Corrupt x Shy! Reader

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Corrupt Gaster - Princessmelodykitten

You were a very shy person. Fell and Swapfell liked to tease you, but Fell was the one to stop when you asled him to. Swapfell would keep going until your cheeks were bright red. You didn't know that Corrupt didn't like this at all.

Today Swapfell was at it again, flirting with you as you were reading a book. Corrupt was walking by as you hid your face in the book. "Swapfell, stooooop!" You whined. "Aww, what's wrong dove? Cat got your tongue?" Swapfell said as Corrupt growled. "Swapfell, please stop." You said as you looked away.

Swapfell was about tp say something when Corrupt grabbed him and threw him to the ground. "She said stop." Corrupt growled as he spread his arm, like as if he was hiding you. Swapfell got up as you closed your book. "If you haven't noticed, the dove is mine."

Corrupt growled at those words as you looked up at him. "She is NOT yours." Corrupt snarled. "And why not?" Swapfell asked as he crossed his arms and smirked. Corrupt pulled you to stand next to him before he picked you up by under your knees and kissed you.

Swapfell's mouth was wide as you blushed deeply. Corrupt pulled away before wrapping one of his arms behind you to pull you close as he held you up. "Because she's mine." Corrupt growled. Swapfell left, muttering to himself, before Corrupt looked at you. " sorry about that..." Corrupt said nervously.

Your eyes seemed bigger as you and Corrupt looked at eachother. "'s ok." You said as your blush lessened. Corrupt was blushing since he was still holding you before he kissed your forehead. You closed your eyes as he did this before you both looked at eachother again. "I..I love you (y/n)." Corrupt said. "I love too Corrupt." You said shyly before you both smiled at eachother.

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