Takao I pt 2

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Takao showed up 30 minutes before your practice ended, he was amused about how hard-core you are in the field. You made them run; you made them hit balls from the machine that looks like a normal eye cannot see.
“Shishido˗kun” Takao heard you call from the opposite corner of the field. “let’s end the practice early today.”
“O˗Okay, (l/n) ˗san.” Shishido answered, and he called all the members to inform them, they all cheered.
You walked to where Takao is and smiled at him.
“Yo! Takao˗kun.” You greeted. “I’ll just get change. I’ll be back in sec.” you told him and you walked to the club room.
“Ah Takao! What are you doing here?” the baseball regulars approached Takao.
“Ah! Shishido, Kaji! I didn’t know you are part of this club!” Takao answered.
“That’s because you only live for basketball, idiot.” The boys laughed at Takao.
“So, what’s your business with (l/n) ˗senpai?” they asked.
Takao blushed slightly and turned his face away from their views.
“Well…” He started, “Otsubo˗senpai asked me to accompany her for their project.”
“Ah that project that she’s been worrying about the other day?”
 “Probably.” Takao answered.
“Why are you red?”
“Eh!?!” Takao gasped, surprized that he was caught.
“No I’m not stupid!
“Ye right.” They rolled their eye on Takao.
“You have a crush on coach?”
“NO!” Takao denied, “Don’t be stupid! I just met her today! I didn’t even know there’s a person like her here.”
“Hou! Takao is definitely in love with (l/n) ˗senpai!” they swooned.
“But be careful though, Takao.” Shishido warned “It’s not like we don’t like you for coach, but coach has a tendency of getting back on the people who plays with her.”
“Eh? What do you mean by that?” Takao asked.
“Remember our classmate, (x’s name)?” they said, “The ace of baseball team during our first year?”
“Yea, that jerk head?” Takao laughed from the name, he hated the guts that guy had, just because he was the ace of the baseball… but Takao ignores him anyway.
“Yeah, that jerk head…” They all nodded in agreement. “(l/n) ˗senpai humiliated him after the big game when he apologized to her in public.”
“Seriously?” they stared at Takao, “Do you really have no idea about that? He almost wanted to strangle coach for humiliating him in public and it happened after they lost in the finals…”
“What did he do anyway?”
“He transferred school where he two timed senpai.”
“He got caught.”
“poor guy.” They chuckled, “He is the one who should know what evil senpai can do…”
“Oh! And we’re telling you that because if ever miracle happened and senpai liked you back too, and you hurt her feelings, we will kill you because we don’t want to lose her…we don’t want her transferring club to basketball to make you pay.”
“We want her here. He’s the club’s king.” One of their senpai approached, a 3rd year.
“Takamura˗senpai!” the boys gasp.
Takao looked up at the taller guy, he’s like the same height as Midorima.
 “Is that understood, Takao Kazunari?” He asked.
 “You w˗were listening the whole time!?”
“No. Your voices are just loud.” He answered and then he turned away and walked to the club room. Then it was your turn to show up.
“What’s with your faces?” You commented upon reaching them.
“No˗nothing much!” Shihsido answered, “Good luck Takao!” They said before they left for the direction of the clubroom, leaving you and Takao alone.
“You ready to go, Takao˗kun?”
“Y˗yeh, I think so…” Takao said, unsure.
“AH! Don’t tell me those guys warned you off of me…another again!?!” you gasped out.
“Eh!?” Takao was confused.
“Those guys have always been pushing away all the guys who come here and ask for me…and to think that they are your classmates!” You sighed.
The baseball club has been always like that right after your breakup with (x’s name). They’ve been scaring out the guy who tries to get to know you; the next thing you know, the guy doesn’t even talk to you or even look at you again.
“And to think that you believe them!” You accused Takao, “And you’re not even here for me. Otsubo asked you to help me.” You said sadly, “I’m sorry if they said something strange.” You started to walk to the gates.
“They’re just probably worried about you.” Takao said, walking next to you.
“Probably.” You smiled at the thought. “It’s nice like that too…”
Takao blushed at the sight of your smiling face.
“Ah! You’re blushing! You’re so cute!?” You joked and laughed.
 Takao stood there frozen. Did he her you correctly?!
“Takao˗kun??” You moved your hand in front of him. “You okay?”
“Y˗Yes, (y/n)-chan!" Takao answered, hiding his blush from you.
The two of you finished buying the materials and you decided to treat the nice kouhai for some snacks.
“Here Takao˗kun,” you handed Takao a strawberry crepe. “I hope you don’t mind me getting you strawberry?” you smiled.
 “No, I don’t mind, I like strawberries.” Takao said.
The two of you sat down in a nearby park while eating your crepes.
“I like this kind of thing…” You suddenly murmured…
“What thing?” Takao asked.
“Sitting in a nearby park and eating crepes…with friends and or boyfriends…” You said, looking up at the sky. “I haven’t done this with anyone yet, and I really think it’s nice to sit here and relax…”
“You haven’t done this with your boyfriend yet?”
“Nope. He used to make excuses and everything. Probably he’s just keeping us from being seen by his other girlfriends.” You explained.
“Then how about we do this more often!?” Takao suddenly took your hand with his and surprised you with his blunt actions.
“EH!?” You blushed suddenly at the nearness of your faces. “Takao˗kun!?”
Realizing this, Takao immediately pulled his hands and blushed with a deeper shade of red.
“But˗ I’m serious (y/n) ˗chan…” He added looking away.
“It’s like you were asking me out, Takao˗kun.” You said upon recovering from your shock and chuckling. “That’s nice. So sure, why not?  You look like a nice guy.”
“EH!? seriously!?”
“Yes.” You answered with smile.
And that was the beginning of your relationship with Takao.
*After 8 years*
“So Daddy! Daddy! Tell me more about that girl you like who plays baseball!” A little black haired girl jumped on top of Takao and knocking off the air out of him.
“Ow…Kaname˗chan” Takao grunted in his interrupted sleep. “Daddy is still sleeping.”
“But Daddy!” The young girl whined, “You can continue your story now while Mommy’s not around.” She reasoned. Her (e/c) orbs pleading him.
“Mm, kay fine.” Takao moved and pushed the covers off of him, and sat up, yawning.
“YAY!!” the little girl cheered.
“Shsss!” Takao covered his daughter’s mouth gently; making her cut her cheer in midsentence.
“Oops. Sorry Daddy.” She giggled.
“Your brother is still sleeping” Takao pointed on the bump under the covers beside him.
He remembered that they were having their weekly movie night last night on their bedroom, and the kids ended up sleeping on their bed.
“Sooo….” Kaname said, “What happened after you and her get to know each other more?”
“Well, after college we both pursue our dream, she became a teacher in Physical Education, and coached her own team of baseball, while daddy works on office…”
“Do you love her daddy?” Kaname asked.
“Yes.” Takao smiled at the girl.
“More than you love mommy?” The girl’s eyes were twinkling a while ago, but now it turned into teary one.
“Of cou˗” Takao’s words were cut when a young boy with a black hair suddenly sat up with a frown on his face.
“Of course he loves Mommy!” The young boy assured his sister, “He married mommy because he loves her!” He said irritated.
“But daddy said he loves that person˗”
Takao sighed. His kids are arguing again, it’s because his first kid, Kaito is a really uptight kid, he’s also too attach with his mom, and the younger one is Kaname who loves everything but easily gets emotional when it also comes to their mother.
“Dad’s just messing up with you, Kaname˗chan” Kaito scolded.
“W˗what?” Kaname turned her teary eyes to Takao who smiled at her apologetically, “But ˗”
“That person and mom is the same!” Kaito said.
“But Daddy said ˗” The young boy ignored his sister and covered himself with the blanket to continue his sleep; after all, it’s only 6:55m and its Saturday too.
“Now, now, Kaname ˗chan stop crying.” You appeared at the door way, holding a tray of breakfast for your family.
“Mommy!” The young girl jumped to your direction, and your almost drop the tray on the floor luckily, your husband, Takao had caught it, steadying it with you. While your daughter sulked while hugging your legs.
“That’s what you get from telling her stories without names.” You scolded Takao.
“Well…I just had fun telling her our story.” Takao smiled at you and leaned closer to leave a kiss on your nose.
“Wake Kaito up, we’re having breakfast.” You smiled and let Takao take the tray from you and lifting up your daughter. “Stop sulking now, Kaname. How about we visit the park today?” You asked your daughter.
“Really?!” They young girl looked at your eyes with excitement.
“Yep. So let get up early so we can have the rest of the day for fun, right, Daddy?” You turned to Takao who was now fixing the tray on the bed.
“Yep. Daddy’s taking you to the park today to play with uncle Shinchan’s little Ruri.” Takao said.
“Ruri ˗chan’s coming?” Kaito took the covers off him.
“Yes.” Takao answered as he pulled his young boy up who obliged upon hearing the name of Midorima’s daughter.
You sat down on the bed with Kaname on your lap. Takao sat behind you, and wrapped his hand around your waist while nuzzling the back of your nape.
“I love you.” He whispered.
“I love you too.” You answered back and kissed him. “Let’s eat?”
 “Mm.” Takao answered.
And together with your family, you had your Saturday morning breakfast in bed.
“Itadakimasu!” the kids and the two of you echoed.

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