Chapter 12 - Sun, Moon, Stars and a Loser

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Copper's POV

I saw In, Sun and another guy at the mall today. The guy looks familiar, but what really caught my attention was Sun and In. I saw them hug each other and I can feel jealous. Maybe I'm startling to like Sun, but I'm already beaten by In. I guess he will never see me the way he sees In.

I was staring at the ceiling of my bedroom still thinking about the scene that I saw earlier. I decided to check the profile of In and Sun. There was no update with their relationship status then I asked myself, are they officially a couple now? Somewhere at the back of my head I wish that they are not official yet. Should I tell Sun how I feel or I should just let this go?

I'm feeling totally defeated when I think that they are officially a couple now, but all I want is for Sun to be happy. I guess I have to accept this fact and just be there when he needs a friend. I turned my phone off now wanting any distraction from the outside world and went to sleep.

Sun's POV

I arrived home late because of the extreme traffic. I hope my aunt won't scold me for this. When I arrived she was watching TV and asked me "Have you eaten?" I felt relieved because she wasn't angry or anything, I just answered "I had dinner with P'Apo aunty." She nodded and bid her good night then went to her room.

I went to my room as well; I prepared to take a shower. It took me 20 mins to finish showering and realized that I have forgotten to send both In and Apo a message saying that I arrived home safely.

I sent them individual messages on Line. After drying my hair and turned off the light I heard my phone's notification. I was excited to see if it was In or Apo. What surprised me is the message I received and the person who sent it...

Tsuki: Good Evening Mr. Sun. I saw you and 2 guys at the mall earlier.

Sun: Hi! Long time no chat. Have you been busy? Yes I was with my schoolmate and an old friend from Chiang Mai.

Tsuki: Just friend and nothing more nothing less?

Sun: Why do you want to know? Are you jealous? :P

I waited for a reply; it's taking Tsuki 5 minutes before replying to my message.

Tsuki: Why not? You're one of a kind and anyone will be lucky to have you.

Sun: 😳

Tsuki: But I know you already have someone. I'll just be a friend that you can count on when you need me.

Sun: You don't need to do this.

Tsuki: I know it's just I want to do it. No more arguments.

Sun: Okay okay! I hope I can meet you one time.

Tsuki: You will, in the right time. I'm not ready to show myself yet.

Sun: Okay. It's your choice. Thank you for wanting to be friends with me even if I already have someone special.

Tsuki: I'm nothing like In and I know you will never see me the same way you see In. It's better to be friends with you than nothing besides I don't really have a lot friends, some of them even left me behind. I just want to have a friend who will never leave me.

Sun: I may not be able to return how you feel about me, but I can promise you that if we become friends for real, I won't leave you because real friends doesn't leave each other.

Tsuki: Thank you Sun! I have to sleep now because I have a lot of things to do tomorrow and before I sleep, "You're already someone who can light up everyone's world just like your name and you already have a moon who can shine on you during your darkest hours, when you're down or sad, but I'd rather be the stars that surrounds you because regardless if you are shining bright or on your darkest hours you know that I'm always there even if you don't see me. I will shine my light and make sure that you never feel alone." Good night Sun.

I was dumbfounded by what Tsuki said. He's such a sweet guy. I hope he can find someone who deserves his love. I was staring blankly at the ring In gave me when I saw Oh calling, I answered the call and then...

Oh: Hello Sun!

Me: Hi Oh! What's up?

Oh: I called in to remind you that we agreed to go to school tomorrow and help Mr. Decha with the HQB club.

Me: Oy! I almost forgot. Thank you for reminding me. Is it okay to bring my friend along? He's from Chiang Mai as well and will help our school's swimming team, tomorrow will be the best opportunity to show him around our school.

Oh: Sure thing. I will be bringing Peach as well. See you tomorrow Sun!

Me: Is there something I should know about you and peach?

Oh: Nothing. We are just friends. Good night Sun.

Me: Good night Oh.

After I ended the call I immediately sent Apo a message if he would like to come with me and he said yes, we both agreed to meet before going to our school. I also sent In a message, in his last message he told me that they will watch a movie after buying stuff that they will bring to Pattaya, I know he's busy that is why I don't bother him.

"I'll be sleeping In! I have ro wake up early because I will go to our school to help Mr. Decha with HQB. Apo will be tagging along. If you're not busy you can join us, but if you have a lot to do it's okay. By the way, thank you for today! You made me so happy In.Good night."

After sending the message I went to sleep without waiting for his reply.


Author's Note:

So Copper finally admitted to himself that he likes Sun, will it end in this chapter or are we expecting something more from Copper?

Just a few more chapters before we reveal the person behind "Tsuki".

I would love to hear if you have any idea who "Tsuki" is.

Oh finally showed up. Do you think he will pursue Peach or he will end up with someone else.

I hope you guys like this chapter. 

Thank you for reading!

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