The key to an escape

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"I don't have time for this guys, I'm on my way home. So whatever it is you want, it'll have to wait."
"You do realize that no one is at home right now." Harold stated.
"What did you guys do?"
"Oh...nothing, except told your "family" that you were missing and were probably dead." Harold implied.
"Is that right?"
"And to make sure that our plan actually succeeds we're going to need you to come with us."
"That's not going to happen. I've whopped your asses before...and I can do it again!"
"We let you win, we knew that you were weak and so we decided to let you win all of those fights we had."
"I don't have time for this."
I started to walk off, but I stopped when I heard a gun cock.
"So, you're planning on shoot me, huh?"
"In a way...yes."
"Well good luck with that."
The moment I heard the gun fire, I immediately got out of the way and watched the bullet fly past me. I turned to Grayson's bullies and chuckled.
"Like I said...good luck."
"Well, if shooting you won't work there's only one other thing we can do...LET'S RUFF HIM UP BOYS!"
"If it's a fight you's a fight you'll get."

30 minutes later...
"Once again you guys have failed. I bet I could beat you guys with my eyes closed and both hands tied behind my back, but that fight will have to wait."

10 minutes later...
I had just arrived at a public restroom, walked over to the door, pushed it open, headed over to the paper towels, pulled out a couple and used one of them to wipe away any fresh blood. After that I turned on the sink and wet the paper towel that I used and wiped away all of the dry blood on my face. I grabbed the unused paper towels and placed them in my pocket. As for the used one I threw it in the garbage which was right next to the sink.

8 minutes later...
My phone started ringing, so I took it out and answered it without looking at the caller ID.
"Hi, am I speaking to Daniel-Nicholas Beliveau?"
"Who's asking."
"Harold's mother."
"How'd you get my number?"
"Does it matter?"
"Yes it does! Now tell me how you got it!"
"I got it from my son, who got it from James."
"So what would you like?"
"I want to know why you beat up my son."
"It was self defense, Harold and his buddies were beating me up, so I defended myself just like everyone else would do."
"Don't lie to me. Harold told me that you tackled him to the ground and started to assault him for quite sometime."
"Your son's lying to you. I on the other hand told you the truth."
I took my phone away from my ear and took a screenshot of the caller ID, then placed it back against my ear.
"If you just tell me the truth we can forget this whole day and pretend it never happened."
"You want the truth? I'll give you the truth. Your son is one of the biggest pricks in the world, he useless, he's a poor excuse for a human, a waste of space, and the only reason he's around is because you forgot to put on a condom. To put it in other terms, your son was an accident and he should've been aborted!"
After that I hung up and immediately blocked the number. I then went into my contacts and called my brother, James.
It took him around twenty seconds to answer his phone.
I heard James sigh.
"What is it Daniel?"
"Why the hell did you give my number to Harold!?"
"What are you talking about? I didn't give your number to anyone."
"Don't play dumb with me. I just got off the phone with his mother and she told me that you gave my number to her son. So tell me the truth, did you give my number to her son?"
Once again James sighed.
"Ok, yes I gave your number to him, but you have to understand I had no choice, he threatened to kill me if I didn't."
"Let me guess, he threatened to slit your throat, right?"
"How'd you know that?"
"Because it happened to Grayson when I first met him."
"At least I managed to save him."
"True. And I'd just like to say that I'm sorry Daniel."
"It's ok. He didn't hurt you afterwards, did he?"
"Well, he did knock me out. He punched me on the chin, I think I may have a bruise there, but it should go away in a few days."
"I'm going to make him regret that. He's going to wish that he never messed with my family."

30 minutes later...
I had just arrived at the bank and was about to make a deposit, but before I could even approach the teller, four men who were all wearing black clothes and a black balaclava came bursting in the doors with ak47's. They pointed their guns at everyone and told all of us to get on the ground.
Everyone obeyed, except for the tellers who were behind bulletproof glass.
"Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt."
Two of the guys started to circle around the customers, while the other two demanded that the tellers fill up the duffle bags full of money.
The two who were on crowd control began to shoot near everyone to make sure that we didn't try anything stupid.
To be honest, as much as I wanted to be the hero, I didn't want to put the others in danger or get shot over one hundred times. So I just stayed down on the floor.
"Obviously we're here for the banks cash, and it'll be going to a better cause."
Better cause my ass.
"Now as we said before, nobody moves, nobody gets hurt. So if one of you tries to be a hero and stop us we'll put you down hard."

5 minutes later...
"Hey! You!"
"Me?" I asked.
"Yeah, you! What's your name?!"
"None of your FUCKING business."
The man approached me, picked me up by the collar of my shirt, and punched me on the right side of my face.
"You can assault me all you want, but I'm still not going to tell you my name. Even if you shoot me."
"We'll see about that."
"Why'd you even grab me in the first place? You could've grabbed someone else."
"I know, but the weaklings always make the best hostages to make sure nobody tries to be a hero, and to be sure the cops back off."
"Oh, so you're making me your key to triumph?"

15 minutes later...
"All right, we got the money. Now let's get out of here."
"Oh no you're not!"
A guy in a black tuxedo stood up and fired his gun at one of the robbers and ended up killing him. He tried to shoot another but he was shot multiple times with a micro smg and a pump action shotgun.
"We warned you! Now if anyone else tries to be a hero this kid will have his brains splattered all over the wall."

A few moments later...
The police had finally arrived and I was praying to God that they would help me out, but from the looks of things I don't think that that's going to happen.
"We know you're in there! Come out with your hands up!"
The three remaining rubbers exited the bank, with me still as a hostage.
"If you shoot at us, the kid gets it!"
"Please let me go."
"We'd still kill you if we let you go. The moment you'd start running to the cops we'd shoot a bullet through your brain."
"I promise that I won't snitch if you do."
"The last person who said that to us ended up dead. So stop talking or you're going to regret it!"
"So if I don't stop talking you'll kill me?"
"That's about right."
"But if you kill me who's going to stop the cops from firing at you?"
The robber who was holding me held me at shoulder width apart and punched me on the chin, which knocked me out, and then he went back to holding me as a hostage.

5 minutes later...
The robbers had finally reached their get away car and to be sure that I wouldn't remember this moment they slammed my head on the trunk five times and then got in the vehicle and drove away.

Never Expected (a Chandler Riggs/Grayson Riggs fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now