Something like this happened to me for the first time.. and I didn't want him to stop. I wanted more and I couldn't believe that I would feel this type of day with someone one day.. but I wanted to change the subject or do anything else because I felt uncomfortable since we were at school and not alone...

"You never told me that you are smoking..." I said quickly. He backed off so I put my hands on his chest. I realized how fast my heart was beating.. "No big deal." he said but I bit my lower lip.

He smirked and looked at me very seductive.. "You want one?" he asked me and I raised my eyebrow. "What..?". He licked his lips. "A cigarette." he answered and my jaw dropped like I've never heard of it before.. "Ew no! That's so nasty! I would never do that!" I said shaking my head like crazy. He laughed but rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, you're acting like a kid again."

I furrowed my eyebrows and came closer.. "Smoking has nothing to do with acting like a kid." I said and suddenly he grabbed my face and kissed me.

I looked at him eyes wide open when I backed off. "You're crazy, I hope you know that." I said and he nodded laughing.


Just when I wanted to say something I got a phone call. So I moved a little bit to get my phone out of my pocket and she wanted to stand up to make it easier for me but I told her to not.

Dad was calling me and I wasn't sure if I should answer next to her. It was too risky and I was afraid that she would hear everything but I also didn't want to make her stand up to leave and talk alone to him.. I decided to answer.

"Dad..?" I coughed and she looked at me.
"Dean, what the hell are you doing? This all is taking too long." he said and my heart started racing.. I got a little nervous.. I looked at her because I knew he meant the thing with Sun..
"Uh.. I'm with Sun.." I answered and she looked at me eyes wide open.

"Really? Boy are you stupid? Don't waste your time with talking to me and spend you time with her!". I clenched my jaw. I heard how excited he was and that made my blood boil. I hated how excited he got when it came to her.. And he was asking me if I was stupid? I already was spending time with her but he was the one who was bothering me. He was the one who called me but still called me stupid. That man really had no brain..

"I will..." I said furrowing my eyebrows. He really had the ability to make me mad with talking to me.
"Wait! Before you hang up! Invite her to dinner!" he said totally excited and my jaw dropped and I started laughing. »Oh, no, no, no, no, no!« she looked at me questioning. I was never going to that. It was too early. I was never going to let her into the same house that he was entering. I was never going to bring her to that monster.. not so fast. It was way too early and I knew he was going to use her immediately. I knew his plans and what he was going to do and that made me feel sick. I wanted to throw up..

For the first time I really said no to him. Especially that often. I was serious even if I was laughing.
"Did you just say 'no'?" he asked me with a mad voice. I could hear his anger but I didn't care. The anxiety that got me was enough..

I hung up immediately knowing that I was going to walk into hell as soon as I would get back home. But I just didn't want to do that. I didn't want to risk her.. My heart was racing. Yes, I was scared of him since he was always hurting me without hesitation.. but that was something I just couldn't do...

"You told him about me?" she asked and got me back to reality. I needed to get myself back together..

"Uh-huh I tell him everything!" I said. That wasn't a lie... "Oh.. so your relationship is very strong huh?" she asked smiling and I fake smiled. "Definitely!" I said but I wasn't happy..

She looked so happy.. and somehow I just didn't want to hurt her but it wasn't my decision..


After school I was driving back him with Moon since I wasn't allowed to be left alone all by myself for one month. So we were driving in silence.. until he talked..

"So.. why did he make you cry?"

I looked at him eyes widened with a dropped jaw but he kept looking at the road ahead of him. My stomach dropped. I swallowed. His eyebrows were furrowed and I saw how he clenched his jaw.. how he gripped the wheel...

"Do you like him?" he asked me before I could even answer his first question.

I was totally overwhelmed.. he caught me off guard and I didn't understand what was going on. How did he find out about it? People were talking and he knew everything.. of course he would find out about it..

I squeezed my hair behind my ear. Talking about something like this with my brother was a little uncomfortable but I was telling him everything.. "Uhm.. I think I do.. I'm not sure.." saying this made me a little nervous.. of course I liked him. Otherwise I wouldn't be letting him do all these things to me.. otherwise I wouldn't die to spend time with him.

"Well I don't. You don't know him. Please.. stay away from him." he said very seriously but also softly with furrowed eyebrows. He seemed worried but angry and I was overwhelmed again because I didn't expect him to say this... I looked at him very shocked.

"Dad.. is that you, dressed up as Moon?" I asked him laughing. He sighed again.
"Sun, you don't know how he really is!" he said loudly. He was really serious.. it was really bothering him.. I couldn't believe it. "Oh, and you do?!" I asked and my voice came out louder than I expected. "Yes I do!" he answered and I laughed again while he took a deep breath. I already felt like Dean. He was laughing too when he was mad or anything else. He was laughing all the time.

"Sun you need to take that serious! He could be one of dads enemies!" he looked at me and I couldn't hold it back anymore..

Can't hate you || e.dUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum