Midorima V: Cross with You Pt.3

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Cross with you pt. 3
Midorima x Reader

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Your eyes widened "Midorima!?"

You wanted to push him—seriously, but with his arms around you in a tight hold, you couldn't do anything—you are caged after all.

'What the hell happened last night?' you asked yourself quietly as you stare into his face—now, come to think of it, this is the first time you got to stare at his face up close---like seriously close.

You did kiss before and look into his eyes and all, but that was different, this is aweso-no, this is a very rare opportunity to stare at his sleeping face like this—those long lashes, and his arms around you so warm...his lips---fuck.

"MIDORIMA!" you called in a clear and loud voice that you use in the classroom when those idiot kids are pissing you off.

"Ngm?" you heard him moan, followed by tightening of his hold again.

"MIDORIMA!!" louder this time that his eardrums probably vibrated.

His eyes slowly opened and stared at you sleepily.

"A little more." You hear him say—it was unlike him, really.

The Midorima you know is an early riser—not a lazy one like this...and to be honest, it is not early anymore!! You glanced at the wall clock in front of the bed and it says: 10:45am.

"Holy shit!" you gasped at the time and finally took all the strength you got to shook Midorima awake. "Midorima! It's already 10:45!! Pls let go!"

You heard a quiet grumble, followed by the opening of Midorima's eyes—this time glaring at your direction. He then let his hold around you loosen and then sat up and looked at his wall clock.

"Eh?" you were confused at his action: staring at the wall from a long time now "Midorima, are you okay?"


"—IMA!" Midorima opened his eyes slowly. There was a very familiar voice—but at the same time it's not.

"Ngm?" he moaned, this is another dream probably—it's impossible to hear a voice here in his house—did he drink too much last night? Did Takao's pestering hit him so hard that he hear voices, add to it the warmth of another person?

'A dream probably....' to be honest, this is against his policy—to get swallowed by the dream he is having—but who cares? It's not like Takao will know about this—only he will know about this!

And so, he decided to embrace the warmth of the object next to him—it was soft and very warm—he prefers this! He admitted that this is will be the first time he will let his dream get to him—might as well enjoy it right?

"MIDORIMA!!" it was a little clearer.

"A little more." He decided he likes this warmth—it has been a while after all...

"—ly shit!" Midorima felt his body shook—well, someone shook him—kamisama I need sleep!

"Midorima! It's already 10:45!! Pls let go!"

Midorima grumbled and his eyes opened glaring at the direction of the voice—and he loosens the hold at the said object.

'Where is my glasses?' he quietly asked to himself, he couldn't exactly tell the time if he doesn't have it. He stared at the wall clock.

"Midorima, are you okay?" he heard the voice again.

Midorima blinked twice, thrice...

Ah, he remembers now...

Last night, that idiot Takao made him bring (name) home— I need my lucky item.

"I'm sorry— I overslept, I was in an emergency last night." he said without looking---and he isn't planning on looking at the direction of the woman at all.

He picked his glasses from the nightstand next to his bed and pulled the sheet off him before leaving the bed.

"I'll make us something to eat." He said as he walked to the door, "You can use the bathroom first if you want; the towel and shirts are in the closet if you need it. I'll wait for you in the kitchen."

"Wait-" He decided not to listen and walked away he was too embarrassed to even look and also his face is hell red.

"It was not a dream!' Midorima silently cursed.


"Midorima, are you okay?" you wanted to reach for him but he shifted and spoke without looking at your direction.

"I'm sorry— I overslept, I was in an emergency last night." You hear him say, as he reaches for his glasses at the nightstand, "I'll make us something to eat. You can use the bathroom first if you want; the towel and shirts are in the closet if you need it. I'll wait for you in the kitchen."

"Wait--" you wanted to talk to him about last night—this is awkward, but seriously—he left you there on the bed and he didn't even turn to your direction!

"Ugh!" you grumbled—to be honest, this is your first time waking up next to a man—like seriously! And it was with your ex!


When you finished, you found Midorima sitting and drinking his coffee.

"Um—Midorima?" you greeted when you descended out of his bedroom wearing a shirt—that is of course, his and hell you wanted to go and escape now.

"Sit down." He instructed and your brain knows that you're in his territory and therefor you need to be polite—and listen to him – so you sat down. "I only have these in my fridge, have something to eat before we talk."

"Thank you—eh?" you looked up at him, surprised at his words "Sorry?"

"About what happened-".

"Oh last night--Thank you for letting me stay over—I mean, I last night...I didn't know how I got here—but thank you." it was sincere coming from your heart, seriously.

"Not that one. About lying and going for a drink." You heard Midorima say in a disapproving tone.

It has been a decade since you last hear that kind of tone—before it was nice to hear him get mad and such, now—is a different matter.

"I didn't lie." You responded calmly.

The ham and egg Midorima made looks good—but HELLLLLL, you don't want to touch it right now.

"Yesterday you told me that you are going to finish some paper work—and yet, you went to the reunion even after you went to drink with some people already."

"There's nothing wrong with that—I mean, I needed to escape the first one and so I decided to drop by—you know how Takao is when you don't give him a chance." You reasoned, "Again, there's nothing wrong with that."

"There is." Midorima pressed, "You got drunk."

"I did—and I regret that—anyway that doesn't concern you!"

"It does! Takao called me to pick you up!" you frowned.

"I didn't ask you to do it!" you grumbled, "Look," you sighed, trying your best to keep your temper

"Thank you for taking care of me last night, you didn't have to do that—I can handle it on my own—it's Takao's fault that he called you—you should have just left me there."

"I can't just leave you there with that president and that friend of yours!" he said disgustingly.

"How could you talk like that!? Those people became your friends back then!"

"They are not trustworthy and you know that!"

"I trust them!"

"Well I don't!"

"Takao is there!" well, your voice rise up a little—my gods this is a very trivial matter and hell this idiot doctor is pissing you off.

"Well even Takao doesn't trust them! He will not tell me if he does!"

"Well that is not your fucking business—you should've just left me there so you could've save yourself from this discussion—and I didn't even ask for this! KAMISAMA it's Sunday and here I am being reprimanded by the person who I trust less than those two!"

"What do you mean by that?" Midorima placed his cup down when he heard you say.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but just so you know, you left me without any warning—and now you tell me you can't just leave me with them? That's rich coming from you." you leaned back, "But don't take that seriously, like I hate you or something, okay?"

I hated you lots because of that—but it's in the past already

Midorima just stared at you—true indeed that he left—and he know in his hard that it was the biggest mistake he did.

"Can I go now?" you asked, "Clearly this conversation will not end if we keep this up. You both know we clash in that topic—but I'll let you in on a little secret..." you trailed with a smile which made Midorima confused

"I don't go and see them like what you think I do, even Takao—I limit the time I talk to him, sometimes I don't even respond to his messages—I've been like that since I transferred. I learned that from you." you smiled before standing up and picking up your bag on the floor.

"Is that all you are going to say?" Midorima said as he watches you make your way to the door.

"Well..." you paused and looked at him, "Thank you for last night."

Midorima stood and shortened the distance between the two of you in short stride.

"I wasn't talking about last night, when I said that we need to talk about what happened." You grumbled when you hear him "You didn't let me finish."

"What is it now?—you're wasting my time seriously—I only have Sundays for rest, and I already spent half of the day talking to you and it's tiring."

"I want to talk about what happened to us before." Midorima said and you looked at him in disbelief.

"You seriously want to talk about what happened to us 10 years ago—now?" you almost laugh, almost—but hearing this made you so irritated you want to laugh and punch him straight in the face—but you need to be calm—so you can't.

"Yes." Midorima answered.

"Are you talking about a proper closure—now, after 10 years?" you laugh, "I told you before earlier right? I have moved on—we don't need to talk about it really—if you feel like you're guilty or something don't worry I'm okay. I don't care about it any-"

"Can you please shut your mouth?" Midorima sighed and interrupted, "You keep on talking you don't let me finish."

"What the hell!? Why do I have to listen to you, honestly?"

"Because we need to work this out." Midorima said.

"We're doing great in both our life—I have forgotten about that part of my life already—and yet here you are wanting to bring it up again just for the sake of working this shit out! And what is 'this' you are talking about? If you are worried about your sister, I won't tell her anything just as I don't tell my niece about us. I'm not the shit with me and I'd tell the whole world type! So rest assured--we're cool. I'm not gonna make a scene—actually, I don't have any plan of crossing paths with you ever again."

"That's all of it?" he pushed his glasses and stared at you.


You stared at him, silently trying to catch up with your breathing—hell you did talk a lot—and you want to explode because there are things you want to tell this idiot about your feelings but you had already decided that it's all in the past so you don't have any say about this matter anymore—and why does he need to talk about this, seriously? Is his guilt really getting him?

Wow—I can't believe it!

"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. But I was going to search for you anyway..." You watched as Midorima takes his glasses off. It was confusing really, you thought he was going to wipe it with his handkerchief but he didn't, he reached for your cheeks and pulled you close to his and connects his lips to yours surprising you with his action.

"!!!" you froze—eyes wide—the kiss was HEARTQUAKING—seriously made your heart beat do hard it hurts and that even Midorima felt how your heart thumped so hard.

Midorima kisses you gently. It was a long one and he knew you were going to need to catch with your breathing—he pulled away slightly but looking into your eyes—that eyes that he tried to forget, he couldn't let you go just yet.

He took advantage of the moment that you are still frozen and kissed you again, this time with so much need that made your knees weak. His hand moved down to your waist to pull you closer and the one on your cheeks to caress you.

He was shaking and you can feel it—it was like he was trying to hold back—it feels good really...his kisses.

"Mido...rima...we--" you moaned—you didn't want to do this, yet you don't want to stop him so you kissed him back.

"(Name)..." he murmured back against you—he studied your reddened face and was actually proud of himself that he was able to make you blush like this—his heart is also beating so hard it almost matches your own—if only he could put his ear to listen to your heartbeat like how he used to...

"(Name)," he calls your name with so much need as if he was pleading "I-Ugh!"

"Shin-chan!!! I brought (name)-chan's keys!" the door suddenly burst open and Takao appeared with a very cheerful greeting that made you snap back to reality and pushed Midorima away surprising him.

"What's with you two?" Takao asks as he stares at the two of you who are standing in the middle of the front door, Midorima's hands on your waist and other in the cheeks and yours are on his chest, both of your faces are red especially yours.

"T-ta-takao!" you stuttered, pushing Midorima with a proper strength.

"Ah! (Name)-chan are you blushing—are you two—" Takao was going to tease you as he try to examine the look on your face closer but Midorima had already blocked his way by pulling you behind him.

"Takao." He warned, "What are you doing here?"

"Aw~" he cried in defeat, "and here I am thinking I can finally tease (name)-chan." He cried, "I came here to bring (name)-chan's keys. I thought you were going to pick it up at my apartment but you didn't come so I thought I'd bring it to you guys." Takao showed your car keys. "But it looks like I have disturbed something..." he chuckled.

"Takao!" Midorima silenced him and grabbed the keys from his hand, "close the door when you leave." He instructed before pulling your hands with him and leading you out of his apartment.

"What?" Takao was confused as he watch Midorima pull you away, "Ohhh---yes, sure."

"OI!" you protested, but he held your hand tightly that you even had hard time catching up with his steps as he walked into the elevator "Where are we—"

"Somewhere where there are no interruptions." He answered as he opened his car for you.

"I'm not going with you-"

"I'm taking you home after we talk."

"But there is not-"

"We have a lot to talk about! I listened to you so this time you listen to me." He strapped the seatbelt and closed the door and walked to the driver's seat.

Midorima started the car and drove off somewhere only he knows...




HOLY SHIT IT HAS BEEN A YEAR! A YEAR AND A DAY since I last updated this story!!! I got late one day!

Sorry this took so long. I work on this for 7 hours---I have to go back to school tomorrow, and I was surprised that plot bunny attacked me while I was slacking---ideas came and I cannot stop, I had to remake the last draft of this chapter just for this crappy shit today—this wasn't in my plan!

I hope I didn't disappoint, im trying my best to finish all the unfinished fanfic that I have.

I apologize for the grammar, spelling and shitty mistake that you have seen in this chapter.

Thank you and please review and let me know what you think.

I'll try to end this on the next chapter.


KnB Love Shots [KnB x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt