Kitsune! Imayoshi pt. 2

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"(Name)-chan!" You heard the familiar voice of one of your friends...but this one is different.

"(Name)-chan! Wait for me~" you stopped walking and looked over your shoulder and found her running after you...the pink haired, Momoi Satsuki.

"Oh, its you Momoi-san." You responded and she finally caught up wrapping you up in a very tight hug---almost suffocating you in the process.

"M-mo-momoi-san—can’t-ugh-breathe--" you tapped her shoulders lightly to call her attention but failed- you were only able to breathe freely when someone grabbed your hoodie and pulling you away from Momoi's deadly hug.

"Eh!? Dai-chan! I was hugging her!" Momoi whined, pouting.

"You're suffocating her Satsuki." Aomine, told her holding you away from Momoi.

"Ah! Omg, thanks Aomine." You panted, trying to catch your breath.

"Ah! (Name)-chan. Where are you heading to?" Momoi inquired.

"Supermarket. My dad's going on a trip for 3 weeks, so I'll be buying my needs now  & start stocking up so that I won't go out every ow and then." 

"Whoa~does your dad always go on a trip?"

"Yea, he's the chief inspector for the Tokyo Police - but the Sapporo wants him to look over some cases- I'm used to it already..."

"Ah. Sou." It was Aomine who answered with a grunt, interrupting the girls conversation while looking at something from a far.

"Wa! So rude Aomine! And (name)-chan is starting to open up to me already- you're interrupting our girl talk-" that's when Momoi saw what Aomine was looking at.

"Eh? Is that the captain?" Momoi murmured.

"Hm?" This time, it was you who looked up to the direction they were looking at.

And there he is, the senpai who you always try to avoid. Imayoshi Shouichi, walking to the direction where you, Momoi and Aomine are standing at with a fox-like grin oin his face.

"Ya, Aomine, Momoi and look its (last name)-chan." He looks at you straight in the eye, but you looked away, sighing. You really didn't want to interact with him, in all ways possible...but sadly, you are friends with Momoi and somehow being friends with her makes Aomine somewhat close to you as well... and this results to a larger one---meaning you are most likely possible to be exposed to the basketball team where the poker-faced senpai of your is serving his last term as the basketball captain.

"Imayoshi-senpai." Momoi started, "what are you doing here?" 

"Just doing market stuff for the week." 

"Eh? You too?" Momoi whined- and I thought I can ask you to come with us too." Aomine look at Momoi, then to the girl he was holding. 

"Ah sou. So the three of you are hanging out right now?" Imayoshi titled his head in question, turning to you- waiting for YOU to answer him.

"No." You answered. "Its only the two of them." You told him, you didn't know why you answered, but it was as if your head was screaming the response and your body can't do anything but to speak.

"Ah, I see now." Imayoshi eyes the three of you. Then he noticed Aomine's hold on your hoodie, when Momoi was on her own world thinking and you were looking away somewhere, Imayoshi gave Aomine a look and a fox like smile.

It took Aomine a good 30 second before he released his hold on went unoticed be you and Momoi as Aomine grunted and look away and a great smile appeared on Imayoshi's lips.

"So Momoi, what's your decision?" Imayoshi broke the silence.

"Well, I guess I cannot disturb (name)-chan's grocery trip...then probably I'll just go with Dai-chan." Momoi decided.

You let out a small sigh of relief. 

"That's great. I'll go now." You smiled at Momoi and tapped Aomine's shoulder and then turned to Imayoshi and bowed at him without having an eye contact.

"Awww~ I really want to go on a shopping trip with (name)-chan!" Momoi whined.

"Maybe next time." You told her, then you start walking to the direction of the supermarket. "Bye." walking faster to avoid Imayoshi for some unknown reason.

You prayed that it will not look so obvious that youn avoided Imayoshi's presence. Luckily, it seems like it didn't look so obvious, because you received a mail from Momoi after 10 minutes asking you to join her next time for shopping in which you didn't respond to...probably later tonight, you really didn't want to be disturbed while buying stuffs.

You started reading your list of what vegetables and meat to buy. And one by one, you started to complete all those you needed and when you did, you fall in line to the counter, where...'luckily' Imayoshi was standing too..

"Oh, look. So we go to the same supermarket, (name)-chan." Imayoshi greeted and you only nodded at him, not wanting to prolong any conversation.

Imayoshi smiled even though you didn't responded. He started talking to you blabbering about different stuffs and good food to make from those vegetables and meat. You wondered why he was talking about them like he knows how to cook them. And he talks slightly ancient.

"Senpai, you sound like my grandmother." You chuckled. Out of the blue you suddenly found his way of talking about food and nutritional stuffs and how to make them--amusing...and he mentioned about stuffs that you havent heard before that he know is good for you.

"What are you, like 100 years old?" You joked.

"A thousand years old." Imayoshi answered seriously. This time you laughed, because he answered you with a straight face.

"Seriously, senpai!" You patted his shoulder, still chuckling "you speak like one! And look at your face, you answered me with a straight face---you're really something-- a reason why I don't really want to talk to you---but now, I think you're quite fun!" You said to him and Imayoshi could only chuckle back.

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