Forbidden Eternity: (25)

Start from the beginning

We pack up and head out towards the car pretty quickly, my mother taking a few awkward seconds to sign a few papers and whatnot. I can't help but stare out of the window, sitting stiffly in the passenger seat. This school has been my home for the past few months. It's seems strange, you know. Nearly two months. I wonder how much has changed back home, if my friends even think about me. If Craig thinks about me. I haven't thought about him much, which just goes to show we were never really in 'love'. In fact, I don't even regret coming here that much anymore. My life seems to have changed for the better. I have better friends, people who genuinely care about me. And who won't go behind my back at every chance they get. Much like Meredith did. Meredith... Bitch.

I roll my eyes. Why was I even friends with her? Comparing her with my current friends. Still, I wonder how they all are. Maybe I'll even go see them. I smile and turn the heating up. Snow forms a thin layer over the gravel roadway, glistening angelically. Pure and untouched apart from the tire tracks my mum has left. When she finally opens the door, sitting down and rubbing her hands together, she smiles at me.

"Finally." she says, punctuated by a shiver, "I never thought we'd never get away."

I smile back lightly, strapping my seat belt over me, I wave half heartedly at Barry, who smiles warmly at me before waving and turning back to the school.

Starting the car, my mum turns slightly towards me, "Now, your father knows you're coming, and he's not to happy about it, but I managed to talk him down. All I can say is, try not to argue okay?"

I nod, picking at my thick jumper. A nice little ensemble, cream with half of a golden love heart covering one half. My dark jeans provide some extra warmth, but they aren't needed once my mums turns the heater on full blast, reversing before driving along the road. I watch the school become smaller and smaller in the distance, and regret instantly not looking for Daniel. I could've at least said goodbye. I said goodbye to everyone else. Feeling guilty, I turn back around.

"So, have you been enjoying yourself?"

I shrug, a little creeped out by her sudden chirpiness, "It's been okay, the other students are really nice. Not evil at all."

My mum grimaces but ignores the direct quip at her career choice, "Meet any boys?" raising an eyebrow, she smiles.

"Uh..." blood rushes to my face as I think of Daniel.

My mum squeals, "Oh, is he cute? What does he look like? How old is he? Is he smart?"

I blush even more, I think I'll have to tell a white lie about his age, "Uh... He's handsome, yeah, he's kind of, well, dark, I guess. Dark hair, dark clothes, he does have amazing green eyes though."



"I thought all vampires had... Never mind. Is he smart then?"

"I think so, he's in all of my classes, and he always finishes before everyone else."

She beams at the road ahead, "Good, good. I'm glad you're enjoying your new school. I didn't think you liked it."

We laps into a comfortable silence, my mum turning the radio on, humming to the song that comes on. I lean back, close my eyes, and picture my home in my mind, eager to finally get there. I drift quickly off to sleep.


Daniels POV

Staring at the rusty door barely holding onto its hinges, Daniel smiles, feeling the overbearing sun beat down on his back. Despite it being the middle of winter, Italy still held a wonderful heat that swirled around him, a breeze bringing sorely needed relief. Perfect. Just perfect. The chipped red door, bleached from the sunlight and years of abuse, swings open revealing his friend. The smell of freshly baked bread envelopes him, and he drinks it in greedily.

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