Daniel's Funeral (for closure) part 2

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Kaden's POV
"I miss daddy."
"I know sweetie, I miss him too." Hazel states.
"Remember Kaden, you're not the only one who misses our dad."
"I know Alice, It's just that...I really want to see him again."
Alice pulled me into a hug and I started to cry on her shoulder. She tried to comfort me more by rubbing me on the back, but it didn't really work. I only managed to put on a week smile.
I pulled away from the hug, thanked Alice for trying to cheer me up, and since the funeral hasn't started yet I decided to go and sit on the steps outside.

Grayson's POV
"Well here we are. Are you guys ready?"
"As I'll ever be mom." I reply.
"What about you Chandler?"
"Yeah, I'm ready." Chandler responds. "What about you Hana?"

2 minutes later...
I was sitting on the steps next to Kaden, with an arm wrapped around him.
"My dad's dead, isn't he?"
"Do you believe that he's dead? Or do you believe that he's still out there somewhere, finding his way home?"
"I'm never going to see my dad again. It's been two weeks."
"I have a feeling that you will see your dad again, because he's been calling me."
"I'll believe it when I see it."
"I know how you're feeling Kaden. Before I got these calls from Daniel, I would almost shed tears non-stop everyday."
"And has my dad really been calling you?"
"Sometimes yeah. In one conversation he told me that he'd be seeing us soon."
"Really!?" Kaden asks, with joy.
"Yes, really. Now, I know that both of us don't really want to go to this funeral, but do you feel like you're ready to head back inside?"
"Yeah, I think I'm ready. Thanks for cheering me up Uncle Grayson."
I blushed and chuckled a bit.
"You're welcome Kaden."

25 minutes later...
"Dearly Beloved, we gather here today to honor the memory of our friend, Daniel-Nicholas Beliveau. Most knew him simply as dad, or Daniel. Daniel's life was tragically cut short at a young age. I'm saddened to say, he never really hit his stride or had the chance to grow up to enjoy what might have been his prime. When Daniel was born he was full of hope and vigour. He dreamed of being a marine. He loved making everyone around him laugh, and he always ware a smile on his face. Those of us who knew Daniel well, knew he was a very courageous man. I suspect if Daniel were here today, he'd tell you that he should've just stayed in the house. Again, though we honor Daniel's spirit, like all of us, he did have his flaws. Daniel was depressed for quite sometime and did some unspeakable things. Plus Daniel did choose not to listen at some points in his life. Daniel was also unpredictable. There is no denying that Daniel was a fierce, fierce friend who would sacrifice himself just to save someone else's life. Don't get me wrong. To know him was to love him. Daniel was as unique as all of God's children. I mentioned before, Daniel loved to make everyone around him laugh, and he always ware a smile on his face. Some of Daniel's dearest friends and loved ones shared with me how tormented he was when he was depressed. I know some you counseled him and reassured him that he was an inspiration to all who knew him. We mean to celebrate Daniel's short life and be thankful we knew him at all. Daniel had a very caring heart. He meant to bring value to the lives of the people he touched. Still, I believe all of us here can't help but wonder, "What if ... ?" What if Daniel took more care to think things through? What if he were a better listener? What if he knew that all life is precious? And finally, what if he took time to think about how his actions would affect his loved ones in the end? What if? What if? What if? But my friends, he tried. Sometimes that's the best one can do. We mourn the loss of Daniel, but we take comfort knowing Daniel is in the arms of the angels now. Daniel, God rest your soul, we pray for you. If you'd like to say a few words about Daniel, please step forward at this time."

Chandler and I  stood up from our seats and walked up to the podium, as we wiped away some tears from our eyes.
"You can go first Chan."
Before Chandler began his speech he took a few deep breaths and then sighed.
"I'm never going to forget the things that Daniel did for me and my family, he saved my brother and on most days he would always lighten up the mood and just make us laugh for what felt like hours. He was a great person with one hell of a personality. Daniel was more than a friend to me, he was my brother and I'm really going to miss him. He meant a lot to everyone here, but from what I saw he really meant a lot to my brother Grayson. Daniel truly was an inspiration and even in death I'll continue to look up to him. That's all I have to say for now."

I stepped forward and once again I had tears cascading down my face.
"Are you sure you're up for this Grayson?"
"Chandler, I...I...I don't think I can do this. I want to, but...I really don't think I can."
"Then don't. You don't have to give a speech if you don't want to."
Chandler pulled me into a hug, I hugged back and cried in my brother's shoulder.

10 minutes later...
"I...I...I think I'm ready to give my speech now."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
"I'll be right by your side if you need me."
"Ever since I've met Daniel and ever since he saved me I always felt safe around him and...and..."
"Everything ok Grayson?"
"Huh? Oh, uh...yeah, everything is just peachy."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Now as I was saying. I've always felt safe around Daniel, not just because he saved my life five times, but because he's..."
"One of the best friends anyone could ask for."
"Yes, but like Chandler said in his speech, Daniel isn't just our friend...he's our brother and I'm glad to have met Daniel, he's been there for me a lot and I...I really haven't returned the favour..."
"You saved his life didn't you?"
"I almost killed him that day, I didn't save him. He saved himself. I only got him to come back home, that's it."
I turned to my brother and sighed.
"You know what, I'm done. I'm done with all of this."
"Here, let me help."
"I don't want your help Chandler. I know that I should stop with this crazy obsession with Daniel still being alive, but what's wrong with having hope?"
"I just want Daniel to come home. If he is dead, he deserves to be with his family."

Flashback #1
"Somebody, anybody, HELP!" Grayson cried out, before he got punched again.
Grayson was lucky that he was just around the corner. I quickly rushed to the boy's aid, and when the other boys saw me they immediately took off. I approached Grayson and helped him to his feet.
"Are you all right?"
"Yeah. Thanks." Grayson replies.
"Mind if I walk you home?" I wondered. "You can never be to sure. They may come back."
Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you." Grayson exclaims.
"You're welcome."

Flashback #2
"Don't do it!"
Daniel got scared from my unexpected voice and fell. Luckily there was a branch right in grabbing distance and he grabbed it. So he was a lot closer to the ground at least a good six maybe seven feet. He swung on the branch for a bit before he let go. When he landed on the ground he did a parkour roll.
I was shaking my head in shame but at the same time I was depressed.
"Why? Why try and take your life over something so fucking stupid?"
"From the moment I told you I just assumed that you would want me dead. The same went for Chandler and Hana, but it was mostly you."
"Why would you even think that? We're a family. Family members won't hold a grudge for something as poor as what happened way back when. Don't rely on the past, focus on the present. Otherwise you'll just be trapped in a void of despair. I would never wish for anyone to be dead. That's just inconsiderate, rude and down right wrong. I love you man."
"I love you too bro."
"Come on let's head back home."
I started walking away but I didn't follow.
"I'm...I'm not coming home. I'm going to be staying out here until I die. Sorry Grayson."
I stopped and turned around.
"But Daniel?"
"No ands, ifs, or buts. Just LEAVE! If I don't want to return home you can't force me to. I deserve to rot and perish out here. But you, you deserve to live a happy, carefree life. Where I'm not endangering you or anyone else. Please just leave."
"Come on dude, please come home."
"This...this is my home now."
"Fine. I'll leave, but when you have the time I want you to look at this."
I took out an envelope from my pocket and gave it to Daniel.

Flashback #3
It has only been two days since I've got my casts off and I was ready to go, run and win a marathon. Daniel and I were in our room, talking about how our life would be like if we had never met and if I was never bullied.
"So, Grayson if we never met what do you think you'd be doing right now?"
"Sitting around, maybe go to the park and hang with some of my other friends."
"Why don't you do that now?"
"To be honest I have no idea why."
"Well, why don't you go do it? You don't have to spend everyday of every month with me and your brother go hang with your school friends. I'm sure that they miss you a lot."
"I'm sure they do. Maybe I do hang with you way too much."
"You think?"
"I don't think. I know."
"Then get off of your derriere, call up your companions, and go have a boisterous time."
"Ok, Ok, sheesh."
"I don't mean to be so pushy. I'm just..."
"I know what you mean Daniel." Grayson smiled. "I'll see you later alligator."
"In awhile crocodile."
"See you soon baboon."

"If any of you need me I'll be outside, doing my best to calm down."

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