Chapter 39

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Inn's POV


I tried calling him but he doesn't want to face me. As he slammed the door I lost all my strength that I fell down kneeling on the floor. Tears are falling from my eyes as I now understand the reason why I feel empty even if I'm with Fae and why I feel happy when I see Sun or when I'm with Sun.

I never intended to confront Sun like what happened but things got fucked up that I wasn't able to control my feelings. It all started when I found the ring under the table the night I was cleaning. I remember the ring because it's the same ring that I was keeping so I went to Sun's room to ask if he owns the ring, I tried knocking twice but no one is answering. I was about to go back to cleaning when I had the feeling that I need to enter Sun's room.

I entered his room and I was in total awe with how clean and organized his room is. What caught my attention was his study desk that contained a few pieces of crumpled papers and when I went there to take a look I saw a letter and it has my name. That's how it all started. I know I shouldn't have entered his room but I deserve to know the truth right? Then when I saw him earlier at the class that we share I couldn't find the strength to talk to him so I just ignored him and then the confrontation happened.

I am standing in front of Sun's room knocking but he is not answering. He must've felt a lot of pain after what happened and it saddens me that I caused him pain once more. I sat right in front of his door waiting if he will come out but to no avail. I've been waiting for 3 hours but he still haven't answered any of my calls.

The door finally opened and I saw Sun carrying bags and I assume they are bag of clothes. I looked at his face and it's clear that he was crying too and I know that it has been harder for him.

"Sun..." I said.

"Inn! Please just don't. Let's not make it complicated than it already is. You are happy with Fae and I'm happy with Copper. I have forgotten about you so please don't try to patch things up anymore. Just don't." replied Sun as he walked out of our room.

Although it pains me that Copper is now the one taking care of Sun but a part of me is also happy because I know Copper will never hurt him unlike me who have caused him so much pain. I tried to hold my tears as I saw Sun leave our room but as soon as he is gone the tears that I've been holding off just started falling on their own.

"I'm Sorry Sun. I wasn't strong enough for us" I said.

Copper's POV

I was busy helping out with the preparations for the Stars and Moon Competition when I received a call from Sun.

"Can I stay in your room for a few days? I am outside your room right now" asked Sun who was crying.

I was about to ask why but then I know Sun and he wouldn't ask for something like this unless this is important.

"Sure. I'll meet you there in 10 minutes" I answered.

I can sense from the tone of his voice that he is not okay that's why even though I told him 10 minutes, I drove as fast as I can and ran all the way to my room and I saw a Sun who was sitting on the floor.

"Sorry I'm la..." I wasn't able to complete my sentence when Sun ran to me and hugged me while burying his face on my chest. I hugged him in return without minding if anyone will see us because all that matters is Sun.

"It's okay... I'm here now. Let's go inside?" I asked.

Once we're inside. I went on and get a glass of water then sat beside Sun. He drank the water while I was there staying quiet giving him time to process everything.

Sun, In and Copper - The Unexpected StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora