Chapter 38

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Copper's POV

"Let's be boyfriends"

I never expected Sun to be the first one to ask that question. I wasn't asking him to be my boyfriend right away because I respect his decision that he wanted to take things slow. I was smiling like there's no tomorrow after hearing him ask that question.

"Of course Sun" then I went to him and hugged him tight.

"Am I dreaming?" I asked Sun while I'm hugging him and trying to feel his warmth "Are we really a boyfriends?" I added.

He looked straight into my eyes as he replied "Yes. Thank you for patiently waiting and for not giving up on me"

We continued having dinner. I am extremely happy that Sun is now my boyfriend. I guess I'll find a way to tell him about what's happening to Inn because I don't want to hide anything from him. Another thing that I came into my mind now that we are official is the Moon and Star Competition. If they know about our relationship they might think negatively of Sun so I have to protect him as much as possible.

After dinner Sun asked me to go to my favorite place. I wasn't sure why he wanted to go there but I just followed him. As soon as we arrived at the place I saw a picnic mat with candles lit up. I was surprised to see Oh on the same spot and it seems that he helped Sun prepare this surprise. As soon as he saw us approaching he welcomed us and what surprised me even more is that his roommate Pete was also there to help him. Sun and Oh just looked at each other and Oh smirked, tapped my shoulder then left. Pete looked at us wai-ed to me and Sun then he followed Oh.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"I just want to watch the stars with you and you're not the only one who can pull off some kind of surprise" replied Sun.

I can't help but smile with this side of Sun that I've never seen before. I held his hand then we sat the picnic mat that Oh prepared. I saw a basket and an ice cooler and when I opened them it contained food and dessert.

As we started to watch the stars, Sun was resting his head on my lap while I was still sitting. I just can't help myself but stare at this person who is now my boyfriend. "I will never let anything hurt you and I won't let anything separate us" I said in my head.

He caught me staring at him then he blushed and got a bit shy that he covered his face. After a couple of minutes he uncovered his face and looked at me. "I have something for you"

It was a two piece Yin-Yang necklace

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It was a two piece Yin-Yang necklace. He gave one to me and he wore the other one.

"It's nothing fancy compared to what you can give me, but it speaks about us. We are totally different in all aspect yet we complement each other somehow"

I never knew that Sun is like this. I thought the surprise dinner and he asking us to be boyfriends are the highlight of this night but I was wrong. This moment right here tops everything that happened tonight.

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