Akashi IV: Mine, It will never change 22

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Akashi: Mine, It will never change
Chapter 22

Later today, Akashi will meet with Tomoe but he is not taking you with him telling you that it is not necessary for it was already announced by the court that he is not related to Seien. You wanted to protest, but he said that he didn't want to talk about it...well, at least not in the morning. He also reminded you of the dinner with his father later tonight.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that!" you gasped.

"It's alright. There's no need to rush anyway. For now you should rest and relax."

"I've been stuck here in the house since Tuesday. Staying indoors isn't always that relaxing." you told him. "I'm thinking of going out to meet a friend, I hope that is alright with you?"

"Yes, of course." Akashi nodded, "Provided that you'd let our driver do his job."

"I don't really need a driver. And besides, who will drive you to office?"

"I have no intention of going to the office today," Akashi answered, "And also, I had Saito to take all the paper works that needed immediate attention here today. So I'll just be in the study for the whole day. I wont be needing the driver."

By the end of the breakfast. Akashi won. The driver will take you anywhere you like. "It will keep me comfortable knowing that you have someone with you."-- as what Akashi said.

"Fine." you sighed, "Anything you'd like me to get you?" you asked Akashi, thinking of dropping by the mall.

"Just yourself, safely home." Akashi responded causing you to blush.

'Kamisama! This person just made me feel like a high-school girl in love.'

"And don't forget father's dinner. We need to be there by seven."

"Noted. I'll be back by the afternoon." You informed him.

You lied. You didn't really have any intention of meeting a friend, but instead you instructed the driver to take you to the office. But you didn't intend to spend all the time there, you still wanted to checkout some stores in the mall.

Your visit to the Harada firm was brief, you only came to instruct Ayumi of the things that needed to be done in your absence.

"(Name)-san," Ayumi started, "You looked stressed, shouldn't you be resting for three weeks?"

"I'm alright. There are stuff in my head."

"If you are worried of the projects that you left, don't worry. Henmi-san and I are working hard to finish them." Ayumi assured you and you smiled.

"No. No, it's not about work." It was the truth. While the hearing already ended, Akashi started another stressing issue for you...the DNA testing that he allowed Tomoe Saruhiko to take.

"(Name)!?" It was team leader Sawada who came into view. "I thought you're on leave?"

"Staying indoor is starting to eat me. So I decided to visit." you smile at your senior.

"How nice of you to drop by~" Sawada giggled and sat down on the chair across you, "Let me guess, your husband doesn't know you are here?"

"No." you answered guiltily and as if on cue, your phone started vibrating and a message came.

Sender: Seijurou A.
Subject: Hello
Attachment: ---

Hello (name),
I don't really know who you are meeting, but you told me you are meeting a friend I suspect you are meeting them somewhere else and not in the firm. But I cannot stop you, can't I? Just don't push yourself too much.
Take care, I'll see you later.
Send my regards to Harada.


"No." you repeated with hesitation, "At first he doesn't know, but it seems like the driver he sent with me informed him of my location, he just sent me a message reminding me that I'm supposed to meet a friend and not be in the office."

Sawada laughed.

"As expected of the Great Akashi-sama, always so protective of his wife." She commented, "How about we have lunch somewhere with the team? You can tell your husband that we had a lunch get-together. We are your friends after all." Sawada suggested.

"Good idea!" you agreed.

"Take me too! I'm starving!" Henmi peeked from the door.

"Of course you'll come!" Sawada chuckled. "All of us will!" She announced.

And with that, you already have the perfect excuse for Akashi---you indeed meet your friends and had lunch with them too--office friends that is...

The lunch was just exactly what you needed...something that would perfectly avert your attention from the result of Saruhiko's test.


"What is the meaning of this?" Kaoru demanded when she found a small slip inside her husband's jacket pocket.

"What?" Saruhiko called from the table where he was having his coffee. Seconds later Kaoru descended from the bedroom holding his jacket and a piece of paper on her other.

"This!!" She repeated lifting the piece of paper in front of Saruhiko. "This is a slip from a clinic!"

"How did you get that?" Saruhiko asked, irritated.

"It was in your pocket! I was being kind enough to hang your jacket, and then I see this!" Kaoru said, "What is the meaning of this!?" She demanded, "Are you seeing her behind my back and trying to communicate with her for the sake of your child?"

"Wha-what are you talking about!?"

"You and (Name) are seeing each other despite the fact that the court announced that you are not related to her son! You didn't believe the result and so you talked to her regarding the matter! We both know she wont deny the child his real father!" Kaoru was starting to lose it...and so early in the morning too.

"Why are you angry? Hear me out first!" Saruhiko tried to calm his wife down.

"Tell me! If the result states you are related you are planning to support the child in shadows, don't you? You never wanted a child at the first place so basically you don't want me to have that boy! You never wanted to have that boy to live with us!"

"Let me explain!"

"What else is there to explain! You selfish bastard!"

"Kaoru! Can't you just shut up?!"

"I will never shut up!" Kaoru returned, "This is what you like doing, Saruhiko! Doing things behind my back! What's next? You and (Name) are going on a business trip and meet up with her somewhere without our knowledge? You bastard!" Kaoru threw Saruhiko's jacket at him and all the things that she could reach with her hand.

"You arrogant bastard!"

"Kaoru!" Saruhiko dodged the objects that Kaoru threw at his direction, "Stop!"

"Why are you keeping it from me!" She demanded.

"I am not! Wait!" Saruhiko caught Kaoru's wrist and held them down. "Kaoru! Shut up and calm down!"

"You bastard! How dare you do this to me!?"

"Why you--" before Saruhiko managed to finish his sentence, their bell started ringing indicating someone is outside their house.

"Sir, Ma'am?" The servant came into view, "The Madam is here."

"Mother?" It was Saruhiko who voiced that out.

"What is mother doing here?" Kaoru grumbled, irritated. "Fix yourself, Saruhiko." she instructed him and slapped Saruhiko's hand on her wrist. Saruhiko couldn't believe it, it was like it was him who started this argument and it is him who needed to fix himself?

Minutes later, Saruhiko and Kaoru greeted her mother who was waiting for them at the living room.

"Mother, what brought you here?" Kaoru welcomed her mother.

"There you are, Kaoru!" The older woman called, worried. Then she turned to her son-in-law who she didn't notice upon arriving, "Oh my! I didn't expect you to be around at a time like this!"

"I'm not needed in the office until 11. So I decided to take my time." He smiled at his in-law.

"That is...great." Kaoru's mother commented, unsure.

"Tell me mother, why are you here today? Aren't you supposed to be with father?"

"Oh yes. Your father allowed me to come to Japan to see you."

"Why?" Kaoru frowned.

"You know about the check-ups that you purposely igno-"

"Mother!" Kaoru interrupted her.

"Kaoru! This is for the best!"

"What is for the best?" Saruhiko interrupted.

"She didn't tell you about it didn't she?"

"I- we talked about it already, mother. And I agree that she didn't need to consult anymore, she had already moved on from the miscarriage and the fact that she wont be pregnant again." Saruhiko informed her.

"Pregnancy and miscarriage? No, its not about that." her mother said.


"Mother!" Kaoru shouted, "I told you! I don't need to see your friend!! I'm perfectly well!"

"Wait-what?" Saruhiko was confused, "Then this is not about her miscarriage and being pregnant."

"There's more than that." Her mother admitted.

"Mother! Are you here to ruin my marriage!?"

"Kaoru! You need serious help!"

"I don't need help! Go home! Leave!" Kaoru pushed her mother away, out of their house. Saruhiko just stood there confused.

"What does she mean 'there's more than that'? Is there something you are hiding from me, Kaoru?"

"None!" Kaoru snapped at Saruhiko. "Shouldn't you be going now? You have to be in the office before 11!" Saruhiko watched as his wife walk past him like they didn't have an argument few minutes ago.

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