Chapter 13 - Jealousy

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Copper's POV

I was supposed to spend my day at home since I don't feel like going out, but my uncle asked me to go and help with the HQB club where In, Sun and Oh are a part of. At first I hesitated because Oh will be there, but this will be a good time for me to apologize to Oh not to mention In and Sun might also be there. I don't know how to react around them.

I was driving to school when I saw Sun was walking together with the guy he was with the last time I saw him at the mall. I stopped in front of Sun and said "Are you going to school? If yes you can come with me." Sun seems surprised about seeing me and the guy who is walking behind him immediate came near us and said "Who are you and what do you want with Sun?"

I remember this guy now! He's Apo, a famous swimmer in Thailand. He represented the country several times. We had a photoshoot before, but from the looks of it he doesn't remember me anymore. Sun immediately grabbed Apo's shoulder and said "It's okay P', he's a friend". I was caught off guard with Sun calling me a friend. I felt my cheek becoming red so I tried to look away from them, as I was about to look away from them Sun leaned a little close to my window and said "Are you sure about it? I have my friend here who will go to the school as well."

Me: It's totally okay and I know him.

Apo: How did you know me?

Me: We had a photoshoot before P.

Sun: By the way, this is Copper.

Apo: Oh! I remember you now. Sorry for the way I acted earlier.

Me: It's okay P. So shall we go?

Sun: P' are you fine with us riding his car?

Apo: It's okay for as long as he wouldn't mind.

Me: It's no big deal P'. Sun's friends are also my friends.

Sun is still giving me a confused look, but later on agreed on riding my car. He sat beside me and leaving Apo at the back of the car. "Don't forget to put your seatbelt on". We're all set and I started driving to the campus. It took us about 30 minutes to reach the campus because of the traffic. I stopped in front of the building when Sun asked me "Why are going here Copper?"

"My uncle told me to help out with HQB" I replied and after hearing that Sun seemed to be bothered by something. I can see it in his eyes. "Is anything bothering you?" I asked.

"Nothing, if you are busy, it's fine if you don't want to help. I know you are a very busy person" he answered.

"I really don't have anything to do besides we are already here and I want to help you and HQB as much as possible. Now you and P'Apo can go down here and proceed to the club room. I will just find a parking slot." I said.

Sun did not ask any other question; he went down with Apo and did what I ask. I found a good parking slot near the entrance. I can feel myself smiling because I got to spend time with him even for a few minutes. I can feel that this day will be a good or so I thought. I started walking towards the HQB room when I saw Oh also walking towards the room. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds then he decided to go inside first. I sighed and thought of what to say to Oh because I still haven't figured out how I will apologize to him after all that happened. I stayed outside for 3 minutes then I decided to come in, what I saw surprised me.

I saw Peach being sweet to Oh, I felt anger starting to consume me and I pushed the door hard for them to realize that I have arrived. Everyone inside the room looked at me; Peach, Oh and Apo are staring at me while Sun looked concerned about what's going to happen. I looked at Peach and Oh's direction and shouted "So he is the reason you broke up with me?" Oh and Sun stood up as I walked into their direction, I totally lost control of myself. I didn't realize I punched someone and he fell unconscious. I was totally unaware of who I punched until I heard a name being repeated several times "Sun!"

After hearing Sun's name several times I regained my senses to see an unconscious Sun and he was the one I punched. I felt guilt and hated myself because I hurt him. I went to see how Sun is doing; Oh is trying to stop me thinking that I will hurt Sun even more.

"Stay away from Sun!" Oh said while blocking the way to Sun.

"I'm sorry Oh, I became angry after seeing you and Peach together, but you have to let me see Sun. I need to bring him to the clinic." I responded while looking at the unconscious Sun. Apo was already beside Sun. Oh allowed me to go to Sun and earned a concerned look from Apo.

"What happened Copper?" asked the surprised swimmer.

"I got angry P', I lost control of myself. I'll tell you the whole story later, but now I have to bring him to the clinic." I said I check on Sun. He was still unconscious. "P' I need your help, can you put Sun on my back. I'll bring him to the clinic." I asked Apo who looked surprise with my request.

"I'll help." said Oh who also looked surprised.

"It's okay Oh, stay here and wait for Mr. Decha. I can take care of Sun. I'll just let you know what happened and please tell Mr. Decha I'm sorry for what happened." I answered.

I went to the clinic with Sun. I asked Apo to stay behind so he can also help with HQB. He didn't argue. I really feel bad for what I did to Sun. I hope he won't hate me after this. We reached the clinic and Sun is still unconscious. The nurse says he looks okay, but we have to wait for him to be conscious so we can further check. I put him on the bed and stayed by his side.

"I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you. Please be okay Sun, I know I told you that I'd rather be the stars that surround you, but everyone needs the Sun, and we need you. I would understand if you will stop talking to me after this, just be okay." I felt tears running in my face. I felt weak after everything that happened and I fell asleep beside Sun.

I felt some movements on the bed after 10 minutes, I opened my eyes and see Sun is finally awake.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He only nodded which gives me the impression that he was still in shock with what happened. I don't want to rush him. "I'll go get the nurse" I said while turning my back away from him. I started walking when I heard him say "It's totally okay Copper. I understand what happened and thank you for bringing me here."


Author's Note:

So now it's clear who is behind Tsuki,  what will happen after this incident?

Will Copper end up admitting his feelings for Sun or will he let this one go.

Tell me what you think.

I hope you guys like this chapter.

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