Himuro I pt 2

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“Maybe I should apologize to him? He was just looking after me…” You said to yourself after that day when you got home.

But then…you didn’t get the chance to get near him, because the Monday that came after that incident, was the start of the school festival and you were told to take charge of the bazaar your class are having…and this helped you to take you and Himuro’s argument off of your head.

“(name)-chan, can you go upstairs for more stock of this…” one of your classmates asked you. So you stood up and took the list from her and walked back up to the classroom…

But when you reached the third floor you were surprised how everything changed. You can’t tell which way was the stock room’s direction is.

‘What the fuck?’  You silently cursed.

You continued walking until you ended up standing on a classroom with a signboard ‘Fortune Telling Booth’.


You heard a voice, you looked behind you and found no one standing in line, so you just shrugged it off and decided to walk past the room-but the voice called again.

“You standing there, why are you not entering?” the voice that seems to be coming from a woman demanded. You turned to the door and frowned, yet you entered.

“Konichiwa, oujo-chan.” She greeted, she was wearing a black cloak covering her face and in front of her was a crystal ball. “What can I do for you today?”

“Uh-huh…” you sighed, “I want to know where the stock room is.”  You said.

“EH?”  The woman was surprised at your question. “No love life? No problems?” she asked.

“Aren’t you supposed to be happy that I am only asking you a simple thing?” you raised a brow at her. Realizing her mistake, she coughed.

“Y-you’re right.” She then cleared her throat and started to move her hands on the crystal ball like she could see something on it. “The stock room…is on the left wing of the building.” She said.

“Great. Thanks for that.”  You said and dropped a coin on the donation box in front of her before you turned away and left her on her own.


It was after lunch when you finalized the counting of the morning sales of your booth. This time you can have free time to wonder around while your classmates will be in charge—but since you have nothing to do and you’re still too tired to wonder around you decided to go back to your classroom, since your class was doing a bazaar, they are all at the field that means the room is basically…empty.

You sat down on your chair and turned it facing the window where you can feel the cold breeze coming from the outside. You were starting to doze off…when a cold thing touched your cheeks.

You jolted up back to life and almost fall down the chair and you looked up only to find Himuro standing there behind your seat, with a smile and holding a plastic bag of bento and cold drinks.

“Thanks for the good work.” He greeted. You flushed from embarrassment and awkwardness of the situation. You just hated him the other day, and here he is now, visiting you again like nothing happened…and with a charming smile at that.

“Hi-Himuro-san!” you murmured surprise.

“(name), I brought you lunch and cold drinks.” He said, “I dropped by at your station but they said you went to take a nap somewhere so…” He smiled and placed the bento on the table.

KnB Love Shots [KnB x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora