Chapter 33 - Feelings that was left inside

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Copper's POV

I finally met the man who abandoned me. I was really angry when I saw him, I could almost feel the urge to punch him but I remembered my promise to Sun that I'll change. I just chose to run away from the room until I calm down. I was sitting on the rooftop when Sun saw me.

"Are you feeling better now?" he asked.

"Better now that you're here" I answered.

He didn't ask any other question. He sat beside me and put his head on my shoulder. After 5 minutes he said "If you want to talk about anything. I'm listening"

"I just want to relax for now" I answered.

He closed his eyes then I leaned my head on his. A little after 3 minutes I can hear his cute snore. I was able to relax while Sun is sleeping right beside me. I woke him up because it's time for us to return. I have to face my dad one way or another.

"Are you ready to face him now?" asked Sun.

"Yes. It'll happen soon anyway and besides I have you by my side" I answered.

"Cheesy as usual" he replied.

We went back to my mom's suite and he's already gone. My mom is taking a nap while Oh, Nam and Peach are patiently waiting for our return. My mae was sitting beside my mom and she looked at me and I can see the concern on her face. I smiled to let her know that I'm okay.

"He already went home" said my mae.

"Do you know where he lives? I need to talk to him" I asked.

"I don't but I can have my PA look for his address" she answered.

"Thank you mae!" I replied.

My mom then woke up. I can also see the concerned look at her face. Before I can say anything she said "I shouldn't have invited your father to come here" I went near her bed, held her hand and said "It's bound to happen anyway. I wasn't just ready earlier but I promise to talk to him once I'm ready" After hearing what I said the concerned look on my mom's face turned into a smile.

Uncle Moe arrived and I can also see the concerned look on his face. "Is he gone? I'm sorry I can't be here. I was dealing with a patient when he arrived and I just finished all my sessions for today"

"It's okay uncle. He already went home" I replied.

It's already 2 PM and we all decided to go back home. I promised my mom to visit her every weekend or once I have free time. Uncle Moe gave me their address and he said I can stay there as long I like.

On our way back I everyone was sleeping in the car. Sun was sleeping comfortably with his head on my shoulder while Peach and Nam are sleeping with their head on Oh's shoulders. He sure is a gentleman. It's still going to be a long drive so I decided to sleep as well.

Sun's POV

I honestly hope that when Copper finds out about Oh and Peach he won't change. We all know how much he loves Peach when they were together. You call me selfish for wishing that he wouldn't want to go back with Peach but I have to do the right thing. I have to tell him today. The sooner the better because at least what I feel for him is still not that deep and the easier for me to forget him if he decides to go back to Peach.

It's already 6PM when we arrived at the university I asked Copper if we can go to his favorite place in the campus. I guess there's no people there at this time. It will be a good place to tell him about Oh and Peach.

"Why do you suddenly want to go here? Is there anything wrong?" asked Copper.

"Nothing. I just want to spend more time with you" I answered.

Sun, In and Copper - The Unexpected StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora