When we arrive in the playroom I see it. Someone, I won't say any names, seemed to think that painting with a brush on paper was a bit boring and small so that someone, still won't say any names, thought it would be fun to start using the walls as a canvas and his hands for brushes.

"Ah," is all I can say before I burst out laughing.

"Harry!" Ginny scolds.

I hear someone, yes that someone, giggling and turn around to see James, whoops I mentioned the name, looking around the doorframe.

I look at Ginny, who is still looking a little annoyed.

"Come on James, run!" I chase after my son and pick him up.

We 'run' to the living room and sit down in a corner.

"I'm not really angry, James. I actually quite liked it," I smile and James smiles too.

"Me too," James says a little arrogantly. It appears that he is living up to his namesakes.

"Shall we go and face Mummy?" I ask him and his eyes widen.


"Yes, come on, she isn't scary! Well, sometimes," I add the last bit quietly.

"Harry James Potter!" I jump at the voice behind me.

"Happy holidays?" I try, smiling.

She whacks me around the head softly but gives me a kiss after.

"See, not so scary at all," Ginny tells James.

When all the kids are in bed, Ginny says,"I wasn't really mad at James, I just hope he doesn't do it again. And to be honest, the painting wasn't even that bad."

"We are leaving it there, aren't we?" I ask her to which she nods.

"Good," I smile and take a sip from my glass.


As usual, the holidays have passed way to fast. It was a nice and fun one nonetheless. We had some family time, spent some time with Ron, Hermione and Rose, had a little holiday by the beach and did some other fun activities with the children.

In the last week of the holiday, the first week of August, Erin visited, without Scott, and she was almost in tears when we opened the door. We had welcomed her inside and after giving her a glass of water, she started to talk.

"I'm so scared," Erin admitted.

"What's going on? Is it Scott?" I asked her.

"Well, yes and no," Erin started and after seeing our confused faces, she explained.

"Well, the thing is, I'm pregnant," Erin sniffed, which had us wondering why she wasn't happy about it.

"And you aren't happy?" Ginny had asked, trying to comfort Erin.

"I'm scared," Erin had whispered back.

"I'm scared that the child will suffer from lycanthropy just like me and it's something I wouldn't want anyone to have, especially not my child," Erin had explained which, after she did, made sense.

~ Our Story ~  (In those 19 years)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora