Chapter 45

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Inn's POV

"Do you still have any feelings left for Ai' Sun?" my heart started beating fast as soon as I heart the question of Peach.

"Of course I do. Maybe we didn't end up together but it doesn't mean that I have to stop loving him. I still love him as a friend. Nothing more nothing less" I answered.

Everyone was shocked with my answer except for Copper who was smiling after hearing my answer.

I mean it! My answer. I still love Sun and nothing can ever take it away. I don't want to put him in another situation where he'll be hurt again because of me.

It may take time before I fall in love with someone else but I'm not in a rush because I still have to catch up with what I lost in the past 2 and a half years of not remembering anything about my friends and most especially Sun.

After I calmed myself down I started spinning the bottle until Peach interrupted saying that since Copper is the only one who hasn't done the truth or dare it has to be his turn.

"I'll let you choose Inn. Ask me a question or give me a dare. It's all up to you" said Copper.

"How much do you love Ai' Sun and how can I be sure that you won't hurt him?" I asked unconsciously.

"I love Sun more than you can ever think of. I'd do anything for him and I'll fight for him no matter what and I won't let anyone or anything take my Sun away from me" answered Copper.

I know for a fact that Copper stays true to everything that he says and I can see truth in his eyes especially when he looks at Sun.

I guess this time I will concede and I realized that sometimes you have to do what's best for someone you love even if it means removing you from the picture. I've never seen Sun this happy and I owe it to him that he deserves to be genuinely happy.

We enjoyed the rest of the evening with eating food and just relaxing as we are set to enter one of the busiest week of our university life.

After eating dinner, Copper and I decided to go in the balcony to have formally talk ever since I started remembering everything.

"So how are you adjusting?" asked Copper.

"There's a lot to take in, realizing that I've been spending my days with someone that I really don't love, knowing that my parents had a say about this but they didn't bother stepping in, catching up with a lot of things that happened before I started remembering everything and most importantly you and Ai' Sun" I answered.

"It's a lot to take in, but if there's one person who I know will never hurt him it's you. If there's anything I can do to help you two just let me know" I added.

After hearing what I said Copper just smiled. I am assuming that this is the start of everything going back to normal for all of us.

We continued to drink in the balcony and we were later joined by our friends. After a lot of catching up and drinks, we decided that it's time to call it a night.

Copper's POV

As we decided to call it a night it seems that everyone was a bit tipsy including Sun. I've never seen him like this. As I lay him down on his bed, I can clearly smell alcohol all over him so I decided to change his clothes and give him a sponge bath.

"I'm sorry I'm not good enough" those are words uttered by Sun and then he fell asleep soundly like a kid.

I was baffled with what he said, because I am entirely unsure of what he meant.

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