Chapter 7: Truth revealed

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What the heck just happened?
I saw his eyes turn a dark red and his anger was just out of control.

He was out of control, towards me to.
I was scared and frightened because I wasn't really sure who out of the two of them I should be afraid of more.

What if I never see him again? What if I am really not alone this whole time, maybe he's just like me?

But yet my guts telling me he's something else. He has to be in the supernatural creature categorie though. His eyes, his face, that rage...I'll never forget it.

I lost my way trying to find him. I then stranded off somewhere that looked like a town.

I made sure I was hidden. I watched one by one these people building there own houses it looked like.
I then saw a familiar face go in a tent not to far from me. It was Seth.



I was scared that I might show my wolf side again. But I scared her. I know that and it hurts me that she's afraid of me. I wish that I could for once not be known as a monster...

I then heard her voice but it couldn't be. No. "Seth!" Then I turned around slowly and saw those eyes I always died for, that face that told me to take a bullet for her. "What are you doing here leave!" I shouted.

I waved my hand up in frustration as I walked the opposite direction from her.
But she followed behind making a scene, and maybe a fight.

"You! Your a witch I can feel it!" It was my father.
"No" she said softly. "I'm human."

"I'm positive your lying too. Tribe get her!!! Tresspasser!!"
He and everyone except me charged for her.

"No!" I said reaching my hand out to her but I couldn't reach her. "Venus!"

"Seth!" She tried to reach for my hand but struggled while others held her down. "No..." I looked around where a bunch of my people including Mason tackled her and start carrying her away.

I'm not letting them.

"STOOOOoooooppp!!!!!!!" Everyone dropped to the ground and flew against the ground as I roared at them showing my fangs.

Venus didn't look scared this time, she looked safe. I walked over to Venus and pick her up in my arms. "She's my mate! Leave her be, I'm alpha is that clear!"

No one said anything but they nodded. Father looked very upset with me.


I then walked slowly away with Venus and then smiled at her as she smiled back at me, while she rested her head on my shoulder.

We both walked to her house but she wouldn't let me inside. Weird.
I set her down so she was standing on her two legs and we both were at her front door, on her porch.

She stood there awkwardly and so was I. "So" I said.

"What did you mean by I'm your mate?" She asked me hesitating while she spoke.

"It doesn't matter. I probably would die anyway before I could ever make you my mate." I caressed her cheek gently and and moved a strand of her hair doing it while feeling a tear fall from my eye.

What the?

"Seth please tell me what happend. What's going on with you!?"
She was figeting with her fingers as she spoke.

"I'm not good for you ok Venus. I'm bad for you I am a bad guy!" I start yelling as I walk away when I stop from a sudden hand on my arm stopping me from turning the other way.

"If your so bad then prove it. Prove why your to bad to be friends with a witch!"
I could hear the anger rise in her voice.

Then I spoke without turning around. "That's just it Venus. I don't want to just be friends with you, I care for you more than that. I already messed up being friends with you, think about what I would be like if I was with you." I shrugged her arm off and walked away into the darkness.


I just stood there were he left me. Speechless, lonely, and most of all sad.

I then decided I am not in the mood of my drunk abusive dad right now. I need to think. So I decided to take a walk. I started walking on the sidewalk were he left and ran off away from me. I couldn't help but feel more for him than friendship too.

Why does my life have to be so complicated?

I hear a males voice interfere behind me. "Excuse me miss but don't you look fiiine" he whistled.

I froze and just did what I could. "I have a knife."

"Pretty girl like you, I don't think so." He wraps his hands around my body from behind and I flinch.

"Get off me." I said roughly.

"No can do."

"I said get off me!!" I slapped him and then he falls back on his butt.
"You slut!" He jumps to his feet and slaps me back.

"Yeah you like that prude!" He keeps kicking me and I cough and cough till I almost feel faint.

"Leave her alone!!!!!!" It was Seth. But that's impossible how could he have found me? How did he know I was here?

He pounces on him and starts punching him over and over and over. Then it occurred to me his hands started to have claws growing out from his hands.

"Ah!" I jumped back startled from what I saw and who I saw was almost unhuman.

"That's enough!" I said yelling at him.

"I'll make sure he doesn't hurt me or anyone else by calling the police."

He hesitated but nodded and jumped off of him and then looked at me. His face so human and yet it wasn't.

"How did you find me?"

"Your scent." He said in a deeper voice.

"What are you?" I asked him without hesitation.
I was curious and done with games, I needed answers.

"I'm a werewolf..."


What do you guys think will happen next? Tell me. XD


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