Chapter 4 - Almost perfect, but not quite

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Sun's POV

The movie just finished and it was a good one. We watched a horror movie and as usual whenever the ghost shows up In will either close his eyes, use my hand to cover his eyes or hide behind my back. He's extremely cute when he does things like this. "Are you okay In? If you can't watch a horror movie you should've told me." I'm teasing In as he was looking scared.

"What? Me? Scared? I'm not scared at all." In said to defend himself.

"Are you sure about that? I really feel that you are scared or maybe you're just trying to look cute and all so I will fall for you more?" I said while turning my back to him.

"Well maybe you're right? Is it working? Are you falling more for me?" In was grinning when he said those words.

"I'm not going to tell you" I replied as I stick my tongue to tease him even more. "Please tell me na na na Please Sun. Please." He's already doing the puppy dog eyes just to force me to answer his question.

"You don't need to do anything else In. Just being with you every time makes me fall for you even more" I said while I was trying to hide my blushing face.

"Thank you Sun! You don't know how happy I am to hear that" In said as he was smiling like there is no tomorrow. "So what do you want to eat? Oh wait, you told me you will let me decide. Hmmm I think we should try the new restaurant I passed by the last time we're here." He said while he was checking his phone for the details about the restaurant.

I heard a notification on my phone while I was waiting for In to decide where we will eat. I was surprised to see that someone sent me a friend request on Facebook. "I wonder who it is".

"Who's who?" In asked in return.

"Well someone sent me a friend request on Facebook and I wonder who could that be" I answered In. "Is it a boy or a girl?" He answered sounding like he was irritated. I can feel that In is being jealous about the person who sent me the friend request. So I hid my phone and said "Don't worry. I'm not that easy and besides no one can take me away from you" I see that his mood suddenly changed after I said those words. "Okay then. Let's eat at that new restaurant" so I followed him.

"Table for 2 please" In said to the lady waiting outside the restaurant.

"This way sir" Said the nice lady who was smiling after seeing that we are wearing the same exact outfit.

As we are seated, I looked at the menu and I can't decide because they have a wide variety of food to choose from. "What can you recommend for us?" I asked the lady.

"We have Singapore Spicy Noodles, Nasi Goreng, Pad Thai, Thai crispy fried noodles and other rice meals" Said the lady while looking at me and In. "Well this guy doesn't like Spicy food and veggies" I replied and looked at In who was a bit surprised about my answer.

"I guess I'll get the Thai Crispy Fried Noodles" In said. "I'll get the Pad Thai" I answered in return.

The food arrived after 10 minutes and it looked really good. "You really know what's best for me" said In who was smirking while looking at me. "How can I forget? The last time you ate something spicy you almost drank a gallon of water" I laughed as I remember that incident.

"How did you know that? I was still with Copper's gang when that happened? Were you stalking me?" In replied sounding and looking surprised. Good job Sun, you could've remembered that you are still not close to In when that happened, you just opened a can of worms. "Uhm, well, I kinda saw what happened because I was passing by the canteen when it happened" I answered In.

"Oh really, I thought you were stalking me. I wouldn't mind if you were indeed stalking me. As long as its only me." In said as he looked into my eyes.

We are eating when I felt my phone vibrated and heard a notification, it was Nam.

Nam: Where are you? Are you with In? Why didn't you invite me?

Me: We're at Siam Center. I'm sorry it was all of a sudden that In wanted to go out and I thought you're too busy.

Nam: Are you guys dating? Oh you just broke my heart again.

Me: Uhm...

Nam: I'm just kidding, just have fun. The reason I asked is because I saw Copper today and he looks different, well not the look, I feel that he's a different person. He said sorry for all the things he did to us.

Me: We saw him too and he also apologized to us. Maybe he is changing?

Nam: I don't know, I just nodded and walked away after he said sorry. It's not easy to trust him you know.

Me: Well I told him that I forgive him, but for the rest he needs to prove that he is really sincere.

Nam: You're too good Sun, just be careful. We don't know if he is just playing tricks.

Me: I will Nam, you do the same. I'll catch up with you soon! Gotta go.

Nam: Okay. Say hi to In for me.

Maybe Copper is really changing. I hope it's real and everyone else will not find it hard to forgive him. It would be nice if all of us can get along.

As I was thinking about what Nam and I talked about, I heard an unfamiliar voice...

"Hi In! You are more good looking now than before." She said.


Author's Note

Who could that girl be? Will she get in between our In and Sun?

Let's find out in the next chapters.

I hope you guys like this chapter. 

Sun, In and Copper - The Unexpected StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon