One Night and Forever pt. 6 - End

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Title: One Night and Forever

Characters: IMAYOSHI Shouichi x Reader

Chapter 6(END)


Imayoshi is sitting on his throne in the middle of his lair when one of his slaves came in and informed him that one of his advisers had taken a human person for their own liking.

"What does he intend to do with the human?" he asked.

"We don't know, but the human is a wife of a white collar worker from Tokyo."

Imayoshi raised a brow, "A wife of a man?"

"Yes." The slave nodded and finally got Imayoshi's attention but he didn't react further instead he just leaned back and closed his eyes.


"Isn't it normal for them to have a woman every once in a while?" a voice came and surprised the slave.


"Isn't it?" Hanamiya looked at Imayoshi, waiting for him to respond.

"Yes, that is perfectly normal." Imayoshi agreed without opening his eyes.

"But—I was just worried, because the woman is from Tokyo, and Tokyo is under the direct supervision of the Kiseki no Sedai as well... and Master just had a very rough conference with them last time."

"Thank you for your consideration, but they will not mind it, it's just one human."

"But Master- the woman he took was a member of that bloodline."

"That bloodline" Imayoshi repeated and opened his eyes, just to glare at the small servant who interrupted his quiet time.

"Yes. I am just--"

"Silence." Imayoshi's voice was cold.

Hanamiya watched as Imayoshi stood from his throne, he knew that Imayoshi was serious now and that the person on the other end will not leave his house unharmed.

"He's probably thinking of dethroning you," It was just a joke, but Hanamiya felt the chills coming from Imayoshi that instant.

"Come and join me, Hanamiya-kun." The four eyed man turned to Hanamiya with a creepy smile that promises something not to his liking.

"I prefer to stay here." He declined, but Imayoshi was already at the door and the slave was shaking in front of Hanamiya which made him ask the little man "Why are you shaking, weakling?"

"I—I" the slave stuttered, pale "he just made me—see what he was planning to do." He almost threw up but Hanamiya's glare made the small man swallow it back down again.

"Don't dirty the house." He glared.


"Disgusting creature." Hanamiya then followed where he knew Imayoshi went and the slave followed him as well.

When they got there, it was too late. There was blood everywhere and Imayoshi was standing in the middle of it with a woman in front of him and she was crying.

"You didn't tell me she was pregnant." Imayoshi spoke quietly.

"I—I'm sorry! I didn't know!" the slave stuttered.

"Where is this place!?" the woman cried , she was probably in her last trimester and probably this incident will lead her into giving birth of her child.

"I'm sorry Madam, you have witnessed something horrible." Imayoshi said, one might thought that he is sympathizing with the woman, but he isn't.

"Please return me to my family!"

"Really now?" Imayoshi laughed.

"That man that I killed, did you know who he is?" Imayoshi pushed his glasses and made sure it glinted evilly to whoever was watching him right now.

"He took me here by force—I was on my way to the hospital!" the woman informed Imayoshi.

"Ah sou?" So that's why...Imayoshi looked down at the woman pitifully, "The man that I killed is one of the best advisers that I have, do you know what you made me do, huh?"

"I'm sorry—" before the woman could even finish her sentence, a sharp pain interrupted her and she protectively held her stomach "Sorry--"

"Master! She is giving birth!" the slave approached them and looked at Imayoshi, "Master, the child of their lineage is powerful, if you feed on their blood and feast on their mea-ack" the slave wasn't done speaking yet, but he was immediately burned into ashes when Imayoshi looked at him with his red eyes.

"What are you planning, Hanamiya-kun?" Imayoshi spoke as he sits down next to the woman who is breathing heavily. "Do you want to have the child as well?"

"I don't need something like that, I can out-power anyone from your advisers and I don't want to take your position."

"Good choice." Imayoshi smiled and placed his hand on top of the woman's stomach.

"Look Hanamiya," Imayoshi smiled, "The child is coming out." Hanamiya stared at the woman who is now giving birth, her voice was silenced but she was still screaming in pain but she doesn't care as long as she delivers the child safely.

Hanamiya wanted to leave the place as soon as possible, but the moment that he took a step the whole place dissolved and instantly he was in the hospital and nurses are attending to the woman on the operating room with Imayoshi sitting on one of the chairs like he owns the whole place.

They watched as the woman gave birth to a baby girl when everything was over, the child was handed to the woman who smiled while crying in relief and then they heard a voice of a man coming from the outside of the room.

"Please let me in! I'm the husband! I'm the father of the child!" When Imayoshi heard the voice, everything inside the room froze.

Imayoshi walked to the woman and took the child from her arms and smirked to himself.

"You are planning to get the chi-"

"Look Hanamiya-kun, isn't she lovely?" Hanamiya was quite taken a back from the face that Imayoshi showed that moment: Imayoshi was in awe, he was holding the child in his arms and is walking around while having a weird smiling face.

"Are you-?"

"No." Imayoshi answered, knowing what Hanamiya's question with be "I want the child, you think you can raise a child?"

"No." Hanamiya frowned, "I don't want to be part of your lunatic plan."

"Aww, that's so cruel~" Imayoshi feign hurt, but then laugh afterwards, "Fine, I will just watch over her from now on. You don't mind if I mark the child right?"

Hanamiya looked at Imayoshi disgustingly, "Do whatever you want, I don't even care." Hanamiya crossed his arms and turned away from Imayoshi who is still focusing on the child and ignoring him.

"Saa, my beloved... I will come and see you again soon."

"You do realize that she is an infant right?"

"I do." Imayoshi smiled and placed the child back to her mother's arms the child is now quietly sleeping when Imayoshi turned away from the child everything disappeared again and they were back to Imayoshi's lair once again.

IMAYOSHI : years after

"Master, the child is doing well." Came a voice inside Imayoshi's head, "She'll be celebrating her 21st birthday soon."

"I see."

"She also got hired recently."

"That's good to hear." Imayoshi was pleased hearing that you are already part of the working society, but at the same time he doesn't like it.

He doesn't like it when you meet new people, he doesn't like it when you socialize with men specifically.

"I will come back as soon as I'm done dealing with this matter." Imayoshi placed the papers on his hands down, this issue is something really irritating specially because he is dealing with the Akashi's once again.

On your twenty-third year, you fell in love with a senpai, Imayoshi was scheduled to return to Tokyo, but Hanamiya got into trouble that he wasn't able to interfere with what happened.

"There's nothing you can do about it." Imayoshi said to himself while holding a red rose.

He was standing there in front of your bed when you cried yourself to sleep thinking of your lover getting transferred to Sapporo for a new work. You were emotionally drained with the thought of him not caring about your feelings as well.

"He is worthless; he is not good enough for you." Imayoshi sat on your bed and stared at your face, wiped the tears falling from your eyes and brushed the hair away from your face.

When you stirred, he froze. He watched as you opened your eyes slowly and close them again and fall back to sleep.

"It is not yet time to wake up," he said before touching your lips with his thumb and caressing your cheeks lovingly "my dear (name)."

When he was sure that you are sleeping soundly, he placed down the rose next to you and left.

-End flashback-

Imayoshi opened his eyes; he remembered something that happened years and years ago. He was surprised that he was able to wait for 23 and so years for you to grow up, for a man like him with status, wealth and power that could match up anyone who would dare to out-throne him, he could have had you long time ago, but he didn't—he wondered why.

"Is it really love?" he was joking when he told Hanamiya that earlier.

Imayoshi laughed to himself and then turned to your sleeping form next to him.

"Sleeping so innocently next to me..." Imayoshi leaned down and gently took your free hand and kissed the back of it.

"When you wake up tomorrow, shall we go have a long walk in the garden?" he whispered, there was no answer and he wasn't expecting any really—you were sleeping after all.

-Imayoshi Shouichi-

You were fixing your coat and Imayoshi was watching you while leaning on the wall next to the front door.

"What?" you glared at him.

"Nothing." Imayoshi straightened and walked closer to you before tightening the belt around your waist, "just making sure you won't get cold when you step out of the house."

"It's not that cold."

"It's raining. It's cold." Imayoshi pressed.

"I've been there during winter even and I didn't get sick---ever!"

"Yes. I know." Imayoshi said calmly, "But now is different, you are sharing your tough luck with the child inside you, I bet that child gets as twice as the energy and warmth that it needs to himself." Imayoshi said.

"Well, I don't mind giving him all his needs---if he wants all the warmth, I will give it to him..." you murmured quietly while putting your hands on your stomach. "I will even give my life."

Imayoshi stared and frowned.

"That, I will not allow."

"Huh?" you looked up at him, confused.

"Your life is something more precious." Imayoshi gently held your chin and made you look straight into his eyes. "Remember that."

"Okay?" you blinked at him and you were sure as hell that he could hear the loud sudden thumping of your heart.

"Good." Imayoshi grabbed your hand and led you to the front door, "Now, off you go."

"O-okay." Was the confused word that came out of your mouth, but your thoughts is saying: 'I don't want to go'

"See you later, (name)-chan." He smiled and when you blinked you found yourself standing in the side walk of Tokyo and well, that isn't your concern right now—what concerns you the most is the blush that is creeping all over your face.

You covered your face with your hands in embarrassment.

"Why am I blushing!?"

"Why do I feel like I want to see him again!?" you asked yourself and tried to compose yourself or people might start think that you are crazy. You closed your eyes in inhaled deeply before opening them again with an exhale.

Today, you are going to meet your parents. It was sudden as they were worried when they received the news that you resigned from your previous work which you love the most and that you have also terminated your contract from your apartment.

It was a surprise that Imayoshi allowed you to go, but before when you want to go out and meet your friends, he would always accompany you so he could bring you back to his home, well today was different.

"Master, is it okay to let her go on her own?" Imayoshi looked up from the book he was reading,

"Master, would you like us to follow her?"


Imayoshi just smiled and closed the book that he was reading and leaned to his chair.

"Let her do as she please." Imayoshi said.

"But master-" Imayoshi ignored the voice and closed his eyes.

Imayoshi Shouichi

You were in the middle of finishing an ice cream when your father pointed that you are gaining weight.

"Eh?" you looked up at him and chuckled, "It just that the food that they prepare is always good."

"They're really looking after you." Your father smiled slightly.


"(Name)," this time it was your mother and you can feel the worry in her voice, "I am worried, you look different."


"Honey." You heard your father warned your mother.

"But I cannot just let my daughter go with someone we haven't even met!" your mother almost shouted.

Ah, so that's what it was.

"(Name), you can always come home with us! I am worried of what kind of man you are living with!" your mother said, "If you are pregnant—we will help you raise the child, but don't go living with the person you just met in an instant!"

"Pregnant?!" you and your father choked.

"I am not- Mother!"

"Don't be stupid, I am your mother! I am also a woman!" you mother cried, "Of course I'd know the difference!"

"My goodness, are you pregnant?" you frowned at your father.

"I'm already in the right age-"

"We know!" you mother argued, "But what I am pointing is it is not proper to live in the house that you are not comfortable in! I want you to come home where I can take care of your health!"

"Mother- they take care of me over there!"

"Over there?!" You mother growled "Where is that over there? You can't even take us 'over there' to meet the man who impregnated my child!"

You swallowed hard, you know that they are just worried, it was also your fault—Imayoshi had insisted that he goes with you and meet your parents, but you declined, saying that you are not ready to face your parents yet and well, Imayoshi respected it.

"Is he afraid to meet us!?"

"No!" you answered, "It was my fault. I'm not yet ready to introduce him to you yet—well, but next time...I promise." You assured them.

"But still--"

"Honey, it's alright." Your father calmed your mother and smiled at you. "Well at least we get to know that we will be grandparents soon."

"And tell me, when are you planning to tell us that you are pregnant?" your mother glared at you.


"My gods! You were planning to keep this all to yourself, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry." you answered quietly, "I was shocked as well—and I didn't think that--"

"That's enough, both of you." Your father sighed and interrupted "We are your parents, we will accept you whatever it is that happened to you; you shouldn't have kept this a secret. But all is good because we already know now."

"Father---thank you." You smiled at your father and then turned to your mother who is still sulking but you knew that she is not angry anymore.

"(Name), I understand what you are going through, but how about you go back at home, I am really worried of your health. We can take care of you and your child."

You looked at your mother and you realize that you missed her so much as well and you know that you will be taken care of if you go with them...but Imayoshi did pretty well in looking after you for the past weeks and so...

"Mother I--"

"(Name), do you remember our neighbor?"

"Huh, what about them?"

"You see, a relative of theirs wants to meet you and we think you will be a good match--"

"What are you-"

"Ah! she's here!" your eyes widened and looked over your shoulder and saw a woman with a pink hair smiling at your direction.

"Hi (name)-chan! It has been a while!"


"Yes, didn't I tell you I'll take you back?" she smiled then turned to your parents and bowed. "Thank you for allowing us to meet your child."

"What are you guys-"

"Momoi-san here said she wants you to personally meet her relative who lives in the same area. We trust her because we have known her for quite a while now—and I told her it's alright for you to go with her to meet her relative."


"But (name)-chan, don't you want to meet someone who is destined for you?" Momoi said in a frown, "We both know that Imayoshi forced you to stay with him and you only did because you are carrying his child."

Imayoshi frowned and stood up all of a sudden from his chair. He suddenly lost all the connection with you.


"I lost her." Imayoshi said darkly and then in an instant the bright house turned dark and gloomy.


"Follow me, we will take her back." Imayoshi opened the door only to be tackled down by a sudden force.



When Imayoshi looked down to see who and what in the hell's name is that thing that managed to push him down he was surprised to find out that it was none other than you---you in your wet clothes which was probably caused by the rain—and you that is crying and holding tightly on his clothes.

"(Name)!?" While trying to hide his surprise, Imayoshi couldn't help but sigh in relief, but your tear stained face made him worried.

"What's wrong, did something happen? Why are you crying?" he asked as he tried to take everything coolly.

"They wanted me to meet my neighbor's relative—I don't remember having that Momoi-san as my neighbor!" for a second, Imayoshi's face darkened but your grip on his shirt made him calmer.

He can hear your cries, he can feel your touch, and lastly he can hear your heart pounding hard against your chest.

"They tried to—they wanted me to go with her and meet this person—I can't believe they'll do that to me!"

"Shh...shh..." Imayoshi said as he calms you down and when you buried your face on his chest he pulled you closer to him before placing a kiss on your head.

"Your back—you're here. That is what is important."

"Yes. I'm home." You murmured and yet you were still crying.

"Did Momoi do something you didn't like?" Imayoshi asked.

"No, she didn't." You pulled away and looked at Imayoshi with a red face, you are now embarrassed of your actions.

"Is that the truth?" You nodded and stopped.


"Then tell me what she did to you, and I promise you that she will receive an equal pain of what you felt—no triple." Imayoshi said darkly.

"No!" you immediately interrupted him, "I don't want that—she didn't hurt me, she just said that she could eliminate whatever is bounding me to you and then she mentioned my baby."

Imayoshi frowned and you could easily tell that he is not pleased from hearing these things.

"What did she do?" you heard Imayoshi say.

"She—" you swallowed hard, "she touched my stomach and everything turned black and then--" you started crying, "when I realize I was already walking back here and I see your door but I cannot reach your thoughts but when I tried to push in my way the door opened and you were there and I just grabbed you and I don't know how was I able to return here---but I'm here now, I don't want to leave—why did you have to let me go on my own!!!?" you shouted at him.

"Calm down now, you're're home now." Imayoshi calmly smoothed your hair which calmed you down again.

"She tried to touch my baby...I run before she was able to complete her actions, I left my parents! I didn't know how I was able to escape there— I'm angry!" you shouted and hit Imayoshi in the stomach which didn't hurt him really.

"I'm sorry." Imayoshi whispered, "But your back now and you did a good job in holding up against her. She is quite a witch and not any woman can hold for that long and you managed to come back"

"The baby helped me—somehow when everything disappeared, I heard a voice calling me and said that I should walk and that we should hurry back home."

"You did well." Imayoshi whispered before kissing your forehead. "Welcome home." He added.

When Imayoshi guided you back inside the house he immediately sent his servants to prepare tea to calm you down and make sure you are feeling okay.
You stopped crying already but he can clearly hear your heart pounding in nervousness.

"You are home now, she cannot harm you here." Imayoshi assured you.

"Yes, but my parents?"

"They're fine."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I will have someone watch over them." Imayoshi said, "You don't have to worry." Imayoshi then passed you the cup of tea and ordered you to drink it.

"Tea again?"

"Yes. It will calm you down." Imayoshi said, "Rest when you're done with it."

After finishing the cup, you felt a little calmer and slightly sleepy and in a moment you were already sleeping quietly. Imayoshi placed his hand on top of your stomach and closed his eyes.

"You did well." He said quietly there was no movement aside from the rising and falling of your chest, "Welcome home." Imayoshi smiled when he felt a weak electric shock through his hand.

"You should rest as well, you've done too much, you could've called me instead of taking your mother back home on your own—you even blocked me out, what are you trying to prove to me?"

Imayoshi almost chuckled at the thought of the child trying to protect you: a little Imayoshi with a short black hair and glaring at him and hogging you all to yourself and getting angry at him.

Imayoshi Shouichi

Imayoshi sat with his legs crossed and starring straight at the pinked haired woman sitting across him. Today, he personally visited the Kiseki no Sedai household to talk about what happened the other day and this didn't please Akashi at all, which is why he ordered Momoi to deal with this on her own.

"I'm very sorry, Imayoshi-san" Momoi said guiltily "I didn't really mean to scare her like that, I just want to know how much she wants all of this."

"She is very fixated into looking the perfect bride for Akashi for a while now." It was Aomine, "You should've learned your lesson by now, Satsuki."

"Yes." Momoi nodded, Imayoshi on the other hand still has his poker face on, "But look on the bright side Imayoshi-san," Momoi suddenly beamed and there seems to be animated flowers floating around her.

"We know now that she really wanted to be with you, I already tried to cut off your connection and she still came back right?"

Imayoshi close his eyes, she do have a point. Imayoshi was ready to bolt out of his lair that moment he lost her presence—and yet, she was able to get back to him.

"You have to keep your distance from now on, Momoi." Imayoshi said, "She was really upset of what you did—she didn't even want to meet her parents anymore thinking that you are just playing with her again."

With that, Imayoshi stood up and bowed at the direction of the stairs –though empty, he knew and can feel that Akashi was just there moments ago.

Imayoshi Shouichi

"I'm not going." You said to Imayoshi and the man frowned at your childishness.

"You don't want to see them?"

"I'm not sure if I want to see them yet—and this is not trauma!" you defended.

"I'm not saying anything."

"I can see it in your eyes you know!"

"I will come with you." Imayoshi assured you.

"No. Not unless until I give birth." You whispered sighing in your seat.

"They can't remember anything." Imayoshi informed you.

"Huh?" you looked up at him in surprise.

"Whatever it is that happened after Momoi arrived was erased." He said, "So you don't need to worry about meeting them. I will be there with you." He promised.

Still unsure, you stood up. Your stomach is already showing signs---after all it has been 3 months.

You arrived at the restaurant, your parents aren't there yet so you were able to settle down properly with Imayoshi, but the later was interrupted by a sudden phone call, which was really weird—the guy doesn't usually take phone calls when at home so why here?

It can't be helped. After all, once he leaves his home and stepped on the human world he is a boss of a company and also probably some shady underground dealings.

"Mother, father." You greeted them quietly when they arrived, you smiled but you were on guard of their movements.

"You look stiffer than the last time we met, (name)." they sat down and you father commented about your actions immediately.

"We dropped by to bring some tea from our hometown" your mother informed you, "The tea is good for pregnant women and eases up morning sickness."

"T-thank you." You accepted the box and smiled at your mother.

"So how was your health?" your mother asked, "I thought you wouldn't want to meet us again, you left right after last time---I was worried that we might've offended you when we asked you to come home so we can take care of you properly."

"Your mother was sorry last time," you father interrupted, "I told her that you are already old enough to take care and decide for yourself." He smiled at your direction with slight 'proudness' (if thats even a word. LOL) of a father, "It was hard to make her agree, but eventually she surrendered and said yes-"

"But!" your mother butted in, "But I wanted to meet the father of your child first. What he is like and what does he do for work."

You frowned, how can you tell her about what happened?

"Well, he takes care of me properly" you started, "he has several people who also looks after me; he has a garden in his home—it was well taken care of." You continued, "he also makes me drink tea all the time, prepares healthy food...he is good, he loves me...I think."

"I think?" your mother raise a brow, "Why think? Is this some kind of one night that led to you getting pregnant!?" you mother was surprised and your father wasn't pleased at all hearing your last words.

"No- wait let me explain!" you paled

"I don't think I want to hear more about thi-"

"My apologies for being away for a while." a voice interrupted that made you look up at the direction of the owner.

"You are?" It was your father who asked as your mother was still staring in surprise at the man standing next to your table with a smile directed at your parents.

"Imayoshi-san!" Imayoshi smiled at you then turned to your parents again while he puts his phone away in his pocket.

"I am Imayoshi Shouichi. It's my pleasure to finally meet the parents of my (name)." he introduced himself. "I am the father of the child that she is carrying I am as well ready to take responsibility of everything."

"Responsibility?" your father raised a brow, "My daughter is not a responsibility!"


"I'm sorry if you took that negatively, what I meant is, I will take responsibility of everything from now on, not because your daughter is pregnant, it is because she is my life."

"Wha-" you turned red from hearing him say that to your parents and your father was left speechless.

"The child wasn't planned, but I am planning to have one with her sooner or later anyways. The sooner the better." Imayoshi sat beside you and took your now shaking hands with his under the table and squeezed them gently to assure you that everything will be okay.

"How can we entrust you our daughter we don't even know if you can give her proper life in the future."


"I am a businessman and I am confident that they will be well provided now and in the future." Imayoshi took out a calling card from his pocked and humbly pushed it on the center of the table for your father to see.
Your father nodded as he examined the paper that was given to him and smiled at your direction.

"You are not going to hurt my daughter, are you?"

"I will not hurt her." Imayoshi promised, "I have waited for her for a long time, now that she is here with me, I will never let go of her."

"You are quite a man." Your father commented, "Then I leave her to you." Your father turned to your mother who looked like she was pondering over something.


Your mother looked up at Imayoshi and stared into his eyes.

"Have we met somewhere before, Imayoshi-kun?" she asked with seriousness and Imayoshi just stayed still with his poker face on.

"No, I don't think so (L/N)-san." He answered humbly, "But there are times that we could've walk past each other somewhere."

"Must be so." You mother nodded in agreement, but still she was quite sure that she had met Imayoshi somewhere before already.

When the dinner with your parents ended, Imayoshi continued holding your hand until you both back inside the house.

"My mother seems to have seen you somewhere before..." you started and he then turned to you.

"Must be someone who looks like me." Imayoshi shrugged and you just watched as he assisted you into taking of the coat that you are wearing—he is really caring like that.

"I remember my mother's story that a shady guy brought her to the hospital when she was abducted one day by a client."

"Really? She was abducted?" Imayoshi feign a surprised face, "When did this happen?"

"When she was pregnant with me." You informed him, "but she said she was saved by a shady man and this man brought her to the hospital. The man disappeared right away—she guessed that the man is probably a yakuza, and a kind-hearted one at that."

"Anything else se said about what happened?" you shrugged before walking away.

"Of course she won't remember me." Imayoshi said to no one, "After all, I erased her memories that night."

"Hm? Are you saying something?" you looked over your shoulder and asked Imayoshi when you heard him murmur something you didn't understand.

"Nothing." He just smiled at you before reaching for your hand and placing them on his cheeks and closing his eyes with a smile.

"W-what are you doing!?" you stuttered, "Imayoshi-san!"

"I'm just glad that you choose to stay with me." You frowned

"Didn't you want me to stay? You wanted to have this child very much after all."

"Is that all you think I was after?" Imayoshi's eyes opened, and you rarely see them open—only when he is irritated or surprised or when he's serious. "You weren't listening earlier aren't you?"

"I have waited for her for a long time, now that she is here with me, I will never let go of her." you blushed remembering his words.

"Ara~ you were listening after all." Imayoshi chuckled when he noticed the sudden changes on your face. "That's true, you know?"

"Imayoshi-san, stop talking." You murmured trying to pull your hand off him.

"But I want to try be a human and say some sappy things to you." You glared at Imayoshi.

"Stop making fun of me!"

"But I'm not." Imayoshi said, "It is true that I waited for you, literally." You narrowed your eyes at Imayoshi.

"You're starting to piss me off."

"But you see, we supernatural creatures are not lying, so when we say something we really mean it." Imayoshi pressed.

"And when I promised myself that I only need one night to have you forever, I will make it happen." Imayoshi pulled you closer and kissed your forehead

"And here you are now..." He said lastly before placing a kiss on your lips.

The kiss was short but it was enough to assure you of his real intentions and feelings. And to be honest, he was attractive—you wouldn't even go with him that evening if he isn't—but lately, while he is showing all the kindness during your stay at his home, you are starting to fall in love with him—though he has forced you at first to stay with him for your safety.

"Yes, here I am now." You nodded and looked away trying to hide your blush.

"...Forever." Imayoshi added silently "Forever you will be here with me."


Author's note:

Sorry for this crappy ENDING—I really need to end this or it will be like the 'kitsune' series...
So I'm sorry I ended it with a cheesy poison like this.
Imayoshi is really hard to write especially with that twisted mind of his---why did I even decided that it should be him?! WHYYYYYY!?

But seriously, it was really good in my head...until I type it down.

So I'm sorry, I let you down on this one---but you see, I am rushing because I wanted to write the Akashi next!! I already had the plot in my head and I am planning to finish his love-shot with in June before classes starts for my school.

You see, I'll be starting to go back to school next week (Monday) it will be an In-Service training for us teachers, I don't think I'll be that busy so I can write every weekend of every evening or during breaks.

So I hope you watch out for the next shot.

Thank you.

Please read and review // story unedited

hona mata!!


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