Chapter 28 - First Day High

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Sun's POV

Tomorrow is my first day in the university. I can't believe how time has flown so fast. I've been busy with my studies and preparing for my college entrance exams. P' Apo and P' Wai are now in the United States for training and will be back after 1 year. They missed my graduation but we usually call each other via Line.

I'm still going to continue with Communication Arts and I'll be studying at Kasetsart University where I will join my friends. I haven't told them that I'll be studying there because I want to surprise them all especially Copper. We still talk regularly, we're going out every once in a while when he can go to Chiang Mai. I really didn't ask him to go regularly because I want him to focus on his studies. I don't have classes yet, it will start 3 weeks from now but I will be moving in to my dorm tomorrow and I want to spend time getting used to the new environment before the classes starts.

The lady from the dorm management told my mom that my roommate will also be moving tomorrow. He'll be transferring to this dorm because it's nearer to the building of their college. I'm not sure though if he is a freshman or a sophomore. I just hope that he's easy to get along with and not just someone with attitude.

All my bags are packed. I was going through a quick scan of my room just to make sure that I didn't forget anything. It will take a few hours ride from KU going here to Chiang Mai if I forget anything so I don't want that to happen. I came across a small box that doesn't have any label on it and of course I forgot what the contents of the box are. When I opened it, I was stunned to see the promise ring that In gave me and some of our pictures together. I haven't heard anything about him. My friends never talk about him either. I looked at the pictures one last time before putting it back to the box.

I went back to bed with my hopes that everything will be fine tomorrow. I sent Copper a message saying that I will accompany my friend tomorrow in checking out a dorm in KU. I have planned this little surprise to let him know that I'll be studying there. I haven't really thought of how to tell him. I'll figure things out tomorrow after I move in and with all that in mind I went to sleep.

My mom woke me up, it's a surprise because she doesn't usually do this. I looked at the clock and it's still early. When I asked her why she woke me up so early, she answered because she wanted us to have breakfast together as a family. I feel like she's being like this because it will be my last day here and I will be entering the university. I followed her to our kitchen and along the way I saw all of my baby pictures and some of the stuff that I used when I was younger. I think my mom's being emotional because I am going to the university and I will be living in a dorm alone. I finally reached the kitchen and my mom is nowhere to be found. I was looking around when I heard someone sobbing at the corner and I am not surprised to see that it was my mom.

"Mae. Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I'm just not ready to let you go. My baby has grown up and will enter the university. You'll be alone" she replied.

"I can take care of myself mom. I will go home if I can. You can also visit anytime" I answered.

Just as I thought she calmed down already, after a few steps away from her I started hearing her sob and say "Sun you're going to leave mom now. My baby is now a grown-up." I can't stop but smile while hearing my mom say that.

After a slightly dramatic morning with my mom we are finally set to go to KU. If P' Apo and P' Wai were here they would surely help out in moving into KU. Along the way my mom is still a bit melodramatic with me moving into my dorm but she was interrupted by a sudden call from the dorm management. She was told that my roommate will move in tomorrow instead so I'll have the room all for myself tonight.

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