Dream or Reality

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10:35 a.m
Grayson's POV
I just woke up to see that Daniel was still sleeping with a bright smile on and he had some tears falling down the side of his face. Obviously I knew why, so I just let him sleep.
I headed downstairs and poured myself a bowl of Reese puffs cereal. I then poured another one for Daniel, just incase he woke up, and headed back up to my room.
"Aww man, that was some dream. *sigh* I just wish that, I could've saved them like I did in my dream. At least I can still feel their spirits around me each and everyday, the same goes for Haley, and my mother. I love you guys, I love you guys a whole lot, I just wish that I could see you again, even if it is only two of you."
I walked into my bedroom and up to Daniel. I handed him one of the bowls and said, "Morning."
"Morning Grayson, how'd you sleep?"
"Good. What about you?"
"Hey Daniel, before I entered the room I overheard you talk about your dream. So, I guess you can say that I was eavesdropping, but I didn't mean to."
"Don't worry about it. Thanks for bringing me breakfast."
"No prob. So, did you really dream about saving your kids?"
"Yes. I took out the three people who were responsible for their deaths. I knocked them out and I broke an arm on each of them."
"Kimura lock?"
"Yep. I still can't believe that I nearly broke your arm."
"Well, it wasn't your fault. But hey...at least I got my payback."
"Yes you did."
The both of us just started to chuckle.

10 minutes later...
After we had finished our cereal and our conversation, I took our dishes downstairs, washed them, and then returned to Daniel.
"So Daniel, I hate to ask this question, but in your dream...did you see the faces of the people who killed your kids...well...you know what I mean."
"No. their faces were blurry. If they weren't, I'd be at the police station right now."
"I know what you mean. I'd be just like you if I were in your place and I too would go to the cops if I had a dream like you did if I saw their faces."
I approached Daniel and hugged him for a good thirty seconds.
"Thanks Gray. I needed that."
"Always happy to help. Now come on, let's go prank Chandler. He just got in the shower."
"I got the perfect prank. I saw it in a video when Bridgette did it to Michael."
"You mean that fake shit prank, from KidBehindACamera."
"The very same."
"I'll go make the "shit" while you get that fake shit log."
"Don't take too long making it Gray."
"Don't worry I'll be done before you can say "Now, if Theophilus Thadeus Thistledown, the succesful thistle-sifter, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb, See that thou, while sifting a sieve-full of unsifted thistles, thrust not three thousand thistles through the thick of thy thumb." Ten times, fast."

Daniel's POV
Once Grayson was downstairs I started my challenge.
"Now if, Theophilus Thadeus Thistledown, the successful thistle-sifter, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb, see that thou, while sifting a sieve-full of unsifted thistles, thrust not three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb."
Just as I finished saying it for the fifth time, Grayson had returned to our room with our little "ingredient" and I had mine all set.
Both of us left the bedroom and entered the washroom.
"It's just me Chandler, I just have to use the washroom. Sorry for just barging in...I really had to go."
"That's fine just don't flush the toilet."
"No promises."
I turned to Grayson and whispered to him, "are you ready?"
I placed the prop into the toilet and Grayson approached the shower curtain and dumped some of the contents onto Chandler.
"What the fuck!? Eww, what is this Daniel? Is this...is this the water from your...?"
"That's disgusting!"
Grayson then dumped the rest of it on Chandler, but that's when Chandler looked out of the shower curtain and glared at us.
"What the fuck guys!?"
Chandler then looked into the toilet and by the look of it, he wanted to puke.
"Next put down the lid, Daniel. That's just vile. Now get out out, while I rewash myself."
Grayson and I left, then we headed back downstairs and got the rest of the fake "shit" and headed back upstairs. We approached the bathroom and entered again.
"Don't worry Chandler. It's just me...Grayson. I'm just using the washroom."
"Make sure you put the lid down. I don't want to see your shit."
Grayson didn't respond, he then handed me the blender, and just like Grayson did, I approached the curtain and dumped the whole thing onto Chandler.
"Seriously! What the fuck!? Get out!"
Chandler looked out of the curtain again and glared at us again.
"I said...get out!"
So we left the bathroom and this time we heard the lock click.
"Good luck getting in this time."
"I bet you three hundred dollars that I can get in there."
"Do you really think you can get in there Daniel?"
"Yep. Be right back."
I returned moments later with my credit card and I easily opened the door.
"Mind if I use the crapper Chandler?"
"Daniel, if you don't get out right now, I'll snap your neck!"
"Ok, ok. Sheesh."
I left the bathroom and looked at Grayson.
"We should leave him alone now."
"Yeah, he just threatened to kill you."
"One down...one to go."

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