Chapter 24 - The Crossroads

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Sun's POV

I woke up after I heard In and Copper talking to each other. Yes I'm a bit afraid that they might end up hurting each other because of the recent happenings. I was trying to eavesdrop on their conversation when the door suddenly opened. It was Copper and In, they were surprised that I'm already awake when they entered the room. They both smiled when they saw me, I pretended that I didn't know Copper is already here. "Oh Copper you're already here. Are you feeling better now?"

They both chuckled after hearing me. "Oh Sun, you really are not good at lying." Said In.

We all laughed after then our other friends arrived one by one. Everything seems to be fine between Copper and In. Even Oh and Nam looked surprised that the two seems to be okay again.

We didn't have afternoon class today and my friends decided to watch the practice of our swimming team. I'm a bit undecided about going near the pool. After the incident I felt afraid of going near the pool. In went ahead of us because he needs to have a quick talk with P'Apo about their training regimen. I was left with Oh, Nam, Peach and Copper. Nam and Peach decided to buy drinks for the group and they forced Oh to come along. The mere thought of me going to the pool gives me chills. I felt an arm around my neck and I looked at who is it and its Copper saying "You don't have to worry. In and I are there so nothing will happen. I promise."

We went to the swimming pool and there I saw In giving a pep talk to his teammates. P' Apo and P' Wai are also there. I went to them and wai-ed before going to where Copper is sitting. The group of sissies who confronted me before are also here. It seems that they are frequent visitors of the swimming team. This will be the first time that I will see In swim and to be honest I never knew that he is the team captain of the swimming team until Copper mentioned it. He never talks about it and I guess it's because he was used to being alone and not to open up with anyone.

The first thing that they will do according to Copper is to check how fast they can swim on "freestyle". I was really clueless as to what "freestyle" means until Copper explained it "It's the most common among the four strokes for swimming. It's where both arms are stretched out to the front and both legs extended to the back. The arms alternate from side to side, so while one arm is pulling and pushing under the water, the other arm is recovering above the water and the legs move alternately, with one leg kicking downward while the other leg moves upward."

That's the only time I understood what it means and when I looked at the pool it seems that In is actually a fast swimmer, his form is perfect and that made me realize that he is the perfect candidate to be the captain of this team. After 3 rounds they took their break and were given enough time to rest. He went to where Copper and I are sitting. "Are you okay?" asked In.

"Yes. I'm still a bit hesitant to go near the pool but I should be fine." I answered. In smiled after hearing my answer then he pinched my cheeks saying "No need to be afraid. I won't let anything happen to you." He replied.

I heard Copper coughed the said "I said that first" then he stucked his tongue to act as if he was teasing In. "Fine. We won't let anything happen to you" said In who is pouting and feeling a little defeated. I felt happy seeing them acting like this. After 15 minutes In went back to the pool to resume their training while Copper was called by P'Apo. I was sitting alone when I was approached by P' Wai.

"How is my favorite nong?" P'Wai said.

"Huh? Are you talking about me?" I asked.

"Yes of course! I hope you're not afraid of going near this area" replied P' Wai.

"Well I'm hesitant at first, but I know my friends will all be there if something happens" I answered.

"That's good to know. If you need anything don't hesitate to reach out to me or to Apo. We'll be here always" said P' Wai.

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