Chapter 48

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Inn's POV

Copper was about to delivery his final speech when everyone's attention was diverted to the display as a video was played. I was looking at Copper and he looked surprised as well. When I see him like that I started feeling that this is not good.

The video showed a collage of Sun's picture, when I saw those picture the feeling that something not good is about to happen strengthened so I called Oh and told him to go to the control booth to check who was playing the video.

The displayed then showed a message saying "This person is such a whore that he was involved in a romantic relationship with 2 guys"

After seeing that I started running to where Sun is, maybe it's within me that I still want to protect Sun even if he already has Copper doing that. I cannot let anything happen to him especially at this moment.

"The first guy is named Inn. He was never really into guys when they met, but Sun did something to him. A fitting story is that Inn transferred to this university when Sun started studying here. Don't you think it's fishy?" stated by a voice over on the video.

Some people are looking at me as I run to where I can possibly see Sun. I really didn't mind people making assumptions about me, I just need to be where Sun is. After looking around I finally found Sun and he was hiding in one of the dressing rooms looking flustered. He wasn't crying but I can sense that he's about to. I quickly went over to Sun and hugged him tightly.

I received a call from Oh stating that they could not identify who was projecting the video. "Just make sure to stop it Oh, we can find out who did this later" I said in a slightly agitated voice.

"It's okay Sun. Everything will be alright" I said.

"I'm sorry that your name got involved in this video" said Sun.

I really can't believe this person, he's the one who is actually attacked by that video yet he still worries about me. I received a message from Oh stating that they have stopped the video and the program was put on hold for 15 minutes to put everything in order. I texted Copper to let him know about our location.

He arrived after 2 minutes and he looked at Sun who was sitting in the corner with his arms wrapped around his legs and his head tucked on his knees.

Copper's POV

"I'm really sorry that I cannot be here as soon as possible" I said as I went to Sun and hugged him tight.

"How are you holding up?" I asked Sun.

"I'm confused. I don't know who would want to do it" replied Sun "I'm also afraid of what will happen if people learns about us. Inn is also affected. It's all because of me" he added.

"It's not your fault that Copper and I got swept of our feet. If people don't see that side of you that made us love you then it's their problem not yours" said Inn.

"They managed to stop the video from playing when my photo was about to be shown, but I want to ask you, do you want the whole university to know about us?" I asked

Sun looked surprised with what I said. I know it's a lot to take in, but I have to make sure that everybody gets to hear it from me rather than someone trying to ruin Sun's name.

"It might not be okay at first, but I believe it's better if they hear it from us rather than someone else" I said.

"Copper's right" replied Inn.

Sun looked a bit surprised that Inn and I agreed about something. I was also a bit surprised because for the first time since Inn started remembering everything we never really got to see eye-to-eye, well with the exception of Sun.

"If you're ready to tell the whole university about us, then who am I to worry about what will happen next and besides once everybody learns about us, things will be easier" said Sun.

After hearing what Sun has to say I was relieved because finally we're both ready to tell everyone about us, but now the only thing I have to worry about is how will I tell everyone about us.

I received a message from the organizers that everything will resume in 5 minutes so I should go back there and practice my message. I looked at Sun one more time before I go back to the stage.

"Please be with Sun until I finish my speech" I said as I looked at Inn.

"You got it" Inn replied.

I walked back to the stage while thinking of what to say. To be honest I'm a bit nervous, but then I remember how shaken Sun was after the video earlier so I won't let anything happen to him. I stepped out of the stage and everybody seems like they're back to normal after the video, but I'm sure that they are all talking about Sun after seeing that video.

"Hi everyone. I have had a great year representing the university as your campus moon. I've had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of you in the past year and no words will be enough to describe the whole experience. I just want to thank everyone who have been part of this journey my family, friends and professors who have been supportive all throughout"

I took a deep breath and I looked at the side of the stage where Sun and Inn are standing. I know Sun is still shaken but he smiled at me as if nothing happened earlier. I faced the audience continued...

"There's one more thing that I have to tell you. Last year I was asked if I'm single or if I'm seeing anyone. I know I said that I'm waiting for someone special and to be honest that person and I are together now. Yes I've waited for quite a long time, but he's definitely worth the wait"

I heard a lot of people being surprised about what I said, I just continued knowing that I'm doing this for Sun and I.

"You heard it right I said he, a lot of you might not understand why but I believe in the kind of love that does not care about gender. He believed in me when everyone else didn't want to believe. He changed me in a lot of ways that you can't imagine, I guess you can simply say I became a better person because of him. He's the strongest person I know and I hope that everyone will understand why we decided to keep it hidden until today. I honestly don't know where the video earlier came from and I guess you might wonder why I'm referring to that video, the person I've waited for a long time and the person being accused in that video is the same, it's Sun Atkin"


Author's Note

This chapter will be divided into two parts (or three).

I'm sorry Sun that you have to be bullied again, but promise that things will be better.

Thank you for your patience in waiting  for the update ♥

Sending virtual hugs to everyone! 

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Suu suu na ✌️✌️

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