Chapter 47

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Copper's POV

"Copper kiss me..." said Sun.

I was totally caught off guard with what Sun said. My heart started beating fast and without any second thoughts I cupped his face, look him straight in the eyes and kissed him. My heart is still beating fast and the kiss has slowly turned into a more passionate kiss.

Sun was the first one to break away from the kiss and I can see his face as red as tomato and he said "No matter how crazy things will be in the next couple of days always remember that I Love You"

I was quite confused as to why Sun said something like that, he held my hand after and buried his head on my chest as he whispered "Good Night"

I was confused and amazed at the same time with this cute boyfriend of mine. All throughout our time together, I learned to trust Sun. I know that if he's going through something he must have a good reason to keep it to himself.

The weekend came by pretty fast and finally it's the night of the Moon and Star Competition. I will finally have to let go of the title "Campus Moon" and the image I have to protect that came along with the title. Somehow I wish Sun won't win because if that happens then he will be busy most of the time and of course he also has to protect the image of the Campus Moon.

It was 6 in the morning and although the call time will be at 8:00 AM, I decided to drop by Sun's room to have breakfast because this will probably be the longest day in our University Lives. I was on my way to his room when I received a text from him "Good Morning Boyfriend! I'll see you later!"

Seeing his messages like this makes me appreciate him even more. He may not know it but just like everyone else who's in love, my heart flutters whenever I'm with him.

I have brought a bouquet of flowers and Sun's favorite Iced Coffee. I was on my way to his dorm when I came across my brothers

"P' what time is the moon and stars competition?" asked Tum

"Around 5:00 PM" I answered.

"We'll see you there" said Bank.

I entered the room and Sun just came out of the bathroom. I was dumbfounded seeing my boyfriend with nothing but a towel covering his whole body. He was also surprised to see me, I guess he didn't expect to see me this early.

After preparing all of his stuff for the competition, we quickly had breakfast and went together to the venue. Inn, Oh and Nam came along with us while Peach will just follow after her class.

When we arrived at the venue, most of the stars contestant are looking at Sun. Watching that happen made me feel like there's something wrong going on, but my boyfriend being the eternal optimist that he is just shrugged it out and told us to enjoy our day.

As much as I wanted to stay with Sun, I really need to go somewhere. I took one glance at my boyfriend and reminded myself that this whole thing will be over by the end of the day.

Sun's POV

As soon as Copper left the group we were joined by Pete. The concerned look at his face made me know that there's something going on.

"Fae gathered the stars earlier and they were talking about something. I'm not sure if they were talking to you, but after they were gathered that's when the stars started acting differently" said Pete.

"That girl! I'm going to punch her face!" said an angry Nam.

I chuckled knowing that my friends care this much about me, I told Nam "Calm yourself Ai' Nam! It probably nothing that we should worry about and besides I feel that today will be a very good day"

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