Chapter 6 - Am I Crazy?

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Copper's POV

I'm still in the mall after seeing Sun and In together, I really don't have anything to do anyway that's why I stayed and I'm trying to entertain myself by checking out stuff that I can buy. I also saw Ai'Nam on my way here and I also said sorry to her. Even though I know I haven't donr anything to hurt her physically, I still said sorry because I know somehow she got hurt by what I did to her friends. I just hope she can also forgive me like what Sun did.

I'm on my way to check the new restaurant in the mall when I saw In and Sun, I also saw P'Nate, the ex-girlfriend of In who is already in a university. She's going to the table where In and Sun are eating. Is she planning to do something bad, I have to see this and I have to make sure that Sun won't get hurt. Wait Copper, why are you caring so much for Sun? I was lost in my thoughts when I noticed that Sun walked away from where In and Nate is. He looks sad, I can feel that he's hurt. I have to do something. I'm approaching Sun, he bumped into me again because he wasn't looking at where he was going. I quickly grabbed his arm and other arm to catch his back. "Why do we keep on meeting like this" I said while looking at his surprised face "and why haven't you accepted my friend request on Facebook". Sun seems to be stunned with what happened as he is still looking at me and our face is almost close that I can hear him breathe. After another 20 seconds, he pushed me away and fixed his clothes.

"Well I haven't checked who sent it and why did you send the request to begin with?" He said.

"Well, I thought we are okay so I just want to be friends with you and the rest. Don't you think it's going to be good if we get to hangout together?" I said while smiling back to Sun.

"That will not happen anytime soon. You have to prove that you've changed" said In who appeared out of nowhere.

"I can wait. I'll prove myself to everyone, you In and Sun" I said as I look to In and turned my face to look at Sun. "I have to go now, by the way Sun be careful who you bump into, I might not be able to catch you next time." I smiled as I walked away.

Shit Copper! What was that? I can also feel my heart beating fast after what I said.

I decided to go home; I was walking to where my car was parked when I heard a notification on my phone. I looked at it and shows "Sun Atkin has accepted your friend request" My mood changed after seeing that he finally accepted my request.

As I arrived in my room, I took a shower, it took me 15 minutes to finish and when I got out I felt the urge to check on Sun's profile. I saw a picture of Sun, In and Nate in that restaurant they were all smiling, but I can feel that Sun isn't delighted with the arrival of Nate. It makes me wonder what's the reason why Nate is back, is she going to steal In from Sun? All those crazy thoughts are inside my head when I didn't realize that I accidentally hit like on that picture. I really didn't know if I should unlike it or leave it as is. As I was deciding I heard a notification on facebook, it was a message. I looked at it and to my surprise..

Sun: Thank you for saving me back there. I don't know what to do if I actually fell on the floor.

Me: No worries. I got you covered.

Sun: Thanks again, I got to go. Good night.

Me: Wait! Why do I feel that you're not happy that Nate is back?

Sun: Huh? What made you say that?

Me: I saw the picture posted by In and the look in your eyes tells me that you are not happy.

Sun: Well I'm actually okay with Nate being around, I guess I'm just jealous.

Me: Hah! I knew it! Don't worry. In is a nice guy and he would never hurt you. By the way, thank you for being the first one to forgive me. I know it's not that easy, but still thank you.

Sun: People deserves second chances Copper and you're not an exception, no matter how bad we started you still deserve a second chance. Now don't waste it okay? I got to sleep, Good night copper.

Copper: I won't waste it Sun! Thank you and good night. If you need someone to talk to I'm just here.

Sun: Thank you Copper. Good night.

I hope Sun will be okay with Nate being around In. Sun is a really nice guy and he doesn't deserve to get hurt. I was already in bed when I decided to check on the Facebook profile of Oh. We used to be really close when we were young. He was my best friend. I can't stop smiling when I remember all those times that we spent together growing up. I hope we can go back to how we are like before. I know I've hurt you a lot and I won't stop until we become friends again.


Author's Note

What's happening to Copper?

Do you think he is falling in love with Sun?

How will Nate be a part of In-Sun's life?

Find out in the next chapters.

Hope you like this one :) 

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