Chapter 3 - Forgiveness takes time

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Copper's POV

I'm trying to change for the better. I want to apologize to all the people that I've done wrong. Oh, In, Sun, Nam and Peach, it's not because I want to win Peach back because I know it's impossible. I just had a wake-up call after what Peach told me before. It's going to take time, but that's okay. I'm still in the mall when I saw In with Sun and they are wearing the same shirt, shorts, shoes and even the watch. I tried to hide and avoid them so I looked down then I accidentally bumped into someone...

"I'm sorry" He said.

"No I'm sorry; I wasn't looking at where I was going..." I was stunned upon seeing that I bumped into the person I'm trying to avoid.

"Sun, are you okay?" In said as he helped Sun stand up.

"Hey In! Why are you with Sun here?" I asked them.

"We're going to watch a..." Sun was about to answer, when In interrupted "We're on a date, now if you'll excuse us" They were about to leave then I said "I'm happy for both of you, I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you Sun and also you In"

"Are you sick? Why are you saying sorry" In said sarcastically. Upon hearing those words I knew that it will not be easy to make them believe me. "I'm changing In. I'm really sorry." I replied.

"I'm not buying it Copper. Maybe you are trying to be nice and later on you will start your bullying again. Stay away from my friends and most importantly from Sun! Let's go Sun" In said furiously. "I know you will not believe me In, but I'm really changing again I'm sorry" I replied then I looked down because I know it will not be easy.

In went ahead and he called Sun to follow, as Sun is passing by, I felt that he tapped my shoulder then he said "You haven't done much to me Copper, I forgive you. For the rest you just have to prove that you've already changed."

Sun and In is already gone, but I couldn't forget what Sun told me, he forgives me after all that I did and I'm thankful because he can feel that I'm sincere about this. I can now see why In changed so much after meeting Sun, he is really kind and I can feel that he makes In really happy, I hope I can find someone like him. Wait what? Am I going nuts? I'm liking a toot now? This can't be happening. I slapped my face using two hands to wake myself up from this, but when I close my eyes I can still see that scene when Sun said he forgives me and gave me the warmest smile I've seen since I broke up with Peach.

In's POV

Is Copper really changing? I really don't know if I should trust him or not. I don't want anything to happen to Sun and my friends. I have to make sure that Copper is true to his words before he can go close to Sun and my friends, but for now I'll enjoy my time with Sun. He doesn't know how lucky I am to have him by my side, I may not be ready to put label on our relationship but all I know is I can't lose him. I was all alone before I met Sun with my parents always out of our house I was always alone, but when Sun came everything changed. I'm also happy that my parents allow Sun to stay at our house. I just don't know if they'll accept us if they know that we are dating.

"Are you troubled with what happened back there?" Sun asked.

"No! I'm just happy that we are watching this movie together. By the way, do you want to eat after this? I'm feeling hungry" I replied then I moved my hand close to Sun's hand and the movie started. I don't know what took over me, but my hands moved and started holding his hand. He wasn't fazed about me holding his hand, but instead he held it like he doesn't want to let me go. I don't know what I did to deserve Sun and his kindness. One thing is for sure, I will never let him go. I'll fight for Sun and I'll protect him with all that I have.

"Sure. I'm also a bit hungry, you choose where we eat. I'll go anywhere with you" Sun whispered and then he tightened his grip with my hand.


Author's Note:

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Why is Sun and In being cheesy all the time and what's going to happen to Copper?

Find out in the next chapter.

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