Akashi IV : Mine, it will never change pt.10

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Mine, It will never change
Chapter 10

"Orange is alright?" Akashi asked when he came back holding a can of orange juice that he handed down to you.

"Oh, yes. Thank you." You answered, you were sitting in one of the bench where you could see Seien as he watch the peacock eat.

"Are you tired already?" Akashi asked.

"A little." You admitted, "but I'm enjoying because he's happy." You gestured to your son. "Thank you again for taking him here."

"It's no problem." Akashi smiled as he watch Seien gasp in surprise when the peacock opened its tail.

"Woaaa! So pretty!! Mommy look!!"

"Yes, Seien...mommy sees." You called back.

"Let's take him to the aquarium next week." Akashi suggested. "He said he wanted to visit the fishes too."

"Don't spoil him too much."

"Its not spoiling." Akashi defended, "its called familiarizing."


"Yes. I'm making him feel comfortable with me." Akashi explained, "He always looks for you before he answers to me. He only feel safe when he's with you, I also want him to the feel the same when with me."

"Akashi-san, aren't you investing too much effort with Seien?"

"Is that a problem? He's my son after all."

"Your son?" You smiled bitterly "if only you were Seien's father... he would probably be so proud of it..." you admitted with a disappointed sigh.

"There's nothing wrong if he starts thinking of it that way." Akashi assured, "it will make everything easier."

"He will get confuse."


"When Tomoe starts to get in the picture..." you swallowed thickly, "it will confuse Seien."

"Because he's the father?" You nodded.

"They don't have a proof."

"I--I agreed to let them have a DNA test..." you whispered quietly.

"..." Akashi was quiet.

"It's an inevitable situation." He finally stated, "I now understand why you are worried."


"When did you agreed to this? Did you meet up with Tomoe?" Unexpectedly, Akashi was calm as he asks the questions.

"The other day... Ichinose called." You said, "they wanted me to meet up with Tomoe, but I don't really want to see his face."

"You should've told me about it first before agreeing, we can get the lawyer take care of everything for you."

"No- I don't want to involve you." You replied, "And besides-"

"It's impossible to not let me get involve!" Akashi interrupted, "I am your husband now, you are an Akashi."

"Seien's problem with Tomoe is my own problem."

"Not anymore." Akashi announced, "As the head of the household, everything will have to get past me before it gets finalized. Is that clear to you (name)?"

"But it's-"

"It's a simple yes or no." You looked up at Akashi's serious face. One look and you already know not to defy him.


"Good. We will have my lawyer to get charge of everything." Akashi takes your hand with him, "If she talks to you directly again, you will have to inform me immediately. That is not appropriate."


They were in the middle of walking around near the Koalas' when Akashi's phone started ringing. He checked the screen and turned to you.

"(name), just a sec." Akashi gestured to his phone.

"Sure, no problem." You answered as you followed Seien.

Akashi answered the call. He wasn't really expecting to receive this call from his Father's office.

"This is Akashi." He answered. "Father?"

"Does it have to be now?" Akashi frowned upon hearing the answer of the person on the other line.

----- Akashi -----

The browned haired old man watched as the red head glance at his phone and turned to the (h/c)-haired woman who nodded in return before following the little boy who was near the cage of the animals. The red head walked away from the two.

"Do you know that Koala's have pouches?" A hoarse voice started. Little Seien looked up from the Koala's to the person who was standing next to him.

He was an middle aged man around his 50's to 60's and has brown hair and golden eyes.

"Pouches?" Seien asked, "What are pouches?"

"Those are pockets where the mommy koala places their babies." The old man pointed to his stomach and gestured an imaginary pocket attached to him.

"Really?" Seien's eyes twinkled.

"Yes. They are like Kangaroos."

"Woaaa~" Seien turned to the Koalas. "Why do they place their babies inside their pouch?"

"So that they could take care of them. And that they won't get lost." The man said.

They both stared at the Koalas as they crawl on the tree branches and get food from the eucalyptus that wee hanging there.

"They eat leaves?"

"Those are called eucalyptus leaves. Those are their favorites."


"Do you like the Koalas, young boy?" He asked.

"Yes. They are cute." Seien answered.

"What's your name?" Seien stepped back from the old man and looked around for his mother.

"My name?"

"Yes, your name."

"Mommy said not to tell my name to strangers." Seien whispered.

"I see."


When Akashi left you followed Seien only to bump into someone's chest.

"Ow--So-sorry." you winced when you rubbed your nose and looked up at the person to apologize again.

"(Name)." Your eyes widened and stepped away from the person.

"What are you doing here?" You whispered quietly.

"To see my son." Saruhiko glared at you.

"Your son?" you repeated disgustingly, eyes narrowing at his words. "The son you were talking about doesn't exist!"

"Don't shit with me, (name)!" Saruhiko shouted, "I already know that truth! Do you think you can keep me away from my son forever?"

"He's not your son! How dare you march in front of me claiming my son yours!?" You snapped at Saruhiko.

"Because that is the truth!"

"Do you have a proof?" You dared, "None? Well, unless you have and presented me a positive proof you cannot touch my son!" You walked past him with a glare.

"Out of my way, monkey!"

"Come back here! We're not done yet, (name)!" Saruhiko commanded.

"We were done years ago!" You retorted. "Stay away from me and my son!"

"Why? Is it because you have Akashi already?" you stopped walking and turned to glare at him.

"Don't you dare involve Akashi into this mess!"

"Is Akashi the father of that son of yours?"

"Why does it matter to you?" you asked, "Why are you chasing me and my son? Don't you have any with your wife?"

"That is none of your business!"

"Then whoever fathered my son is none of your business too!"

"That boy is my son isn't he?"

"Shut your trap!" you continued to walk faster, looking around trying to look for Seien who suddenly disappeared from your sight.


"I'm not done with you yet, (name)!"


"My name?" Seien asked.

"Yes, your name."

"Mommy said not to tell my name to strangers." Seien whispered.

"I see. What a good boy." The old man nodded in agreement with the boy's answer.

"Where is your mother then?" He asked.

Seien looked around.

"She's with Sei--" Seien cut his own sentence as he looked up at the man, "She's with the Daddy."

"The Daddy?"


"Your daddy is?"


"Seien-kun~" both Seien and the old man turned towards a woman wearing a black summer hat who was smiling towards them lovingly. "There you are!"

"..." Seien didn't respond. He looked up at the old man who just looked at the woman in curiosity.

"I apologize is my son is interrupting you, mister." She apologized to the old man and smiled before she turned to Seien who just stood there. "Come, Seien-kun...mommy is waiting."

Seien looked around didn't move.

"Seien-kun? Didn't mommy tell you not to talk to strangers?" She gestured to the man standing next to Seien.

Seien stepped back away from her.

Kaoru frowned and glared at Seien.

"Do you know her, young boy?" He asked Seien.

Seien nodded making Kaoru smile, but he stepped away from her and held the man's trouser...hiding behind him.

"It seems like the boy doesn't want to come with you." The old man stood before the boy protectively.

"No way, I am his mother after all." Kaoru gave a small laugh to hide her embarrassment.

"You don't look like this boy's mother to me." He stated looking down on her.

Kaoru felt so small under the old man's glare so she straightened up an tried her best to hide her embarrassed face.

"That is not true! I am his mother!" Kaoru insisted as she tried to smile and approach Seien.

Seien could only hide further behind the man.

"That is enough!" The old man snapped.

"You can't shout at me- I'm the boy's--"

"Take this woman away!"

With in the moment, a man came and nodded at the old man before he stood in front of Kaoru.

"This way, Ma'am." The the younger man instructed.

"What are you doing? I'm not going anywhere."

"Please." The man insisted, "We don't want to cause disturbance to the other visitor."

Seien watched as the man take Kaoru away.

"That is not your mother?" He asked Seien.

"That is daddy's friend." Seien answered.

"Daddy's friend? You know her then?" Seien nodded. "Do you mind telling me your name?"

Seien looked up at him. He was just looking into his golden orbs.


"Shut your trap!" you continued to walk faster, looking around trying to look for Seien who suddenly disappeared from your sight.


"I'm not done with you yet, (name)!" Saruhiko caught up with you, he grabbed your shoulder tightly and turned you to face him.

"Let go!" You winced slightly from his hold.

"We're not done yet!"

"Let go of my wife, Tomoe." Came Akashi's voice. It was cold and dangerously angry. "Or I'll call the securities on you."

"Huh? Wife?" Tomoe laughed. "Enough with this little family act you are pulling with Akashi, (name)!"

"No one is pulling an act here, Tomoe." Akashi whispered coldly as his hand gripped Tomoe's wrist tightly. "You are the one acting like an uncivilized human being by causing a scene."

"Let go of my wife, Tomoe." He repeated and this time and Tomoe did.

"Fine." He let go of you. "This doesn't end here." He announced.

"It will, if you don't leave the premises immediately." Akashi threatened, "If you are here for my son you are claiming as yours, then you will have to send in your best lawyer to get what you want." Akashi pulled you away from Tomoe and

you immediately turned to continue searching for Seien.

"Why must you always be in the picture, Akashi?"

"Why don't you get out of the picture yourself, Tomoe?" Akashi retorted.

"Leave. I don't want to see you anywhere near my wife nor my son."

"They are not yours! She was mine first! And that boy is hell sure, MINE!"

Akashi stared at Tomoe. There was silence between the two of them. It even felt like there's no one else there.


"Do you mind telling me your name?"

Seien looked up at him. He was just looking into his golden orbs.

"But I don't know you." Seien answered.

"Of course, how rude of me." The old man chuckled. "I am Masato."

Seien stared and then after a few moments smiled at him.

"I am Seien." Seien reached for the old man's hand and shook them. "Nice to meet you~!"

"Seien!!" The boy heard your call.

"Mommy!" Seien called back as he waved his hand at your direction.

When you saw him finally, you almost cried... you thought that Saruhiko might've taken him and all.

"Are you alright, young lady?" The old man asked. You were surprised to see a brown haired old man standing next to Seien.

"Your face is white like you've seen a ghost." He commented.

"H-hai." You answered quietly, "I am alright now." You lifted Seien up and wrapped your arms around him tightly.

"Mommy, is there something wrong?"

"Nothing... nothing is wrong, Seien." You whispered.

The old man just studied you and Seien together. He commented mentally on your total appearance : plain and simple.

"So you are the little boy's mother?" He asked.

"Yes." You turned to the old man, "Thank you very much for staying with him. We got caught up with something and lost track of my son. I hope he didn't interrupt your moment."

"There's nothing to get sorry about, I enjoyed being with him even for a few moments." The man assured you.

"Seien, say your thanks to him." You instructed. Seien nodded and walked closer to the old man.

"Thank you very much, Oji-san."


"Bye bye, Oji-san."

The old man watched as the two walked away from him hand in hand.

A man approached him again, it was the same young man earlier.

"Sir, its time to get back." He reminded him. "You have a meeting with the Nicolai's in 30."

He did't answer. But the younger man already know what he already understood him.


"Are you okay, Seien?" You asked him worriedly. You were shaking and Seien could clearly feel it in your hands.

"Are you okay, mommy?" He asked back, "your hand is shaking."

"Yes- I am okay." You assured him. "Let's go home?"

"But I haven't seen the tigers yet."

"I'm sorry- but i'm --mommy is feeling sick." You lied.

"Mommy is sick?" Seien stopped walking and looked up at you.

Your eyes was getting watery and you know that your tears are threatening to fall anytime now.

"Mommy is crying!" Seien's eyes are starting to get watery too.

"Uwaaaa!!!" Seien cried. He cried even before you did. You immediately wiped the tears away from your own and lifted up Seien.

"Seien, why are you crying?" You asked worriedly, you have already forgotten that you yourself was about to cry moments ago too.

"Because mommy is crying! That is why Seien is crying as well!! Waaaaaah~!!"

You wiped the tears off Seien's face as he continued to cry out.

"Stop crying, stop crying." You whispered to his ears. "Mommy's not going to cry."

"Is mommy not going to cry?"

"Mommy is not going to cry." You assured him.

"Come here." Akashi appeared right next to you all of a sudden and grabbed your hand.

He led you to a private exit where his car was waiting and assisted you inside. He wasn't talking and you weren't talking too...and Seien was extremely quiet.

Akashi made Seien look up at him gently.

"Were you crying,Seien?" He asked.

Seien only sniffed and his eyes started watering again.

"Tell me why are you crying?" Seien turned to you, but your were quietly sitting at the side and not talking at all.

"You don't need to wait for your mother's approval. Tell me." Akashi ordered.

"Mommy was about to cry so Seien cries for her instead!" The boy started sniffing and tears are starting to fall from his round (e/c) eyes.

"I don't want to see mommy cry! Seien will cry for her sake instead!"

Akashi turned to you noticed you wiping the tears away from your eyes.

"Stop crying, Seien." Akashi said, "It will make mommy upset if you cry."

"Mm." Seien nodded.



Kaoru and Saruhiko was both kicked out of the park for causing a scene.

"Nanda? You were kicked out too?" Kaoru grumbled under her breath.

"Akashi was there."


"She's his wife."

"Don't tell me you believe that trash? They were just making that up to scare us off!"

"He doesn't look like he's joking."

"Married or not, the boy is your son. You have the rights!"

"Yes. I have the rights." Saruhiko turned and walk to where they parked their car. "Let's get out of this place."

"Also its impossible that Akashi is married to that woman. He is my friend, Keiko's betrothed."

"Betrothed? You mean it like that?"

"Yes. I saw Keiko's ring. It was marvelous! Akashi bought it for her."

"Then why is he with (name)?"

"I told you before already, you just don't listen to me!"

"Tsk. I don't really want to be involved when Akashi's in thr picture."

"We can get rid of him." Kaoru promised.

"How is that?"



Akashi led you inside a suite.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked.


"Are you worried about Seien?" Akashi asked, you didn't answer. "Sora-san will take care of him at home." Akashi assured you.

"I know."

"Tonight, do you still want to go? It's okay if you want to stay in."

"Can I go home then?" Akashi examined your expression.

"No." You frowned.

"No? Then why are you asking me is I can stay in?"

"You can stay here inside. But you cannot go home. Yiu promised Seien that you are okay. If you show up at home tonight, you will just be emotional and confuse Seien."

"I am not emotional."

"You were about to cry earlier."

"I can't help it! Tomoe's getting on my nerves."

"I apologize for letting him near you." Akashi said quietly, "I was on the phone with my father."

"It's alright. Its not your fault." You sat down on the couch. "Your father?"

Your question was ignored...But you enjoyed sitting on the couch...It was...as expected, comfy and soft.

"You like the room?" Akashi asked.

"Yes." You answered, "as expected of the Imperial palace."

"Would you like to use the bath first?" Akashi asked.

"First?" You paused, "Wait- we're sharing the room?"

"We're going in tonight as husband and wife." Akashi announced, "They will talk if they found out that we sleep in a separate room."


"Don't worry, the bed is spacious." Akashi pointed at the large King sized bed. "Tonight is also a perfect opportunity to let people know that you and I are together, it will keep the Tomoe's at bay."

Akashi walked closer to you and handed you a cup.

"Here, tea." you accepted the warm cup. "It will calm your nerves."

"T-thank you."

"I have a dress ordered for you to wear. I hope that is fine with you?"

"So that is why your people says it's not necessary to worry about something to wear."

"Yes. I forgot to tell you last night." Akashi murmured, "You were already asleep."

"..." Remembering what happened last night made you turn red.

'What happened last night?' you asked yourself. 'I cannot really remember...'

"Are you not going to ask me what happened last night?"

"...not." you answered quietly.


Midorima was reading a book when his secretary came in.

"Midorima-sensei," She started as she peeked from the door. "You got another letter from the lab."

Midorima looked up at his secretary.

"Another?" Midorima closed his book and checks the white envelope before opening it.

"..." The first thought that came into his mind was Akashi.

Again, Akashi is doing things at his own pace.


You weren't surprised when you opened saw the gown you are to wear for the evening. As expected of Akashi, he is going to live up the name--AKA in AKAshi.

A woman came in holding the red dress.

"Akashi-sama asked me to assist you, Madam." You frowned.

"Please, just (name)." You told her. And she smiled and just nodded.

The lady assisted you with the makeup and dress. She was going to do the hair too when Akashi interrupted and told her that he likes it better when its down.

"Ready to go?" Akashi stood up when the lady left the suite.

"Yes." You stood up wearing the red gown for. Akashi stared at you for a moment before he pushed your hair back slightly.

"Wait, something is missing." Akashi commented.

"Huh? What is?"

"This." Akashi picked the necklace from his pocket as if he was already planning to have you wear them.


"Just wear it." Akashi placed the necklace around your neck. You suddenly become conscious of his closeness when his finger accidentally brushed on your skin.

"There, perfect." Akashi praised. As he looked at your reflection in the mirror.

You stared at your reflection for a short moment...

"..not just beautiful, don't you think (name)?"

"Huh?" You finally snapped out of your thoughts when Akashi spoke.

"Perfect." He repeated.


Keiko descended elegantly on the ballroom, gaining a number of eyes on her as she walks in.

"Miss Keiko, what a pleasant surprise to see you here" one of the woman approached him.

"Is the young Akashi with you?" She asked. "Did he even know your coming?"

"I came to surprise him tonight." Keiko smiled proudly as she show her engagement ring off to the woman which made her eyes widen in surprise.

To be honest, the older women there didn't like Keiko. She's childish and immature. They don't even know why the young Akashi was going out with her.

She was so young...and spoiled. Someone who doesn't fit to be a wife...yet.

"You really like doing things on your own pace, don't you?" The woman nodded to herself.

"Of course. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to look for my fiance." Keiko walked past the woman.

The woman gasped as she was left standing there on her own.

"Really, you don't have to be close to that child." A other woman approached her.

"She's a spoiled child." Another commented. "I don't even know why Akashi is being nice to him."

"She has Akashi's engagement ring!" The woman said to her friends. Together they glared at the retreating back of Keiko.

"Let's just let her be. If we mess with her, Akashi might cut off ties with us." The other commented.

"Yes. That is completely true, if it wasn't for Akashi I won't even talk to her."

When the ladies turned, they found Akashi standing there, a woman with (h/c) stood next to him wearing red dress.

"Speak of the devil..."

"Who is that with him?" One whispered.


Everyone was socializing, you can see it from where you are standing. They know each other, of course.

Akashi was greeted by an acquaintance as you two entered the ballroom.

"I came here today with my sister, you have met her right?" The man continued talking, "So I was thinking, since you are not with anybody how about you-"

"Before we talk about your proposal," Akashi interrupted the man, "I'd like you to meet wife, (name)."

Hearing your name made you froze. But Akashi's hand on yours assured you that everything will be alright...

"Wife?!" The man gasped.


"When?" He asked. "I mean, since when?"

"It was a private wedding." Akashi smiled at the man's surprised face. The old man then turned to you.

"Please excuse my rudeness, (name)." His attitude changed towards you. He was now very welcome of your existence when he wasn't even looking at you earlier.

"I'm Akashi's acquaintance...its a pleasure to meet you." Before he could reach for your hand, Akashi spoke and interrupted him.

"Come, (name)." He said, "There's someone over there that I'd like you to meet."

Leaving the man who was still in pure shock, Akashi led you to the crowd.

'Those who doesnt appreciate (name), does not deserve my attention.'


People starting talking about the lady who came in with Akashi that night, the man who welcomed Akashi first didn't inform anyone of what he heard, he was boasting about his younger sister earlier that she was going to be Akashi's partner

for the night...he doesn't want to lose face to his friends... not tonight, so he decided to just play safe by shutting up.

Again, people starting looking at the red head's direction, next to him walks a lady in red...

She may not be the prettiest among the ladies but she is one of those new faces who stands up...

"So? Who is she?" one of the ladies whispered.

"Saa... who knows?" The other whispered back.

"Who are you talking about?" The ladies moved aside to let the last one who spoke to be included in their conversation.

"Oh, you're here." One murmured.

"Who else would be here?" Keiko rolled her eyes, "So, who are you ladies talking about?"

"That lady there." One gestured to the lady wearing red conversing quietly with some random elderly woman who looked pleased.

"Who is she? She doesnt look pretty to me." Keiko commented.

