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Ok, some of you might be curious about this form

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Ok, some of you might be curious about this form. I'm going to start with some basic answers.

Q: Is she more ticklish?
A: Yes. Since she has real skin/nerves, she is more ticklish on her sides.

Q: Is her hearing better or worse?
A: Better. Since her wolf DNA is more dominant, her wolf reflexes/abilities/senses are stronger.

Q: Is she faster or slower?
A: Slower. She has more weight to carry.

Q: Can she still shift [into a wolf]?
A: No. Her brain THINKS she is wolf, so she couldn't shift into an actual wolf.

Also... SamoanaGirl101... I know you've been taking pics of me on Swap's phone... My ears hear sin from a 100 mile radios...

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