Chapter 40

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Sun's POV

I woke up earlier than the usual. I was surprised to see that Copper is still sleeping because he usually wakes up early. I smiled because moments like this reminds me of how lucky I am to have this guy as my boyfriend. "What would I do without you?" I said with a low voice. I was slowly going closer to his face that I could almost kiss him. My lips is just an inch away from his when he woke up. He looked stunned and just stared at me, I got so nervous and shy that I blushed and quickly stood up and went to the bathroom with my heart beating fast.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I asked "What are you doing Sun?" I washed my face and didn't mind if the water was cold. I heard you knocking as I was drying my face and I really don't know whether I will open the door or not. You stopped knocking after 2 minutes, I tried to listen through the door to know what you are doing until I heard you calling my name


Then I heard the sound of objects falling to the ground. I quickly opened the door and saw you lying on the ground unconscious.

"Copper...Copper..." I said as I quickly ran to where you are.

You are not responding to my call, tears are about to fall from my eyes when I felt you starting to wrap your arms around my waist then you said "Gotcha" I opened my eyes and I saw your warm smile. I punched your shoulder because you tricked me and I almost got a heart attack because I honestly don't know what to do if something happened to you.

You hugged me tight then you said "Don't be shy about what happened. You can kiss me once you're ready. I won't force you to do it if you're not ready" I hugged you back and we are looking like a crazy couple hugging each other while we are lying on the floor.

After a good 10 minutes of savoring the moment we continued with the preparation. While on our way to my dorm I can feel a bit of tension because I don't know what will happen. I guess it's pretty obvious that I'm feeling anxious because as we stopped on the parking lot you grabbed my hand and said "It's going to be fine. I'll be there with you and I know how strong you are so you'll be fine love" You really know how to calm me down. I looked at you and as usual you are flashing your warm smile which really adds a calming effect to this situation.

As we went of your car we saw Oh and Pete waiting in the lobby of my dorm. If we don't know that they are roommates we would've mistaken them as a couple because of how close they are with each other.

"Sawadee khrap P's" said Pete as he saw both us.

"Took you guys long enough" said Oh.

"Sorry. We are busy doing "Boyfriend" stuff" I answered.

"Woah! Congratulations! Finally after a long time!" said Nam who just arrived.

Nam rushed towards my direction and gave me a hug then she said "Finally! You deserve to be happy. I'm so happy for you!" She looked at copper and punched Copper on his stomach "And you! Don't you ever make Sun sad or else you'll feel the wrath of Nam"

Copper smiled not minding the punch of Nam which obviously was just a light punch. "I will never do anything that will hurt him" you replied.

"Okay okay! No need to be cheesy this early" answered Nam.

After 5 minutes of talking we went to my room and as we are walking towards the door I can sense a bit of tension from you. I held your hand as I open the door. We arrived at a vacant room. No one seems to be at home. I felt a sigh of relief coming from Copper. I was also relieved because somehow we can avoid tension between Copper and Inn if worst comes to worst.

Sun, In and Copper - The Unexpected StoryWhere stories live. Discover now