"That's what we are talking about." One answered.

"I heard she came in with Akashi."

"Who?" Keiko glared at the lady upon hearing Akashi's name.

"Akashi." She repeated.

"That's impossible!" Keiko announced. "He doesn't like his partner wearing red when attending parties. And look at her, wearing red..bloody hell!" Keiko called in disgust.

The ladies just rolled their eyes.

"You don't believe me?" Keiko asked.

"Not much..." One answered, as if she was making her more pissed off.

"Fine, look." Keiko showed her left hand, she made them look at her finger.

A beautiful glinting diamond ring made the ladies' eyes twinkle with envy.

"This is Seijurou's birthday present to me. We picked it together last year."

"No way!"

"Yes way ladies." She smiled at them. "Now, do you believe me?"

"If you are already engaged to him, why didn't you even invited us?" one frowned.

"Don't be ridiculous! It was a surprise gift! My mom is the only present when we got the ring." Keiko tells them, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I will have to surprise my fiance~" She winked at them before leaving the group mouths hanging.

Of course, they'd be envious! Who wouldn't?


"That Keiko kid!"

"Let her be, aren't you already happy being engaged with your own prince?"

"Shut up."

"Atobe Keiko is cool, if you don't want him I don't mind having him."

The ladies continued talking...Keiko on the other hand, eased her way to where Akashi was.


You looked around and found no red head.

'Where is Akashi?' you questioned yourself.

"...And, I really think your designs are wonderful!" The old woman continued talking, snapping out of your thoughts you smiled at the old lady who was talking about how she always loved Harada designs and your projects.

"Thank you very much~ Please continue to support our firm..." You answered with a pleasant smile.

"If you have free time, please visit my house, we are good friends with the Akashi's and I really want to know you more dear."

"Yes, of course Madam. That's very lovely."


Akashi was talking with some acquaintance. He looked around to look around for you but it seems like you were trying your best keeping up with one of the wife of a business associate. While he wants to rescue you from the boring

conversation you were having, he was stuck with few people talking about random stuffs.

"... And I really think that he needs to stand on his own."

"Who are we talking about here again?" Akashi asked in boredom.

"Tomoe Saruhiko." One of the men answered.

"Oh, I just signed a contract with him few weeks ago." Akashi tells them

"Me too. I really think he's good in what he is doing but he's wasting all his effort whenever his wife tells him what to do."

"What do you mean?" Akashi asked, the conversation piqued his interest.

"Isn't it obvious? His wife is controlling him."

"You mean, Tomoe Kaoru?"

"Yes! That woman is a witch! I really think that Tomoe is better off without her. He should find someone who will support him, not control him!" Akashi frowned.

"Exactly!" The other man agreed. "Last year, he had a business contract with the Atobe corp... you know how Atobe's mind works he doesnt just sign contract from anyone, no. But he was willing to try it with the Tomoe's but guess



"Kaoru tells him to screw it, and he did."

"The Atobe's?"

"Yes." The other nodded, "She promised that her father will help them anyways so he should just do what she want him to do...such a waste of talent, that idiot Tomoe."

"Well, they are better off together."


"Tomoe and his wife." Akashi answered like he didn't care at all.

"We feel sorry for him. Shouldn't you be too? You both went to the same university."

"I was... but he was someone I consider a wasted talen-" before Akashi could finish his sentence, a hand grabbed him followed by a pair of arms wrapped around his body.

"Seijurou! Surprise!!" Keiko called out, "I missed you!"

Akashi looked over his shoulder and found Keiko grinning at him.

"Keiko? What are you doing here?" Akashi asked as he pushed Keiko off him gently, placing a good distance between their bodies. "Is your parents here?"

"No,no~" Keiko answered, "I came here to surprise you."

Akashi frowned, he looked around and found that you were still conversing with the old lady, but then someone is standing next to you and was eyeing you closely.

"So, did you like my surprise?" Akashi ignored Keiko's question and walked to where you were standing. "Seiju-"

"Excuse me!" Akashi's stern demanding voice startled few people who was with-in earshot.


I'm very sorry this story is getting boring.
I'm trying my best to end this as soon as possible, the longer it gets, the more boring it becomes.  

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