Chapter 15 - When we are younger (Part 1)

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Author's Note

This is the promised story of how Sun and Apo met and became friends.

(Sun is around 7 years old while Apo is around 8 years old.)

Sun's POV

I was waiting for my mom to arrive since she will be cooking my favorite food when I saw 2 kids running after my neighbor who is about a year older than me. He ran to me and immediate grabbed the soy milk that I'm drinking then he threw it at those who are running after him. I was really mad at what he did so when he was caught and those kids are punching him I just joined in and punched anyone I can punch. I didn't really care if I punch my neighbor or anyone for as long as I can release my anger.

When they left you were crying because you are hurt. I wanted to smack you in the head and laugh because of what happened, but instead I helped you walk into your house. Your mom is still not at home so when we came in I asked you where the first aid is hidden. You pointed a cabinet near the kitchen and I went there to get it.

I helped you clean your wounds because you are looking like a mess. Your mother came and I did wai to her and resumed cleaning your wound. She asked me what happened and I told her everything even the fact that you wasted my Soy Milk. She laughed at you and apologized for what happened to my Soy Milk. She asked me if I want to stay because she will be cooking for dinner. I told her that I'm waiting for my mom and left after I'm done with cleaning your wound.

It was a Saturday and I'm playing outside our house and when you saw you me you immediate ran towards my direction. I wasn't able to pay attention when you were approaching and you sat near me.

"I'm Apo. What's your name?" You asked.

"My name is Sun." I replied.

"I want to say sorry for wasting your Soy Milk and thank you for helping me out yesterday." You said.

I just nodded because I still can't forgive you that easy. You watched me play in our backyard. You did not say anything so I just ignored you when I heard a low snore coming somewhere and when I looked at you I almost started laughing because you are the one snoring. I approached you looked at your face and you looked like an angel so instead of waking you up I laid beside you.

I didn't notice the time, but when I woke up my head is in your lap while you are looking at the sky because the sun is about to set. I stared at the sky not noticing that you are already looking at me.

A: Beautiful isn't it?

S: Yes it is. Sorry if I slept in your lap.

A: I just saw you uncomfortable so I moved your head.

S: Thank you for taking care of me. You're like a big brother.

A: Don't you have a big brother or big sister?

S: I don't. I'm an only child because my mom had some issue with pregnancy that's why they haven't tried to have another baby until now.

A: Well if you want I can be your big brother. I have older siblings, but I don't have a baby brother or baby sister.

S: Okay. I can call you P' now.

A: I can also call you Nong.

I became happy because I now have a big brother and I didn't know that it will be the start of a good friendship. We always play every day and even our parents didn't mind that we see each other more often. Everything was perfectly fine until school started. You are older that's why you are ahead of me, but we are inseparable. We go to school together and we go home together.

You introduced me to your friends as your younger brother and they seemed to like me because they always pinch my cheeks and when you guys eat out I'm always invited.

We are both skinny when we are young, but it can't be denied that you are stronger than I am. You got into trouble one time because you knew that I was being bullied by my classmates. They call me a "toot" and want everyone to know about it. There are 4 of them, but you didn't care you fought them all by yourself and you ended up wounded and bruised. We even got sent to the disciplinarian's office because of what happened. You told them what happened and since you are a straight A student and a good one for that matter, the disciplinarian believed you. We didn't get suspended, but our parents were called.

You are being scolded by your mom when I told her what happened, she was surprised because she never thought that you'll be someone who will protect others. When my parents heard of what happened they offered to bring you to the hospital, but you and your parents declined. From then on, our families became close. You were treated by my parents like their own child same with your parents and siblings, they treat me like I'm part of the family. We often do sleepovers, go to family trips together and basically spend every single holiday together.

We basically grew up together. When you tried out for the school's swimming team I was there to support you. I always attend your training when I have free time and you would teach me how to swim if you are free. I was there when you slowly become a good swimmer. I always knew that you can be good at anything unlike me who's not sporty and skinny. It was one summer night and we are at a beach in Hua Hin. We are seating on the shore while waiting for dinner time when you told me something that will change our lives.

A: N'Sun, we've been close for a long time and I haven't heard that you are having a crush on someone.

S: Well I'm not looking and I'm not interested to find someone yet because if that happens, it means that it will lessen our time for each other. Do you want that to happen?

A: Well if that will make you happy then why not.

S: Spending time with you makes me happy P'.

A: I feel the same Nong. If it's not too selfish then I wouldn't want you to find anyone. If we can be together forever then that would be better.

S: We're still young P. Although I kind of feel the same, but there are so many things that can happen. We might meet someone who will make us fall in love.

A: I guess you are right. If that happens, that person better take care of you. If I ever see you cry I will take you away. You have to promise me that if you meet someone regardless if it's a boy or a girl you'll introduce him/her to me.

You brought your pinky finger in front of me signaling that you want me to Pinky Swear, but before I obliged I said "You also have to do the same when you meet someone." You just smiled and answered "Of course!" with that we've made a promise only the two of us can remember.

We stayed there and watch the night sky not minding everything around us.


Author's Note:

Now you know how Sun and Apo's friendship started.

Is it just mere friendship or it's something more?

Find out in the next chapters.

Hope you like this update.

Thanks :)

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