W.D. Ashley

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A/N: This was translated from an ancient wolf language. I hope you understand that I trust all my followers as members of my pack. Please respect this knowledge.

"Day XX Month YY Year ZZZZ

Day 1:

My daughter has shown strange signs. She always cries when Gaster tries to bathe her while Jeremy doesn't fuss.

I noticed strange markings on her ribcage, shoulderblades, and humorous. They show two birds, one orange and one completely jet black. Gaster thinks it has something to do with his fire side of the family. I will have to figure out tomorrow.

Day 2:

Gaster was correct. His fire side of the family was known for power and strength. Some of these monsters were known as the 'Phoenix Clan'. A group of power fire mortals who claimed to be fused with a phoenix.

If only I knew more about this...

Day 5:

No luck. Might postpone research.

Day 10:

I was about to give up hope when my daughter almost ripped a cobra in half. It seems she was fighting herself, another version of herself. Her sockets were white with pure black evil inside. Luckily Gaster calmed her down.

I ran a DNA analysis on her as she slept to find something horrifying. Two power phoenixs had fused with her soul. I checked her soul to see a four way soul. Determination, Justice, Bravery, and Haterd. The four most power souls. I was astonished by the remarkable discovery. I will continue my research till dawn.

Day 12:

I must write these words down quickly. Jeremy is outraged and I don't know if Emily can face him. I will have to face him, for the pack.

Emily, if you are reading this, do not show anyone the rest of this book. In fact, guard it with you life.

This book could lead you to great power or great disaster.

My last dialogue; W.D. Ashley"

I will follow her wishes and not show any more...


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