Midorima V: Cross with You pt8

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Cross with you pt. 8
Midorima x Reader

-Start Here:-

Grabbed by your waist, you were pulled away from the scene and were thrown inside a car, belt on and locked in.

The car disappeared right in front of Ogiwara Shigehiro in less than a minute—he couldn't believe it—you almost already took his hand but right in front of him, you were snatched away by Midorima Shintarou.

Midorima made him believe that he let go of your hand and gave up... but it was all a lie.

Ogiwara stared at his hand—he almost had you there, but missed the chance...

"Ogiwara-san?" Rio and the others then arrived "I thought you're going to take (name)-san home?"

Ogiwara turned to them and smiled, "It seems like I missed her."

"Oh, that's disappointing." Rio frowned, "We think you look good together."

"We'll try next time." One of your colleagues said.

"Oh! I almost forgot—someone should be dropping by to return (name)-san's phone!" Rio exclaimed "He was looking for (name)-san when he called me."

"Maybe if we had this night out at my place, she wouldn't leave early." Rio wondered.

Ogiwara could only smile to himself "Probably."

-Midorima Shintarou-

Midorima drove extra fast that your hands gripped the seat.

"Midorima! You're driving too fast!"

Midorima ignored you.

"MIDORIMA!!" you shouted, "PLEASE! SLOW DOWN!"

Hearing your voice, Midorima slowed. The drive was quiet and you didn't want to start any conversation at all. You didn't have to say it, but hell! He should know that you are upset and angry and all because of what you have heard yesterday and was watched today—and this guy isn't going to explain at all?!

After driving for a while, you felt the car stop and you opened your eyes just in time when Midorima unbuckled his seatbelt and stepped out of the car.

You stepped out of the car and looked around; you found yourself standing in front of a private dock. The smell of the salty body of water is very strong.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Come here." He pulled your wrist even before you could even speak out.


His hand around your wrist is tight; he actually dragged you towards the dock until you reached the end. You couldn't see clearly actually, because there was almost no light and hell you were sure, if you couldn't see it, then Midorima couldn't fucking see either!!

Your eyes tried to adjust when Midorima stopped walking and suddenly grabbed your waist and lifted you up and whispered a quiet, "Hold on." before taking a big leap towards the body of water--

"What—OI!! AHH!" your hand automatically gripped Midorima's clothes and closed your eyes.

You felt Midorima landed on a solid platform, but it was a little wobbly that you almost didn't want him to put you down.

"You should have called when you arrived." You heard a voice call from behind, and the lights went on.

"You didn't have to. Your help was more than enough already." Midorima answered as he placed you down, his hand still holding you close.

You looked behind you to meet the face of the person Midorima was talking to: red hair, red eyes shorter than Midorima in height, but clearly someone you cannot belittle.

"Hisashiburi, (Name)-san."

'Shit, I know this guy...I just forgot his name.'


"Akashi." He smiled at you, "Akashi Seijurou, I was one of the representative who funded the new building of your university."


"We met there in the ribbon cutting." Akashi smiled proudly and you could only look more confuse as he try to make you remember, "I remember Midorima mentioning your name during Kiseki no Sedai's get together."

"Sorry, I couldn't—"

"It's alright." Akashi assured you, "I'm sure that Midorima wouldn't like when he hears that you were with your boyfriend back there."

"Akashi." Midorima growled.

"Don't worry, Shintarou." Akashi almost chuckled, "I made sure that they didn't get enough alone time that day."

"Let's go inside." Akashi turned, Midorima and you followed him inside, and you can feel the floor move slightly as you walk behind Midorima.

"My family is currently staying at my father's home; he couldn't bear to be apart from his grandchildren."

"I'm sorry for interrupting your family time."

"Don't worry, you helped me before. It's only fair that I return the favour." Akashi replied. "If you have informed me of this kidnapping you are doing earlier, I would've arranged for someone to fly you away in a secluded island, but you called and informed me to have something ready in less than an hour. So I can only provide this."

"Wait—what are you talking about?"

"I'm not like you, Akashi." Midorima commented, "I will not do something illegal."

"Sure." Akashi shrugged, "This is the master suite, I have everything prepared for the both of you. " He opened the door and a luxurious suite appeared in front of them.

"This is just enough." Midorima pulled you with him and moved past Akashi, "I only asked for a private place where the paparazzi won't be able to follow."

"Well, when you're in the middle of the sea, I don't know if they'll still be able to locate you."

"Thank you." Midorima checked the glasses and windows, it was dark outside, but he could clearly see the lights coming from a small Jacuzzi at the other side of the glass door.

"You have to fix this mess, Shintarou." Akashi reminded him "It's not like you to mess up big time like this."

"I know. That is why we are here. We're going to fix this."

"My people will take care of everything around the boat, food and necessities; as for the media, I'll take care of them. It's not every day that you ask me for a favour."

"Thanks again."

"See you soon, (name)." Akashi meets your eye before he turned and closed the door behind him, leaving you and Midorima alone inside the suite.

"What was that he's talking about?" you turned to Midorima in confusion.

"Don't listen to him; he's just messing with you." Midorima took off his coat and placed it on the chair before massaging his shoulder and neck.

"Why did you take me here?" you called out to Midorima.

"It's a place where you can't run away." Midorima stood in front of you and you almost swallowed from nervousness "When we have the talk."

"You didn't have to do this you know."

"If I didn't do this, you would've probably been hiding with that Ogiwara."

"I'm not hiding! And I'm not even going with that person who I only just met for a couple of times!" you argued, "But he's probably better than someone who keeps me as a side bitch, when he has that wonderful fiancée!"

Midorima's eyes widened and you almost got scared when your eyes met his—but, to the hell with this!! You will not let Midorima hurt you anymore!

"Listen," Midorima closed his eyes.

"No! YOU listen!" you shouted, interrupting him "I will not listen to whatever lies you will tell me, everybody in the world already knows your relationship—do you think I would do something that would embarrass me!?"

"That's not--"

"I'm already done with you when you left me 10 years ago without a word! I gave you a fucking chance and this is what I will get!? If you wanted a closure, I can give you that easily when we met again!" you cried—suddenly, you couldn't stop your tears.

"I don't want this anymore..." Midorima wrapped his arms around you.

"Don't say that." Midorima whispered.

"I want out—I don't want to feel anything—I want to go back to that night I went to dinner with your sister—I could've left that damned umbrella in the restaurant and we wouldn't have met!"

Midorima grabbed your face and kissed you. His kiss was gentle but it made your knees weak—no! It's only because you were half intoxicated from earlier...

Midorima held your face firmly, and he could feel your hands gripping his shoulders and almost burying your fingernails through the fabric of his clothes to his skin—it hurts, it clearly shows how frustrated you are.

You wanted to pull away—to catch your breath, but Midorima used this opportunity to deepen the kiss that he started;

"We shouldn't ..." Midorima could only pull away and meet your eyes with a silent plea—the look on his face was like a small child begging his mother to give him what he wanted—and you couldn't just say no to it.

Midorima took the silence as a yes, and he kisses you again fully in the mouth and then trailed down to your throat—he could hear your whimper as you let yourself drown into his kisses and pushing away all the logical thoughts and anger that you are thinking of.

---I'm sorry, we'll be skipping the sex part---

"Let's get married..."

You woke up to the smell of the salty wind which also infiltrated your nose—it wasn't that strong, but enough to make bring you out of the dream that you had last night with Midorima---wait, that was a dream right?

You over your shoulder and found Midorima's sleeping form next to you—you using his arm as a pillow, and his other hand entwined you're your right hand. Examining your current state, last night you and Midorima did it and you did it until dawn.

Your face turned red upon remembering what happened last night—it is true that if you're having sex with the one you love, you'll forget who you are, but when you get back to reality—it will be as painful as hell , knowing that you have done something you shouldn't have done with this person.

'After this, he will be back to being the fiancé of that model—where the hell should I go to fucking recuperate? Will I be able to get over it this time?'

You closed your eyes again, wishing to never wake up from this dream...

-Midorima Shintarou-

"How did you manage to pull that off?" Emi's manager asked over the phone after watching the entertainment news.

"I didn't really plan it." Emi proudly says, "It just happens that when I visited his place, the ring was lying there on the side table. And then the following happens like Kamisama laid it for me."

"You've been rooting for him, since your college right?"

