Akashi V: A Seal of Eternity pt.2

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Title: A Seal of Eternity
Akashi Seijurou x Reader
Chapter 2

"You're going out?" It was Midorima who asked the question when he saw Akashi putting on his coat and is on his way somewhere.

"Yes." Akashi answered, "I will be meeting someone I know from the past."

"Is it important?" Midorima asked again.

"..." Akashi didn't answer and this made Midorima frown.

"If it's not that important, I advise that you should just stay indoors." Midorima said sternly.

"I will be fine." was Akashi's only response before walking past Midorima.

"If you'll go, at least tell me where you are going." Midorima called after him, "So I will know where I will send Aomine to get you."

"You don't have to; I said I will be fine-"

"Sorry to cut you off, but in your current condition, you are not." Akashi threw Midorima a cold glance that sent Midorima a silent message that there's nothing to worry about and Midorima could only sigh.

He watch as Akashi made his way to the front door.

Akashi Seijurou

You were already at the train station when you realize that you forgot to bring the files that you will need to give to your boss who will have a meeting that is located at the same venue of your trip, she will throw a fit if she hears that you left it at home.

"(Name)-chan! Let's get in" one of your colleague called you.

"Ah! Go without me, I have to pick up the files that I left, Kaicho will use it later!"

"Ehh?! You left it at home!?" you nodded

"I'm sorry, I need to get it. I'll take the next train in the afternoon!"

"Okay, I'll take your bag." She smiled, "It will be easier to travel if you give me your things, and I'll just leave it in your room."

"Thank you." You smiled and grabbed your wallet before walking to the bus stop to take a ride back to Ojii's place.

Akashi Seijurou

"Everything is in order." Ojii sighed in relief, finally.

When Akashi accepts Sakura as his bride, he will be free of his wrath, he will be able to peacefully live and wait until his time ends to finally meet his beloved.

Ojii looked at the altar where a photo of his wife was placed and he smiled.

"I have fulfilled my lord's will and I didn't run this time." He said with a smile.

With that, Ojii looked over the clock and realize that it was almost time and so he called Sakura so she can prepare.

"Sakura-chan, I leave everything to you."

"Of course, Ojii." The woman smiled at Ojii proudly. "I am well prepared to be the bride of the great Akashi Seijurou."

"Before I forget," Oji looked at Sakura's clothes, "I have prepared a special Kimono for this occasion, please where that one."

Sakura frowned, "But I bought this Kimono just for this occasion and this is expensive!"

"The cost is not important," Ojii stated, "It is the quality."

With a frown, Sakura turned away and went upstairs to get the Kimono.

"Obedience is one thing a bride should possess." He said to himself.

Akashi Seijurou

Akashi stared at the gate of the old man's house—he arrived earlier than expected and he was able to hear and listen to the conversation of the Oji and of the woman whom he called 'Sakura'—and yes, he was able to hear the conversation even while inside the comfort of his car, and from what he had heard and listened to, it seems like he will seriously need to punish the old man and go back to his birthplace in order to cleanse the impurities that attached to his person, it will take time but it can't be helped as the woman is most likely not fit for the role of a bride for his kind.

"Saa, let's get this over with."

The driver looked at him from the rear-view mirror and Akashi nodded at him as if communicating silently and he gently removed his seat belt only to be stopped by the red head when something caught his eye...

"I made it!" you gasped when you finally made it back to Oji's house, you dashed from the bus station back to home in order to get the files that you needed and bring it back to the station to catch the next train.

You panted as you try to steady yourself at the gates and catch up with your breathing and then you looked around only to find no Oji around the garden where he normally is---

"Oh yea, a visitor is coming!" you remembered and then you opened the gates only to be stopped by a cold presence behind you. You looked over your shoulder and stared at the man standing right behind you.


"Hello," Akashi greeted.

"H-Hi!" you stuttered, "Um...can I help you?"

"Yes," Akashi answered.

You on the other hand, froze in surprise at his sudden closeness as you didn't even see him walking by.

Akashi studied you head to toe and an amused smile appeared on his lips which made you blush.

'He's kinda cute.' you mentally commented, but then immediately scratched the thought away as he seems to be someone older than you and he looks like someone who got lost in this kind of neighborhood---I mean, he look like one of those rich people you see in TV.

You blinked when you realize that you have been staring too much at his face.

"You live in this house?" Akashi started again and waited for your answer.

"Um...not really, but Oji kinda took me in--" you explained, slightly going red as you replied.

"I see..." Akashi smirked to himself; he then suddenly reached for your cheeks -- an action your body instinctively reacted to by backing away from him.

This made Akashi frown a little, normally any girl whom he reached for will immediately succumbed to his touch or rather, to be touched by him – but you, you were different.

"You are not used to a man's touch." Akashi stated and you looked at him as if he said something offending of some sort.

"O-of course!" you almost shouted at him, offended at his comment.

Akashi chuckled at your reaction, "Don't worry my love, it is not a bad thing, I apologize if the statement rubbed you the wrong way—it was meant to be a compliment."

"I-I'm sorry."

"No, it was my bad." Akashi retreated his hand to his side and then his eyes looked past you---at the door now, to be exact.

And as if on cue, the door slide open and Oji's eyes almost grew wide when he saw you standing with your back at the door.

"(Name)! I thought you --" he called in surprise and that was when his eyes traveled towards the person you were with. "—Akashi-sama!"

"Good morning, Ojii." Akashi gave a knowing smile at Oji's direction and then you looked at Oji in confusion.

"I left my files upstairs...Um, you know him Oji-san?"

"Y-yes." Oji swallowed hard, "Please come in, Akashi-sama." He immediately opened the door for Akashi and then you stepped to the side to make a way for the man. Akashi did take a step but he stopped right in front of Ojii.

"Akashi-sama," Ojii pressed, "Sakura-chan is waiting for you at the hall." With that you understood that he was the one Sakura-san was waiting for.

"I don't think it is necessary to come in," Akashi responded which made Ojii confused.


"To be honest, I was listening to your exchange of words with the lady you call 'Sakura' and I am well convinced...that she is not the one for me." Akashi whispered the last part to Oji.

Ojii then looked up at Akashi with surprised, he prepared for this day and he was sure that Sakura will be accepted by Akashi, but he wasn't expecting that Akashi will reject Sakura before even meeting her.

"After all, 'Obedience is something a bride should possess' and I don't think she has that." Akashi watched as Oji's shoulder slumped in defeat.

"I understand, I have failed." Oji whispered to himself, "I am willing to accept your punishment; but please, not while she is here." Ojii whispered as he gestured to your direction.

"Is there something that matters, Ojii-san?" you looked at the old man with great concern now—you really couldn't hear what they were talking about, but you can somehow understand the look on Ojii's face.

Akashi chuckled, and then looked down at the old man.

"And you have the nerve to beg for me to give an exception for this lady here to avoid witnessing your punishment? Who do you think you are talking to? I'm not like the others who give final wishes."


"Wait! Wait! What do you mean punishment?" you grabbed Akashi's shoulder and he suddenly surprised him.

A cold wind blew past the three of you, a gust of wind that was different from a normal one, and honestly, it's not even windy today.

"Yappari," You heard Akashi whispered.

"I cannot here you properly-?" you wanted to drag him away but a voice stopped you.

"(Name)!" Ojii shouted and you let go of Akashi immediately.

"So-sorry." You apologized immediately, "It was out of character." You added and then looked at Ojii, "Ojii what do you mean that he needs to punish you?" then you turned to Akashi "Does he owe you something? I will pay for it! Just leave him alone and don't punish him ever! Can't you see that he's already old!?"

Akashi then stared as you started talking about how it was improper to talk to someone older like Ojii in the way Akashi talked to him.

"You may be Ojii's previous lordship, but that doesn't mean you hold his life!" you finished.

"You don't understand." Ojii interrupted.

"I know, but that doesn't mean he can also do as he please, who does he think he is? A kamisama?!" you glared at Akashi.

Akashi chuckled.

"(Name)!" Ojii reprimanded.

"How much?" you closed your eyes as you calm yourself down, it's the second time Ojii reprimanded you for all your life, but this time it's worth it.

This man over is after all, acting all mighty and such.

Akashi smirked, "I don't think money is enough."

"You're lying." You said immediately, "I've known Ojii all my life, and I don't think he could owe you something that cannot be paid by money."

"You don't know what you are saying, young lady." You just stared at him and as much as you want to talk back to him, you held your tongue back.

"Please stay out of this, (Name)." Oji begged.

"How can I leave you on your own? You took care of me." You murmured, "You are my family."

A tear fell from Ojii's eyes and held your hand.

"Thank you, (Name)." He said, "that is the best thing I've received all my life."

"What?" you looked at Ojii, confused.

"I'm so glad that you consider me a family."

"Of course, that is why please let me handle this." You told him.

"Well, you heard her, Ojii-san." Akashi interrupted finally. "She is willing to pay for your debt."


"If money is not enough, then if you need to take his life—then take mine instead!"

Akashi frowned at your proposal, he didn't like it.

"(Name)! Don't say such things!"

"Well then, I will take you on your offer." Akashi said calmly and then that instant you closed your eyes and prepared yourself to get punished.

Nothing happened though.

"Why are you closing your eyes?" you heard the red head asked, "Open them." He ordered and somehow his voice just suddenly made you comply.

And when you opened them, you saw his face was looking down at you with a cold expression and before you could open your mouth to speak, his hand reached down to your chin and easily lift your face closer to his.


Your eyes widened as his lips closed over yours in a very intimate kiss that almost dragged all the strength of your legs.


And just that moment, Akashi pulled away gently with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"In exchange of your old man's life, you will become my bride."

"!!!" with a teary eye and a weak knee you slumped on the floor with a quiet 'thud' and immediately Ojii came to help you up as you lock eye contact with the red head.

"I have found myself a proper bride." He stated, "You are lucky ojii-san." Akashi moved his stare at Ojii this time. "Your life is spared."

"Wait-" Ojii tried to protest but Akashi had turned his back at the both of you and is now on his way to the car that suddenly appeared in front of the house.

"Pack your things, my dear (Name)" he said, "I will take you home before sunset, you are my bride after all." With that Akashi climbed inside the car and the driver closed the door before bowing at your direction and climbing up the driver's seat and driving off.

"(Name)-chan! Are you okay?" Ojii asked worriedly and you could only stare at the now empty street.


Akashi closed his eyes the moment he climbed up the car and instinctively licked his lips.

"Sweet." He commented, "He was keeping her away from me after all."

Akashi that moment felt cleansed, and he knew right that instant that he found the right bride that would cleanse the impurities in his body and soul.

"I can't wait to have her to myself." This statement is somehow for a different matter...

A/N: I'm back for now... well, classes started again and I'm back to work and somehow we got stuck doing a lot of things, I was able to finally post this part as I have finished this chapter few weeks ago but didn't have the chance to upload as I was not satisfied with the chapter's plot yet, but now it seems like my brain suddenly wanted to work as I redo the whole chapter in one day. This is shorter than what I intended it to be, but I am aiming to post the chapter and end the story soon---as I don't want to leave it unfinished.

I will be back to work and it will take time before I post for chapter 3. This story will take like 5-7 chapters. I know because I have it plotted in my head already hahahha. The classes were suspended today so I spent time to finish this chapter.

I hope I didn't disappoint, the story was really good in my head, but it came out different when I type it—I guess I'm not that good in expressing things into words.

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment and I apologize if this is chapter is a disappointment.


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