Akashi IV: Mine, It will never change pt.16

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Akashi: Mine, It will never change.
Chapter 16

"Are you claiming that you are the boy's father?"

"I am not 'claiming'." Akashi said, "Because I am"

Kaoru rolled her eyes hearing Akashi's statement, and Tomoe grumbled in annoyance.

"I can't wait to have the result and slap the arrogance out of his face with it." Kaoru seethed.

"He's confident." Tomoe commented.

The judge on the other hand was not fazed with Akashi's confidence. He just looked at him, yet he admired him.

"Upon the preliminary review of your relationship with (l/n)-san, a paper caught out attention..." the judge started again, this time a man came in and handed few papers in front of Akashi and to the Tomoe's.

Akashi recognized the paper, so did Kaoru.

"It's the young boy's birth certificate and hospital records."

"It stated here that you are the father, Akashi Seijurou."

Akashi stared at the judge while Kaoru gasped in surprise.

"That can't be!" Kaoru interrupted, but was silence.

"We will get to your problem later, Tomoe-san. First let us listen to Akashi-san."

"Yes." Akashi started with his answer, "I arrived after she gave birth, I was with her parents...the moment I laid my eyes on my son, that he must bear the Akashi's name...but it was her mother who didn't want to, so he's using his mother's last name up to now."

You closed your eyes gently as you continued to listen to Akashi's...lies.

"She said she didn't want my help for the child's upbringing, and I respected that...yet I didn't let them out of my sight."

"You tampered the papers!" You shot up a surprised look at Kaoru when she accused and pointed a finger at Akashi. Akashi just gave her a cold look.

"The boy has no father registered in his certificates! I have a copy myself!"

Our eyes narrowed at Kaoru in disbelief.

"How come you have a copy of that?"

Birth certificates, hospital records and clearance are meant to be private. There's no one who could get a copy unless provided a letter from the owner of the records...and or guardians.

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