"Yes! Gods! He's very good in bed, just so you know." The manager on the other line chuckled, "We are from the same field before I entered modelling, so I think I'm the only one who can understand him very well."

Emi laughed, "And do you know that I met this woman that he was seeing?"

"And what happened?"

"She's plain; it's my first time seeing her in person! They probably broke up, like I care—I was even surprise that they get to see each other again, if it isn't for my friend who happened to see Shintarou taking out a girl."

"Didn't you promise him that you will end this mess? What are you going to do now that it was broadcasted?"

"Well, it seems that we will have to make this real!" Emi proudly announced, as he take the glass of champagne that she was trying to finish and walked towards the large glass window of her suite. "Shintarou is a straight laced man. He wouldn't back out now that our engagement has been broadcasted—his parents will not be happy about it."

"I just hope you will not mess this up."

"Of course, not!" Emi said, "I will just play the innocent girl and he will believe me."

*knock – knock*

A knock on the door of Emi's suite made her decided to end the conversation, saying that the interviewer must be here and that they still have to set up first. The interviewer and her crew arrived with a smile and Emi lets them in to start setting up their camera for recording.

The interview went well until the woman brought out the surprise news about the engagement.

"This is the part where we will go live to our audience; I believe your manager told you about this earlier today."

"Yes. A live 5 minute interview." Emi smiled and sat properly.

"This will be about your sudden engagement." The interviewer informed her.

Emi was ready for this. Midorima might get angry right after this interview but she will get the side of Midorima's family – they are respectable after all and therefore don't want any scandal around their name.

"Yosh!!" the cameraman called, "We're going live in...3...2...1—GO!"

The interviewer smiled and Emi did too.

"I'm sorry but can we have your thoughts about the engagement—there is no official statement about it yet, we are hoping that we'll have it here. Is that okay?"

"Sure." Emi smiled proudly at the camera. "We were supposed to keep this a secret but it seems like the paparazzi caught us having dinner the other night and it got out of hand."

"Is it true that your man is a Doctor?"


"How long do you know each other?"

"Since college." She answered, "We met in the med school just before I entered modelling."

"That's very nice; you must know each other very well now..."


"Do you have a date in mind for the wedding?"

"Well, not yet since we didn't plan for this to go public. But we will immediately make sure to announce it, when the time comes."

"So, can you describe him to us?"

"Oh," Emi acted embarrassed, "He's a doctor, he's tall, has a serious outlook in life and—"

"OH MY!!"

-Midorima Shintarou-

You woke up at the quiet sound of Midorima's voice—he was speaking with someone.

"It's a misunderstanding." Midorima quietly pressed. "I didn't propose to her, I went to her suite to talk, the reporter just happened to be there doing an interview."

You covered your eyes from the light coming from outside, it was too bright—what time is it?

"Dinner was supposed to be our last time meeting up, she knows that herself."

Midorima saw you move and walked to your side; he was wearing a white shirt and his black pants from last night, it was hanging loosely around his waist which makes him look so --- ugh...

"I'll get back to you later." Midorima ended the call.

"Good morning, are you hungry? They have prepared something for lunch."

You sat up from the bed and immediately gathered the blanket to cover your naked self. Waking up next to a sleeping Midorima is a one of kind, but waking up next to a sexy-awake-Midorima after all that happened last time is something else.

"T-thanks," you murmured, turning red as you look around for your clothes, "um...I'd like to change first...?"

"Your clothes are being washed." Midorima informed you, but he walked to the closet across the bed and took a pair of clothes before handling them to you.

"Akashi told me there are spare clothes here and we can use them." Midorima sat next to you.

"What time are we going back?" you asked.

Midorima stared at you for a couple of second and then looked away as he pushes his glasses, "Let's have breakfast, come."

"You didn't answer my question."

"You don't have to worry about anything." He assured you.




DID YOU SEE THAT!? Did you see what Midorima did?!

Midorima changed all of a sudden---holy shit--- I'm sorry, I really wanted to end it here but seems like not yet.

I wanted to mix this with the story Mine, it will never change—but well, I reread the story and it seems like Midorima was already married there and so I did not do it anymore hahhaha.

Hoping that the next chapter will be the end.

I hope this won't disappoint you.

Stay safe.


(exactly 1 month from my last update---sugooii!!!)

KnB Love Shots [KnB x Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin