German Sheppard!Fell x Bullied! Child! Reader

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Your parents had to get you a guard dog since you were starting to get serious threats in your locker and to your face. They chose a German Sheppard since you felt really safe around them. This one's ears were a little chipped and it had a red collar.

You decides to call him 'Fell' since well... why not? Today you were walking to school early as Fell trotted beside you. Fell's chipped ears were pointed straight up, you could tell he was ready for anything. In fact, he used to be a military dog until his owner was killed.

"Fell," Fell looked at you as you held your books close, "please don't hurt anyone. Just tell them to back off, o-ok?" You asked as Fell looked at you with his deep dark eyes. He walked closer to you and nuzzled yoir leg as you smiled.

"Well, well, well!~" Fell suddenly growled as you froze. "Looks like the nerd got a dog!" A popular blonde commented. "Yo, b#tch, you can't bring dogs to school." The blonde's boyfriend/girlfriend said as Fell's fur started to stick up a little.

"I got permission to bring Fell here a-as my guard dog." You said as you stepped back a little. "A guard dog?! How weak!" Fell snarled before you lightly brushed your fingertips on his head. Fell looked at you as you smiled. "No Fell. Don't attack." Fell nodded before the bell rang.

The kids went inside as you waited a few minutes. You walked in as Fell trotted behind you. Fell kept watch of those kids from earlier before you both were walking home. "Great job Fell!" You said as Fell trotted next to you. Fell's tail wagged as you both entered your home.

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