Chapter 23 - May the best man win

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Copper's POV


That's the last thing I heard from Sun before he left to follow In. Anyone will think that I'm doing a lot for Sun and sometimes I feel the same way, but I can't bear to see Sun sad. He's the first person I had this kind of feelings for. People say that if you love a person, you'll do anything to make them happy even if it removes you from the picture. Right now I'll be the friend that's always there for Sun when he needs me. He might not realize it but the small things that he does is good enough to make me happy.

It has been 30 Minutes since Sun left. I'm already done with the sponge bath and changing my clothes. I was reading a book when the door opened and it was Sun. "Hey. I'm Sorry." He said.

"It's okay don't worry. If you don't mind me asking, what happened after you followed In." I replied.

Sun's POV



"In..." He might misunderstand what he saw so I should explain it and this will be the best time to continue our conversation earlier. I was running to follow him and finally he stopped at a park near Copper's house. He sat on the swing and I sat on the one next to him.

"Please tell me you're not doing anything with Copper." In said.

I don't know if I should be mad at him or if I should be laughing about what he said. "You're the only one in here" then I pointed at my heart. "I was just helping Copper out because he probably got sick because he saved me yesterday." I answered.

I just smiled after that. I looked at the sky and it's almost sunset. There was an awkward silence between us until In started speaking. "My dad wants me to get along with her and eventually be in a relationship with her." I was thinking of what to say when In stood up walked in front of me and said "I will not let that happen. You're the most important person to me Sun. Please trust me that I will do everything to make her hate me."

--End of Flashback--

I was busy telling what happened earlier that I didn't realize Copper fell asleep. He needs a lot of rest so I won't disturb him anymore.

"You're a perfect guy Copper! You can be everyone's dream guy. I don't know what you saw in me that you are doing all of these things. I can't return the feelings that you have and I don't think I deserve you. I hope you'll find the right person." I whispered.

I left his room and bid my farewell to Copper's grandmother and P'Som. I took a cab going home and until now I'm a bit sad because of what In told me but I have to trust him. He will never do anything to hurt me. When I arrived home I was so tired that I went directly to my room and fell asleep without changing my clothes.

In's POV

Now that Sun knows about Fae, I have to make sure that she will hate me. I won't forgive myself if Sun becomes sad because of her. I was thinking about what to do when I heard a knock from outside my room "In, are you home already? I've been waiting for you." It's Fae. She's actually a nice girl. If it isn't Sun, I would surely like Fae.

I was lost in my thoughts when I received a message from Copper saying "Take Care of Sun! If you ever make him cry again, I will take him away from you!" I just smiled after reading his message. It's good that someone is taking care of Sun when I'm not around, but Copper is right. I shouldn't make Sun sad or cry.

I went out of my room and I saw my parents sitting on the table with Fae, they are eating a cake that was baked by Fae. When I arrived at the dining table, my mom and Fae are talking about Sun. My mom has been talking good things about Sun like my grades became better after meeting Sun and how became close to my parents again after I met Sun.

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