Chapter 14 - Promise

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Sun's POV

Apo and I arrived at the HQB room, we found Peach who was waiting for Oh. I felt something bad will happen if Copper sees Peach and Oh together. It's not too long before Oh arrives. I was anxiously waiting for Copper to arrive. Peach is being sweet to Oh when we heard someone pushed the door real hard to make us realize that he arrived. He saw what Peach and Oh are doing. I can see anger through his eyes. "So he is the reason you broke up with me?" Copper shouted. I can see him forming his fist and getting ready to punch Oh. I stood in front of Oh.

"Copper please don't do this, I thought you want to change." I said while I try to protect Oh from copper. All of a sudden I started feeling numb; I can't hear anyone and everything went dark. I must've been punched by Copper.

I woke up and I find myself that I'm in the clinic. I saw Copper talking to the school nurse and when I heard that their conversation is almost over I pretended to be unconscious. I felt Copper sat beside me and heard him say "I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you. Please be okay Sun, I know I told you that I'd rather be the stars that surround you, but everyone needs the Sun, and we need you. I would understand if you will stop talking to me after this, just be okay."

I felt my something in my arms and I knew that it's tears. Is Copper really crying? He said something exactly like Tsuki said it. So Copper and Tsuki are one. Everything is slowly making sense, Tsuki said that he liked me, but I already have Inn so does that mean Copper likes me? I didn't notice that I was moving a lot and it woke up Copper.

"Are you okay?" Copper asked.

I was still processing everything, it's only me and copper in the clinic. I looked at him and I can see marks left from his tears. I couldn't find any words to answer his question so I just nodded.

"I'll go get the nurse" he replied. He started walking away from me then I said "It's totally okay Copper. I understand what happened and thank you for bringing me here."

"Wait what? Did you hear everything I said? Copper looks surprised.

"Uhm, yes I did." I answered and he can't seem to look into my eyes after hearing my answer.

"It's not what you think. I can explain" he replied also trying to avoid any eye contact. He sat on the chair beside my bed and let out a deep sigh.

Me: Why do you have to hide behind a fictional name to chat with me?

Copper: I was afraid that if you find out that I'm the one who sent you those messages you'll never reply.

Me: Why would you think that? Do you mean everything that you said especially the one about liking me?

Copper: I see how much you like In. I know I have nothing that will make you like me or even make you look at me the same way you look at In and Yes, I mean everything I said. I like you Sun. I don't know how it happened if you will ask me.

Me: I can only be a friend Copper you know that and I'm sure that you'll find someone better than me.

Copper: I know Sun, but even if you won't ever look at me the same way you look at In, but remember you promised to be a good friend. I know being with In makes you happy, but promise me that if he hurts you, you'll tell me right away.

For some reason I was flabbergasted with Copper putting his right pinky finger in front of me and he said "Promise me Sun. You'll tell me if you're hurt or you need a friend to talk to. I will do my best to make you feel okay." I can see that his face is turning red as tomato because of what he did. "Crazy" I said to myself. I raised my right pinky and said "Promise." I can see a big smile from Copper and I have to admit I've never seen him smile like this.

Me: I'm not used with this side of you Copper. Thank you for worrying about me. I'm feeling good now. Can we go? Oh might need our help.

Copper: There's no need to worry. Let me get the nurse first to make sure that you are okay.

The nurse checked me and everything is okay. I was hungry because I haven't eaten anything since last night. Copper took me to a café nearby and he said it's his treat so I can order anything I want. I received a message from Oh asking where I am. I told Copper and he said I can also invite Oh, Peach and Apo. I didn't expect him to invite Oh and Peach, but since he looks calmer now so I invited them.

"I'm sorry again for what happened Sun. I know I said that I will change. I'm going to keep that promise and apologize to Oh and Peach when they arrive." Copper said while anxiously waiting for Apo, Oh and Peach to arrive. I gave him an assuring smile just to ease his tension. After 30 minutes, they finally arrived.

Oh sat beside copper, Peach sat beside me and Apo sat in a chair beside me and Copper. There was a brief moment of silence before Copper initiated to talk.

"Oh and Peach I'm sorry for what happened earlier and Oh I'm sorry for everything." Copper said. Hearing those words left Apo, Oh and Peach surprised. "It's okay Copper. Thank you for taking care of Sun." Oh replied.

After a couple of minutes, the food arrived and we ate. I'm glad that the atmosphere is light and all my friends get to talk to each other and have fun. We had a lot to talk about that I failed to notice that it's already 9:00 PM.

"I have to go guys. It's getting pretty late." I said. I looked at Apo and asked him if he will go home with me. "I have some errands to do so you can go ahead." Apo replied while checking his phone. "Well we better get going then." Oh said. I looked at Copper who was drinking his Iced Coffee and asked him "What about you?" He looked at his watch and said "I don't have anything to do and it's too early for me. I can give you guys a ride if you want." Everyone declined Copper's offer and said that they are okay with taking the bus. Oh and Peach left first. After answering a phone call it was Apo's turn to leave which left me and Copper alone in our table.

"So what's your answer to my question?" Copper said.

"Uhm... Is really okay if you drive me home? My house is really far from here." I answered.

"It's okay and besides its traffic so you'll be able to get home early if I drive you home." Copper responded as he checks his phone for the traffic updates.

"Okay." I could feel a little awkwardness with Copper being worried about me. We walked to his car and I looked at my phone to see that there's no message from In. I thought that he might be busy with packing his stuff for their trip. We safely arrived at his car. I sat in front and I'm somehow bothered by In not sending me a message that I did not notice Copper's arm reaching something on my right. I looked at him with eyes wide open because his face was 4 inches away from mine. "Seatbelt" he said as he carefully put the seatbelt on started his engine. It took us 1 hour to reach my house and Copper is right, if I decided to take the bus it would probably take me 1 hour and 45 minutes.

"Thank you for the ride" I said.

"Thank you for today. I'm sorry again for what happened." Copper answered.

I went down and walked to our house, he only left when I'm already inside the house. Overall today isn't as bad as I thought. I went to my room, changed clothes and still no message from In. 


Author's Note

I'm sorry for the late update. I was quite busy with work and my body just wanted to rest for sometime.

 How will things go now that Sun knows Tsuki and Copper are one.

I love seeing this side of Copper which is totally opposite from his personality in the series.

What will happen when In finds out about the incident in the school?

Hope you like this update :)

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