Akashi IV : Mine, it will never change pt.12

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Akashi : Mine. It will never change.
Chapter 12

Before anything else...
恭喜发财 Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!
Happy Chinese New Year!!!!
Let's start the year of the monkey with chapter 12 ne??


"Wait- us?"

"Yes, us." Akashi confirmed.

"Why me too?" you asked nervously.

"Because he wants to meet his daughter-in-law." The smirk on Akashi's face tells the world that he's sure of what he is doing. Not the nervous type at all... even though its his father they'll be meeting... or more like, YOU'LL be meeting.


You arrived at the MAIN Akashi house... not Seijurou Akashi's house, but the house where AKASHI MASAOMI is living in. (This one is in Tokyo. They also have a house in Kyoto which is also one of the family's main home).

Akashi MASAOMI is a man around his 60's to mid 70's as what Akashi had told you. He's a healthy man who doesn't look like his age as he welcomes you and his son in his spacious home office. His hair was brown and some are white,his eyes--gold and resembles the sharpness of Akashi's eyes. His eyes screams ABSOLUTE...as expected of Akashi's father.

"We're here, father." Akashi greeted he stood there with you inside his father's office.

"So this is your wife, Seijurou?" Masaomi stood from his chair. He eyed you from head to toe then turned to his son.

"Yes," Akashi answered straight. "This is (name)." He gestured to you

"It's nice to finally meet you, (name)." he greeted in return, "I am Akashi Masaomi, Seijurou's father."

"Konichiwa." you greeted nervously with a courtly bow towards the older man.

"I called you here regarding the issue that occurred last night in the party." Masaomi announced straight to the point. He doesn't look so happy about the events. Akashi didn't respond, he waited for his father to finish speaking.

Masaomi placed a copy of the today's newspaper on the table. The front page was a photo of Akashi and you standing together when you entered the ballroom that evening.

'Akashi Seijurou married to Interior Designer--(Full name)!?'

Then under the front page was a small comment section from random people who were present that evening.

'I never heard of it. There was no wedding that occurred. Probably a hoax?'

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