Virus!Emily affects everyone

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Virus!Emily is basically a huge trouble marker who kinda looks like Virus, Error, and Emily thrown into a pot and mixed up together. (I might draw her)

Here is an example of trouble she causes:

Affected!Emily: *walks into kitchen*

Swap: Huh? Emily? Aren't you suppose to be writing fanfics?

Affected!Emily: Oh I just wanted to see my boyfriend~

Swap: *suddenly blushes* W-Wait what-?!

Affected!Emily: *pulls Swap a bit lower*

Swap: *nervous laughter* Y-You're j-j-joking? Right?

Affected!Emily: I'd finish this cutie, but I think I should let 'her' do it.

Virus!Emily: *leaves Emily's body*

Emily: *blinks and sees situation* *backs away and growls* I'm going to kill her...

Swap: ???


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