
She turns back around in her chair facing the front of the class focusing. But all I could think about was calling her first thing I get home.


The day finally was over and I ran home while thinking if ways to start out a sentence to talk to her. She makes me feel something I haven't really felt in a long time.

I feel like I might have a chance now with my werewolf gene going bad. Because I might have found the one thing that could bring me back from the dark.

I dialed her number into my iPhone and started to hear the ringing.
I was feeling nervous already, then her voice was on the phone.


"Hey, it's me Seth." I said sounding so uncool.

"Oh hi, I was just about to do my homework."

"Oh sorry." I said.

"No don't be, are you busy right now?"
She asked curiously.

"Not this second why." I said as I looked around to see my father is no where in sight.

"I'd like to hang out with you. Maybe your dad's or mom's house?"

"We'll my dad's house is unavailable at the time." I hated lying to her, but what was i gonna say. Yeah we cant because I dont really live in a house I camp out in the woods because were werewolves."How about the gas station up by the school?"

"Sure, be there in 10."
She hangs up and I literally run out of there before I was busy.

I walked to the gas station since it was three blocks from where I lived. I waited until she arrived around 2 minutes later than me.

First Full Moon~#1✔[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now