Chapter 16 - When we are younger (Part 2)

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Apo's POV

Everything went real fast. We are both in junior high and I became so busy with swimming. Even if I'm busy we always go to school together. You even wait for me to finish with my training when I needed to stay late. You are looking more handsome now when we are younger.

I can feel that you are attracting a lot of attention not just from girls, but also from some boys.

You never liked any attention so you just shrug it off. I don't know if you really are not interested with those who approaching you or is it because you already have someone in your heart.

I just finished my training and as usual you waited for me. We are walking near your house and I couldn't help but asking if you already have someone in your heart.

A: I can see that you are getting a lot of attention lately, but why you haven't paid attention to anyone of them? Do you already have someone in your heart?

S: I didn't notice that they are trying to get my attention and No I don't have anyone. I'm not looking for anyone or anything yet.

A: So I will have a chance in the future?

S: You are crazy P'. Are you serious about that?

A: I'm just kidding of course. I just want to make you smile because you seem to be a bit stressed out.

S: I'm just sleepy P.

A: You should've told me earlier, you can go home early if you wanted to.

S: It's the weekend so I don't have anything to do. Besides I want to watch you.

A: You are being cute nong.

We arrived at your house and I waited for you to be inside before I left. I was thinking of what we talked about earlier. I walked going to our house. I normally play with my phone on a Friday night, but something is bothering me today. I was awake until 2 in the morning still thinking of what we talked about. What if you find something interesting? Will I approve that person? Will he take you away from me? A lot of questions are starting to fill my mind.

It was Valentine's Day and one of the activities for today is to give a heart sticker to someone you like or admire. I got some fair amount of stickers, mostly from younger girls who tell me that they like me. I was looking around for you because I was going to ask you if you want to watch a movie since it's been a while since we watched a movie together. I finally found you and to my surprise you are with someone. He is the same year as me, but we are not on the same class. He was carrying a bouquet of flowers and was offering it to you. I was stunned with what I saw, I tried to hide and listen to what you guys are talking.

"I like you Sun. Please accept this bouquet." He said.

"Thank you P', but I cannot accept it. I appreciate the effort, but I'm not looking for anything or anyone." You replied.

"Is it Apo? You are always close to him." He answered.

You answered by saying no. I don't know if I will be happy or sad. Happy because you did not accept the flowers and sad because I felt hurt you said no. It's not the right time to sulk about it so I interrupted you guys and said "He already said no. Please leave Sun alone. Let's go Sun we have to go home."

Both of you are stunned that I was there. You followed me and said goodbye to the person who's offering a bouquet. It's getting pretty late that's why we took the cab. All throughout the ride we just kept quiet. I can feel that you are looking at me wondering why I'm quiet. We arrived at your house then we got off the cab.

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