Glitchtale x Fear Soul! Reader (2)

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You sat in the very back of the van, with Daisy, as the others talked. Gaster glamced behind him and saw you looking almost hopeless. "Ok! Mall or Pizza first?" Asgore asked. "Let (y/n) chose!" Frisk and Asriel said at the same time. You perked to your name being called.

"Which one (y/n)? Pizza or the mall?" Toriel asked. "U-U-Um... M-Mall?" You answered. Asgore and Toriel then announced that you all were going to the mall before Asgore drove towards the mall. Daisy nuzzled your chin as you hugged her and fought the urge to cry.

- The Mall -

Daisy was on your shoulders as you walked with Frisk and Gaster. You avoided looking at Gaster. "Oh! (Y/n)!" Frisk exclaimed before holding your hand and pulling you into a toy store. Gaster followed to see you and Frisk looking at toys. "I can get you one!" Frisk offered.

"N-No thank you... A-Asgore gave me some money..." You said as Daisy slept on your shoulders. Gaster watched as you treated Frisk like a little sister/brother. "Hey! Lets get this bracelet kit! We can make matching one's with Asriel!" Frisk said as they picked up a box.

"Ok!" You said before glancing at Gaster. Gaster noticed before you gave him a small wave. Gaster blushed lightly as Frisk pulled your hand to pay for the kit. Soon the kit was paid for and you three left the toy store.

- At Pizza -

Sans softened on you after Frisk told him about the toy store. Undyne was still keeping her eye on you as Daisy kept her eyes on Undyne. Right now, you and Daisy were sitting at the table as Toriel and Asgore ordered the pizza.

Gaster came over and sat down next to you. Daisy hopped off your shoulders and sat on the table. You played with your sleeve for a bit before Gaster just kissed your cheek and left. You had a deep bkush as Daisy looked as confused as you were. Frisk and Asriel were giggling as you tried to figure this out.

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