Chapter 22 - The Bizarre Love Triangle

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In's POV

I can't look straight to Sun's eyes. Whenever I do that, guilt starts to consume me. I feel guilty because I haven't told Sun about my problem and now that everything is out my control I know that this will cause trouble for us.

I originally planned to take matters into my own hand, but it seems that the more I show foul attitude towards her the more that she likes to get to know me. She is now staying at our house and she's going to be here for a few more weeks.

After what happened on the Swimming Club tryouts, I told her that Sun is the person that I like, but she said she doesn't care and that I just need to spend more time with her and I'll forget about Sun.

I don't even know how to tell Sun everything. He might misunderstand what he saw the last time.

I have to face Sun one way or another. I'll be back to school tomorrow and I have to tell him everything. I just hope he'll understand the situation.

Sun's POV

I woke up rather early for school. I guess since In is back, I'll see him today and I have to face him and talk about what happened and about that girl.

I arrived at the school and I can't seem to find Copper. I got used to seeing Copper early every time. Maybe he'll be here soon. The moment I entered our classroom there's only one person there and it's In. I didn't know how to start the conversation so I just took a deep breath and walked straight to my seat.

I sat on my chair took my notebook and started reading when I heard the familiar voice that I've been longing to hear for weeks. "Sun, I'm back! I missed you" said In. My heart started to beat so fast after hearing his voice. I wanted to jump to him and give him a hug, but I have to stop myself because someone might see us.

"I haven't been totally honest to you Sun." In said in a low voice.

"What are you saying?" I replied.

"During our trip to Pattaya, after we paid respect to Nate's late grandmother I was forced by my dad to go on a blind date with the daughter of his business partner." In answered.

"Did you go to the blind date?" I asked with a sad voice.

"Yes." He replied.

I felt a sting on my heart after hearing his answer. Although I already expected this I wasn't ready for him to admit that he dated someone else. I was about to ask him something when everyone else arrived including our teacher.

I was bothered with what he told me. I never thought that he would hide something like this to me. All throughout the day I was always spacing out and I didn't realize that someone did not attend class today until the teacher asked if anyone has seen Copper. As soon as I realize that Copper wasn't on his seat I quickly took my phone and went out to ask where he is. "I'm sick. I might be out for another day, I've already told our homeroom teacher about it. Please don't worry about me :)." Copper replied to my message.

Could it be that he got sick because he saved me from drowning yesterday? I was so busy worrying about myself and I didn't realize that the person who's been making me feel good every time I'm sad is not here. After class I went to Copper's house, I was welcomed by P'Som who seemed surprised to see me.

"Hi P'." I wai-ed to her.

"Hi Nong Sun! Are you looking for Copper?" she said.

"Yes P'. I heard he's sick so I'm here to visit him." I answered.

I entered Copper's room to find a sleeping Copper. He's looking paler than the usual with his blanket wrapped all over his body. Somehow I felt relieved seeing him. I went out of his room and went directly to the kitchen where I saw P'Som preparing ingredients for a Chicken Noodle Soup. I insisted on helping her and without asking any question she allowed me to help.

When we are almost done cooking I was surprised to see Copper's grandmother entering the main door. She was also surprised, but she smiled warmly after seeing me. "What are you doing here N'Sun?" she asked. "I came to visit Copper P'." I answered and returned a warm smile to her. "Thank you for going here to check on my grandson, but please you can also call me Mae." She said.

"She helped me cook this Chicken Noodle Soup" P'Som said to Copper's Mae.

"That's very sweet of you N'Sun. Here take this medicine and kindly ask Copper to drink it after he eats." Copper's grandmother said.

I went up to Copper's room with a bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup, a glass of freshly made orange juice and the medicine that was given by his Mae. He is still sleeping so I just put the tray on his computer table and sat beside him to check his temperature. It's still a bit higher than the usual, I was trying to be gentle so I won't disturb his sleep, but it seems that he is already awake.

"What are you doing here?" Copper said as he is trying to sit up.

"I'm worried about you. Did you get sick because you saved me yesterday?" I answered.

"Maybe, but there are other factors to consider so please don't take the blame for it." He replied and tried to smile to ease my worry.

"Even if you are sick you still worry about me." I muttered. "Here eat this Chicken Noodle Soup." I helped him get the bowl and make sure that the soup is no longer hot.

"Thank You!" Copper said.

While Copper was eating the thought about In dating someone else came into my mind again. I wasn't able to ask questions from In because everyone else arrived when we are talking. I was busy thinking about it and checking my phone when Copper coughed. I was surprised and said "Are you okay?" He nodded and continued eating his food.

After eating I gave Copper the medicine bought by his grandmother. I was watching him closely as he drink them. I got up, pick the tray and told Copper that I'll be back. I was walking towards the kitchen when I heard that Copper's Mae is talking to someone over the Phone. It's clear that she is talking to Copper's Mom and from what I'm hearing it's not going well. It seems that Copper's Mother wants to see his son. Somehow I felt angry towards his mom because after leaving him and so close to disowning him now she wants to see him. Copper's Grandmother saw me and immediately dropped the call. "What did you hear N'Sun?" she asked.

"Not much really, but please don't allow her to see Copper. As much as I want Copper to see her, but it might bring pain back to Copper." I answered bluntly. Copper's Mae was surprised with my answer and it seems that she was pleased. "I'm so glad that Copper has you. Don't worry I won't let her see Copper and cause even more pain to him." She replied.

I went back to Copper's room and I find him trying to remove his clothes. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm trying to change clothes and probably have a quick sponge bath" He answered. "Let me help you then" I mumbled. At first he was a bit hesitant, but once I helped him remove his shirt, he didn't argue anymore. No wonder why everyone like him, aside from having a handsome face, he also has a nice body. I was in the middle of giving him a sponge bath when the door opened. It was In and he saw Copper almost naked and me helping him with a sponge bath. After what he saw, he just started running away from the door as I shouted



Author's Note

Sorry for the late update! I was out of town for a quick getaway and had no signal.

Sun has indeed fallen with Copper, but he is still feeling the same way with In. 

Somehow I'm torn who Sun needs to choose. If you guys are in Sun's shoes who would you choose?

Will the return of Copper's mom cause any trouble for him and for our Sun?

Find out on the next chapters!

Thank you for reading.

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Sun, In and Copper - The Unexpected StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz