Kiyoshi II: Of Signs and Sympathy Pregnancy!?

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Kiyoshi Teppei and you are very close to each other...after all you are best of friends, lovers and partners.

You've been with Kiyoshi since like 7th grade. You were there with him from when he started the basketball team to when he and Riko Aida broke up--up to when they won the winter high until he graduated high school. You were there

too whenever he asks you to come when he started his coaching career after college.

Knowing him almost all your life and being his lover for 4 years, the two of you didn't have to communicate with words. One almost know what the other is thinking or wanting to say even though there are no words said.

He can read you like an open book and vise versa.

"Teppei, I got the cookie flavored cake you wanted to try the other day." Was your greeting when you heard the front door open.

"Ah, (name)." Was his tired return to you.

You can clearly hear the tiredness in his voice. Teppei is normally a cheerful person. Even though he's dead-tired, he still tries his best to sound as good as new. But today, he sounded...not.

"Teppei, would you like to take a bath or have dinner first." You asked him as you walked to where he was--at the genkan, removing his shoes before entering your shared apartment.

"I'll have dinner first." Smiled Kiyoshi.

"Overtime in coaching again?" You smiled and assisted him with his jacket and bags.

Kiyoshi's smile was different. But he smiled again at you, fully this time.

"Actually, there's a kid I met after practice today." You looked at him surprised.


"Yeah." He smiled at you and placed his arms around your shoulder and pulled you towards his body for a very warm hug. "He wanted to try basket balling and he wanted to try shooting using his new ball..." Kiyoshi smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

You laughed cutely at Kiyoshi's story knowing exactly how it ended.

"You don't have to explain, I already know... you let him used the gym and you both ended up staying late until the kid got tired." You smiled.

"Well, yeah...sorry, I really intended to come home early, but the kid looks like he haven't played in a real court before. So I let him used the gym to his heart's content..."

"Its alright. You really don't have to be sorry about it. Even I would stay late if I'm in the same situation as yours." You assured him and wrapped your arm around him and returned the hug. "Come, let's have dinner, then we'll have your cake for desert."

"My (name)-chan is such an understanding person."

"Because you are, too." You smiled and led him to the kitchen when you have already prepared the table and the food for the two of you.

During the weekdays you are the one in-charge of making dinner since you come home early. Breakfast are always prepared by Teppei for he wakes up early to jog while you prepare for work. During the weekends, it was Kiyoshi who does the cooking n the evening while during the mornings both of you share a late morning coffee and brunch the two of you prepares.

" I thought the kid looked very familiar... " Kiyoshi keeps talking about the kid from last night he met at the courts.

It was already the next day. You woke up earlier than Kiyoshi. It was weird really--it has been happening for a week now that Kiyoshi wants to sleep in. You let it slip because he must be so tired from coaching the whole day-it was team Japan after all. So you tried to wake up earlier even though you don't feel like it...but breakfast--so its the only thing that keeps you from snuggling next to Kiyoshi; Also today, Hyuuga and Riko's coming over for breakfast.

After making breakfast and some coffee you woke Kiyoshi reminding him that he promised Hyuuga and Riko a breakfast and they're already downstairs and is coming up now. Kiyoshi lazily sat up and yawned and walked to the bathroom to wash up as you finished preparing the table.

"I'm sorry for sleeping in, (name)-chan." Kiyoshi apologized when he finished changing and was on his way to open the door for the couple.

"Its alright." You smiled, "You look really tired, I didn't have the heart to wake you up again when you snuggled to the pillow." You commented with an honest smile.

"But it was my turn to make breakfast and they are my guest."

"I said its alright. Now open the door." You pushed him to the genkan to wait for Riko and Hyuuga...

and now here you are, listening to Kiyoshi's story from last night. You heard it already so you just listened and waited for the couple's reaction from his story while you eat you pancake and coffee...and the weird taste of the strawberry was giving as Kiyoshi sliced them I to small parts and put some wasabi and stuff it in your mouth.

"It doesn't taste that bad." You commented quietly, but the after taste made you frown. "I don't dislike it tho."

"I know right?" Kiyoshi smiled at you. Riko and Hyuuga was already used to the display of affection Kiyoshi is showing when with you so it doeant really bother them.

... but strawberry and wasabi??!

Kiyoshi ate a strawberry happily with wasabi.

"So, I was surprised that the kid was Akashi's son!!" Kiyoshi finished,

"Eh!?" Riko was the first one to react while Hyuuga was watching as Kiyoshi ate that weird combination of strawberry, pancake and wasabi. He visibly twitched.

"Akashi has a son?!"

"Yeah, the kid's name is Seien. Momoi-san was the one who brought the kid to the gym and asked if I could let him play until his dad picks him up. Then later Akashi came and thanked me for letting his son play."

"How old was the kid?" Riko asked.

"Around 5 or 6, I'm not sure tho but. The kid resembled probably the mom, but his insight was like that of Akashi and his aura too."

"I didn't know he's married tho. Kuroko and or Momoi would've mention if he did." Riko said until she noticed that Hyuuga was watching Kiyoshi stuff the strawberry on his mouth with pancakes and wasabi.


"Hmng?" Kiyoshi turned to Riko and Hyuuga twitched.

"The Sushi goes with the wasabi and soy sauce, not with pancakes and strawberries." Hyuuga said.

"But its actually nice." Kiyoshi commented. "Right, (name)-chan?"

"I don't dislike it. Its just have a little after taste." You added.

"Are you sure?" Riko asked.

"Mm." Kiyoshi continued. "Wanna try Hyuuga?"

"No, thank you." Hyuuga turned down the offer.

"Aww, you don't love me anymore?" Kiyoshi feign hurt.

"That's the same as eating Riko's cooking."

"Hidoii!" Riko hit Hyuuga's back and you started chuckling at them. "Junpei, you dare to say that in front of them!!!" It was a normal sight really with you and Kiyoshi laughing at them until Kiyoshi suddenly stood up and went to the comfort

room--surprising you, Riko and Hyuuga.

"Where is he going?" Hyuuga asked

"Bathroom?" You guessed.

"Did the wasabi ruined his stomach? It was really a weird combination though." Riko shared."Did you liked it?"

"Its not that bad...I'd eat another if he wants me to." You smiled.

"Weird." Riko commented. "The two of you both have weird tastes."

"You think so?" You smiled, taking it as a compliment.

"It was not a compliment (name)-chan..." Riko sighed and you just chuckled at her.

"What's taking Kiyoshi so long?" It was Hyuuga's turn to interrupt the two of you and you all turned to the direction of the comfort room.

"Teppei?" You called and he didn't answer.

"Teppei?" You stood up and walked to the comfort room's door to know. "You okay there?

"Maybe his stomach a little shitty because of what he was eating." Hyuuga said.

"Probably." Riko agreed.

"But I don't feel like the same tho.."

"You didn't eat too much, Teppei did." Riko pointed out,

"Well, yea..." you nodded in agreement " Teppei, you okay?" Then you heard a throwing up sound coming from the inside.

"Don't worry about me- I'm okay. I'm just feeling a little uneasy." You heard him call from thw other side.

"I'll go buy some meds." Hyuuga volunteered.

"Good idea, I'll help (name)-chan clean up." Riko patted Hyuuga's back.

"Thank you Hyuuga-san." You smiled apologetically at Hyuuga.

"Its nothing. Give that idiot some water when he comes out." Hyuuga ad viced as he steps out of the apartment.

It turns out that Kiyoshi caught a stomach flu and so when Riko and Hyuuga left before lunch you have already prepared all the needed medicine and food for you and Kiyoshi.

"Sorry (name)-chan. Today is supposed to be your rest day, yet you're taking care of me." Kiyoshi said as he was sitting on the bed hugging the pillow like a small boy.

"Don't be stupid, Teppei. Its only natural that I look after you when you're sick. There's only you and me here. And I'm not the kind to kick you out and send you back to grandma's house so they could take care of you." You told him, "Now stay there and rest for the day. I'll be cleaning up the kitchen and bring you lunch."

"But (name)-chan~" Kiyoshi's tone turned a little deeper and a little huskier.

"Nanda?" You looked back at him.

"I want to cuddle." Kiyoshi announced as he pushed the pillow out of his lap and tap the space in between his lap. He wanted you to seat

"Tempting, Teppei." You commented coldly. "But, no."

"But (name)-chan~" Kiyoshi now sounded like a young boy deprived of his game and its something you just can't say no to.

Seeing the disturbance on your face, Kiyoshi's lips smiled and you were suddenly pulled back onto the bed wrapped around Kiyoshi's arms.

"Teppei~" you whined. "I'm not a teddy bear." You grumbled, but you weren't mad or anything, he knows.

"But I want to cuddle~"

"Fine. But I have to finish cleaning first, okay?" Kiyoshi stay stilled, but sensing the eagerness that you wanted to finish everything Kiyoshi's hand on you loosens.

"Okay, come back right after (name)-chan~"

"Mm. I'll be back right after." You smiled and sat up, turning to Kiyoshi's form before leaning down and placing a kiss on his forehead. "Just rest here and behave. I'll be back in a flash."

Finishingthe dishes and cleaning the kitchen. You placed a bowl of soup on the tray and juice next to it was the medicine Hyuuga bought.

You were on your way to the bedroom when Kiyoshi emerges surpriaing you,

"Teppei! Didn't I tell you to just stay inside? Yupiu are not feeling good!" You reprimanded him, but he just smiled at you and took the tray from your hand.

"I'm feeling alright now and I'm hungry. I feel like I want to eat lots of meat." He smiled at you happily. You examined his face and he looked like he was back to his normal self again.

"I made soup. But it looks like it won't be enough." You smiled, happy that Kiyoshis feeling a little better than earlier.

"Yea, that won't be enough. How about we eat somewhere?" He asked and you smiled at the idea.

"Mm. I'm cool with that. I've been craving for a Pork BBQ and pasta since last week- but we were too busy to go out."

"Then let's go now." Kiyoshi said happily.

"But are you sure you're feeling good now?"

"Yes. I'm feeling good. Its just like some morning sickness. I feel sick in the morning."

"Eeeh!?" You looked at Kiyoshi, worried. "Why didn't you tell me immediately? We should see the doctor!"

"Nah, you don't have to worry like that. I'm fine. Its only in the morning. And besides, I feel fine right after resting."

"I still think we should have you checked by a doctor."

"Not today," Kiyoshi sighed, he knew you won't back down with the doctor's appointment. "I'll schedule before going to work." Kiyoshi gave you a smile.

"Is that a promise?"

"Yes, a promise." Kiyoshi gave you his 'trust-me' smile. "I don't want my (name)-chan worrying about me." He pulled you to a warm hug and together you both walked back to the bedroom to change.

The day was spent with you and Kiyoshi walking around the town. You were at first, worried that Kiyoshi might feel sick again but it seems like he's in his normal self. But that doesn't mean that you have left your guard down while around him.

Kiyoshi's appetite was doubled, you noticed. Also he was sleeping in a lot during thw mornings. He stopped jogging in the morning for hw feels like sleeping-in more. It as Wednesday when he said he scheduled an appointment to his doctor and you went with him.

"There's nothing to worry about, Kiyoshi-san." The doctor told him.

"Are you sure? He's always tired and he's really a sporty person too. He's having morning sickness too? She's just like a pregnant lady." You tried to reasoned out.

"(Last name)-san. Don't worry too much, men are like that. All his test are normal. Men are mostly like that. There are times that they get a little tired from overworking too much and stress is building up that makes them throw-up for no reason." The doctor explained, "I know that you are worried. But don't be. Everything is perfectly fine, Kiyoshi-san is 100% doing good."

You looked down on your hands. That time, it seems like its the most fascinating object around you. You feel embarrassed and all. You were just worried of Kiyoshi's health. Who wouldn't? He's your family, your lover your best friend--everything.

"(name)-chan, the doctor said I'm all fine. Nothing to worry about." Kiyoshi said, throwing his arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to him and kissing your forehead. "Isn't that great?" And you nodded silently agreeing to his words.

"I understand you fully (last name)-san. So to keep your mind at ease, I'm advising Kiyoshi-san to take a leave for safety measures. Also we will be changing the vitamins that you will be taking. It will help with the 'morning sickness' feeling you are having." The doctor smiled at Kiyoshi who smiled back happily at him.

"Thank you doctor." The doctor glanced at you and smiled and you embarrassingly bowed at him as thank you and apology...

"(l/n)-san, you look place yourself." The doctor mentioned while you calm yourself down.

"I was just worried of Teppei's health so much." You answered. "But now, I'm relived that he's all good."

"Yes. So please, don't push yourself hard."

"Yes." You smiled at the doctor.

With that, the doctor scheduled follow-up for Kiyoshi 2 weeks from now. The two of you left the place and was walking to the parking where you parked the car. When you left the vicinity of the hospital you felt a little relived.

"You okay now?"

"Mm. The hospital just make me feel queasy. But I'm very glad you are alright."

"Yes. I did tell you I'am fine. It was you who was worrying too much."

"Of course, I'd be worried! Idiot Teppei!" Groaning you looked away from Kiyoshi. Irritated that he keeps teasing you about being a worry wart towards his condition.

The whole drive was suddenly became quiet. You weren't talking to him nor complaining and Kiyoshi knew something in you snapped already.

"I'm sorry (name)-chan." He interrupted the silence as he drives. There was no reply. "I was just happy to see you're worried about my health. You look really cu-" Kiyoshi glanced at you to look at your expression only to find that you already have fallen asleep.

Kiyoshi smiled at your now sleeping form. He pushed the strands of hair away from your face and let you have your peace. He drove quietly back home.

When you wake up you found yourself sleeping on the comforts of your bed. Kiyoshi was no where in sight. You glanced at the side clock and found it was already past lunch. You slowly sat up and found that Kiyoshi's side of bed isn't occupied.

'I fell asleep on our way home...' you remember that upon sinking in the information that Kiyoshi's alright you felt relaxed and all the sleepless night took toll on your body and you suddenly feel too weak to fight the need to sleep...

"Teppei?" You finally left the comforts of your bed and looked for Kiyoshi. The living room was empty, so he was probably in the kitchen...and there you found him.

"...Teppei." you called.

Kiyoshi Teppei froze upon hearing your voice. It was like he was caught in the middle of sinning...but no, of course your Kiyoshi Teppei wouldn't dare of such...

Yet, here he was...

"Ehehe, (name)-chan." Kiyoshi chuckled embarrassingly for being caught...

...caught eating the ice cream that you were saving.

"Sorry, I can't help it...I just feel like eating ice cream." Kiyoshi apologized.

"You don't look so sorry to me, Teppei." You said as you walked up to him and took the ice cream tub from his hand and the spoon from his other.

"I'll buy a new one for you later. My plan was to buy one while you were asleep, but I don't want to leave you on your own." Kiyoshi said.

"Hm..." you listened to Kiyoshi explain, you weren't really angry from him eating your ice cream. You just let Kiyoshi talk and talk as you take a spoonful of ice cream yourself and shove it quietly into your mouth.

"Well... you better get a new one later." Was all you said before you scoop another and this time you lifted it up to Kiyoshi's mouth.

"Let's share." You said and Kiyoshi smiled like a happy puppy that he is before opening his mouth for the ice cream.

Kiyoshi followed the doctors instruction. He took a week off to rest, not because the doctor said so, but he did it for you. He didn't want to worry you too much. He also suggested that you take a leave too. So that the two of you could enjoy a whole week off.

The suggestion was very tempting, so you did.

The days was composed of sleeping-in until 10am. Eating breakfast, or lunch together in your favorite restaurant or wherever you feel like eating and Kiyoshi eating a lot at that. And in the afternoon, the two of you decides to watch movies at home with a tub of ice cream, and or random side dishes you picked up on your way home from lunch.

Today, it as apples and sushi and chinese take outs.

Kiyoshi's appetite is increasing. While being with him in that state made you eat a lot too, you were awfully offended that he never gained weight while you gained some.

"You need to exercise, (name)-chan." Kiyoshi suggested. You were grumbling about gaining weight after you checked your latest measurement.

"But I do some jogging... isn't that considered as exercise?" You responded, "Anyways, exercising is too tiring." You added lastly before you jumped on the bed right next to Kiyoshi.

"Afternoon nap?"Kiyoshi asked as he placed his arms under your head to hook you closer to his warmth.

"Mm. Your recent habits are contagious." You murmured as you snuggled closer to Kiyoshi and closed your eyes. He smiled and wrapped you closer and followed you to sleep.

It was the weekend that Kiyoshi decided to visit his grandparents and took you with him. You have spent vacations with the old couple and they are very hospitable and caring...just like Kiyoshi himself.

"I bet they misses you so much." You commented as you took out the groceries that you and Kiyoshi bought on the way home to his grandparents' house.

"You're wrong." Kiyoshi said, "It's you who they misses more." Kiyoshi said.

"Baka, not a relative."

"You are like the granddaughter they never had." Kiyoshi said, taking the bags from your hands. "Let me take care of that." Kiyoshi said.

"We bought too much of your ice creams." You commented as you looked at the bag Kiyoshi was holding on his other hand. It has 3 tub of ice creams.

"I don't feel like going to the super market when we're out of ice cream." Kiyoshi said and he opened the gates.

"Grandma! Grandpa! We're here." Kiyoshi called as he entered the familiar house where he grew up. An old couple welcomed you both at the front door with a smile.

"Welcome home Teppei, (name)-chan." His grandmother greeted.

Kiyoshi hugged them and his grandma turned to you excitedly.

"(Name)-chan~" she hugged you. He was like a female version of Kiyoshi. "Its been a long time since we last saw you." She said.

"I'm very sorry for not coming down here often, grandma."

"Too much busy working, I know." She smiled and assisted you inside. "Come, I made your favorite."

"Why is there too many ice cream, are you inviting someone over?" It was his grandpa who asked while you were eating dinner.

"Nope. It's (name)-chans favorite flavor and there was only 3 left so we took all." Kiyoshi explained happily as he enjoyed eating. "Here, eat more (name)-chan. Grandma made (fav food) for you." Kiyoshi placed another scoop of rice in front of

you and few meat from your favorite bbq and (fav food) on top of the rice.

"Mou, Teppei~ its too much." You told him, but you ate them anyway. Watching Kiyoshi himself eat a lot made you feel like eating more too.

"Eat the vegetables too, (name)-chan. Its good for a pregnant woman." Grandma says.

"Eh?" Kiyoshi turned to you in surprise, you did too. "You're pregnant?" Kiyoshi asked.

"That's a great news, isn't it?" Grandpa commented happily.

"N-no!" You immediately laughed at the issue. "Grandma, I'm not pregnant. That's impossible." You blushed, embarrassed at the sudden topic.

"How is that impossible when you are a woman and in the right age too."

"No, grandma I'm not pregnant." You laughed. Yes, not pregnant. No symptoms and all. "I mean, I haven't had any symptoms of pregnancy. No cravings or morning sickness." You explained. "Its more like Teppei is the one pregnant." You joked. "He's the one having the symptoms, he's the one craving for the ice creams and having morning sickness."

Grandma looked at you and then to Kiyoshi.

"Teppei is also the one always sleeping in and the " you added lastly, "Right, Teppei?" you chuckled.

"Teppei? Are you sick?" Grandpa asked him.

"Well..." Kiyoshi scratched the back of his head. "A little." He admitted "...stomach flu."

"Ara? That's weird, you don't get sick back when you were young though." Grandpa said.

"Yeah, its probably because of the work." Kiyoshi excused.

"I guess so too. He's always staying late and taking overtime." You added.

"Is that true, Teppei?" Grandma asks as she pours a tea on your cup.

"Grandma, (name)-chan doesnt like tea." Kiyoshi pointed out.

"No, no!" You stopped him, "I'm okay with it--its my second actually." You took the cup and sipped the warm tea. Kiyoshi waited for a reaction.

No reaction.

"You hated tea." Kiyoshi mentions.

"Grandma's tea taste nice though." you commented and continued eating.

"Well, if you say so." Kiyoshi nodded and just continued conversing with his grandfather.

It was later that night that you were helping Grandma wash the plates as Kiyoshi and his grandfather was having tea. Grandma watches as Kiyoshi quietly eating another bowl of ice cream. And he smiled.

"You and Teppei almost practically grew up together." She started and you smiled at her words. It was true. Since seventh grade you were friends with him already, always playing here and there and going home together from school even though Kiyoshi finishes his practice later than yours you still go home together with him. You are neighbors with them after all. And with your parents always not around, you sometimes have dinners with them.

"Yes." you agreed. "I remember we always come home together, I wait for him and sometimes he waits for me."

"I'm not suprised that the two of you ended up together." You blushed at her comment. "You practically know what each other is thinking even without exchanging words."

"That's not true." You chuckled, "but we're almost near there."

"What do you mean almost near there?" It was Kiyoshi who spoke and interrupted your girl-talk with grandma as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Teppei, I'm drying the plates. Let go." you said smiling at his actions.

"But I can feel that you are already tired, let me do that in your place." Kiyoshi let go of your waist and took the plate from your hand. "You need to rest, you're tired from the drive." He smiled and kiss your forehead lovingly making you more flustered because he did it in front of his grandmother.

"Teppei!" you reprimanded him, pushing him a little away form you.

"Don't mind me. Don't mind me. I've been with my own Kiyoshi and trust me, the version of Kiyoshi that you have there is better than more trained that the one I had during my days." Grandma said patting Teppei's head like he's just a small boy.

"Grandma, are you telling me you had lovey-dovey times with grandpa during your younger years too?" Kiyoshi excitedly asked.

"Of course, what do you think of him? Just a quiet young man during his days?" Grandma laughed and turned to the old man sitting on the chair having his tea. You laughed as grandma started talking about their younger years and how she met Kiyoshi's grandfather.

"...Now tell me honestly, (Name)-chan." You turned to Kiyoshi's grandma.

"Hm?" You looked at her confused, then to Kiyoshi before focusing back at grandma again.

"Are you sure you're not pregnant?" It was a serious question. "You know I dont have any problems if you are pregnant. Babies are blessings after all."

"I understand. But I'm sure I'm not pregnant, Grandma." You smiled at her honestly.

"I see. I really thought you are, you know? Your brea-"

"Grandma~!" Kiyoshi whined interrupting as his grandma started mentioning your breast and sizes which made you turn red. You were glad Kiyoshi interrupted and she just laughed it off.

"I get it, son. I just got has been a long time since we had a child here in our home." Grandma said, probably reminiscing of the times when Teppei was born and was raised in their household as his parents work abroad. "But you

know back then, I didnt experience immediate pregnancy symptoms. To be honest, it was him who did." Grandma gestured at Kiyoshi's grandfather who was having his tea quietly.

"Eh? Is that possible?" you asked, surprised.

"We already know I was pregnant with his Teppei's father. I was comfortably pampered by him, but it was him who started feeling abdominal pain, bloating, appetite changes and nauseating." His grandmother chuckled, remembering the past. "Funny, isnt it? He took all the suffering that is intended for me."

The night ended up with you and Kiyoshi lying down on the futon his grandmother prepared for the two of you.

"But you know, having a baby isnt that bad." Kiyoshi offered.

"I'm not against it." you replied. "If the heavens provide us a child, I will welcome him whole-heartedly." You answered.

"But are you sure, you are seriously not pregnant?" Kiyoshi joked.

"I'm not. No symptoms." you closed your eyes. You felt Kiyoshi shift next to you and his hand gently placed itself on your breast making your eyes widened in surprise. (Not like you were offended or something, you were just startled at the action...that is all.)

"Oi." You warned as you felt his hand grope your breast, squishing them gently.

"You know, I think grandma's right. Your chest did seem a little bigger lately, and more squishy." Kiyoshi commented causing you to elbow him. "--Aw!"

"Stop it. They are not, they are in their normal size!" You snapped at him.

"I dont think so, I know they changed because I'm the one who always sees them up close."

"Teppei." You groaned and Kiyoshi chuckled.

"I'll stop now, I promise." He backed away, moving his hands away from your breast. "My little (name)-chan is already tired, no?"

"Mm. Tired. Now, shut up and let me sleep." you told him. "Goodnight."


-*-Few days later -*-

"Teppei, I'll be dropping by the combini on my way home, is there something you want me to get you?" You were talking with Kiyoshi over the phone.

"Nothing really. Just be home safe. I'll be home right after the training." Kiyoshi responded.

"Mm. See you later." you ended the call and cleared up your table before you stood up and finally decided to go home.

The combini was just a street away from your apartment. You opened your phone to look at the list of the things that you needed to buy.

1. Cereal - check
2. Milk - check
3. Coffee - check
4. Chocolate chips - check
5. Chips - check
6. Soda - check

As you completed the list you walked to the cashier but accidentally bumping a couple box. You picked them up and placed them back on the rack along with the other box of sanitary napkins.

"..." you stared at the object as if they are something with importance to you.

"Next." The cashier called and so with that, you forgot what you where doing staring at the box of sanitary napkins.

When you got home, Kiyoshi was already there. He got few minutes earlier than you.

"Welcome home." Kiyoshi greeted as you enter.

"You're home early." you noted.

"Yeah. We were already cleaning up when you called and I took the car with me, so it was faster than taking the train home." He responded and examined your face which was filled with confusion. "Are you okay, (name)?" he asked, worried.

"Y-yeah. Why?" you looked up at him, confused.

"You looked troubled." Kiyoshi said walking up to you and taking the plastic bags from your hand. "Come inside, you should rest." Kiyoshi held your hand and led you to the couch.

"I do? I- I'm not really sure. I feel like I'm forgetting something." you said leaning back and resting your whole body on the couch.

"Forgetting something?" Kiyoshi looked over his shoulders to your direction.

"Yeah. I just cant pinpoint it..." you trailed, closing your eyes. It was true that you couldn't pin-point the reason why you are troubled, but you are sure it's not that of a big deal so you dropped the idea. "Teppei, how are you feeling? No more morning sickness?" you asked.

"No more. Just little back pain and toothaches. But all is well." He assured you.

"Maybe we should have another check up?" You suggested.

"No, we don't really have to do that again. Besides, didnt my doctor said its just a small case of stomach flu? and The toothaches are just normal. Back pain, probably because of too much work from last week. They aren't that bad. Trust me."

"But still..." you trailed, "I cant be calm seeing you like that. How about second opinion? My doctor is good too, you know." You offered.

"Will scheduling another check-up calm you down?" Kiyoshi sat down next to you and pushed the strands of hair from your face.

"Mm." you nodded.

"Okay then. We will schedule an appointment with you doctor." Kiyoshi smiled at you, "I dont want you worrying about me all the time. Look at you, you look like you needed a week vacation more than me." Kiyoshi pinched your cheeks making you pout.

"Are you telling me I'm getting uglier?" you frowned.

"No. You're still the good ol pretty (name)- chan." Kiyoshi pulled you towards him and had a full 30 minutes of cuddle session.

You almost fell asleep...almost. But you need to get up and change and make dinner.

Tomorrow, you will be visiting your doctor-- just to be sure he's all well.

-*- NEXT DAY -*-

"... Well Kiyohsi-san," Your female doctor started, "I dont see anything wrong with you." She smiled at Kiyoshi and then smiled at you.

"See (name)-chan, there is nothing really wrong with me." Kiyoshi grinned at you happily.

"I am aware that this is your second appointment for Kiyoshi-san's condition. But I assure you (l/n)-san, there is nothing wrong with Kiyoshi-san." She smiled at you lovingly.

"That is good to hear." You sighed in relief. "Will he need to take medicine if ever his morning sickness attacks?"

"No, he doesn't need to take meds." She answered, "Its sympathy pregnancy."

"Sympathy pregnancy?" you turned to the doctor, confused.

"Yes." She answered happily, "All the symptoms are present: Nausea, toothaches, leg cramps or backaches, changes in sleeping pattern, craving for foods."

"I- I don't understand, Sensei." You looked at the lady doctor.

"This mostly happened to excited fathers."

"I- I can't catch-up." you turned to Kiyoshi who was also confused as you are.

"(l/n)-san, when did you last had your menstruation?" the doctor asked you.

You were silent for a couple of moment as your brain take a few steps back as you try to remember when was the last time you had your period.

'When was it again...?' you asked yourself as if mentally calculating the days and dates.

'Shit' you closed your eyes as you got your answer.

[NOTE: the setting is Mid-September]

"...July..." You answered, unsure.

"I see. No periods lately?" She asked.

"No..." your voice was quiet.

"Have you been experiencing any weird cravings, morning sickness?" She asked you.

"...No, its mostly him who does lately."

You remembered now, yesterday...when you bumped into those boxes of sanitary bothered you. It bothered you that you weren't buying them lately...
It has been two months since you last had your period...

"That's what I thought too."

"Are you suggesting (name) is pregnant, Sensei?" It was Kiyoshi's excited voice which snapped you out of your own world.

"I suggest she take a test. Just to be sure." She smiled, "You okay with that, (l/n)-san?" She waited for your answer.

"..I-- yes. I'm okay with that. It completely slipped my mind... my period, I'm not really sure." You supplied.

"It's normal. I will have my secretary prepare you for the test, you may use the examination room inside." She led you next door and had her secretary assist you.


"Kiyoshi-san, does the idea of being a father excites you?" The sensei asked Kiyoshi while waiting for you to return.

"Yes, of course!" Kiyoshi excitedly answered. "Who wouldn't be." Kiyoshi smiled happily at the doctor.

"That's great then." She smiled back, "Due to my observations, you are indeed experiencing sympathy pregnancy. It sounded very impossible to feel what a pregnant woman is feeling since you are a man, but it is real. (l/n)-san is very lucky to have a person like you."

Kiyoshi smiled and then as if on cue, you came out of the examination room holding a small packaging.

"How was it?" Kiyoshi asked excitedly and you shakily handed the small pregnancy test tube to Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi held your hand and gently took the result from you. He stared at the rectangular object...

"How are you feeling, (l/n)-san?" The doctor asked you.

"I-I'm not sure..." you answered honestly. "I wasn't expec-"

"You weren't expecting it?" She smiled.

"Yes." you nodded as you sat next to Kiyoshi whose hand tightened around your own.

"Two lines." Kiyoshi whispered and then turned to the doctor, "Two lines!" His voice was excited and he handed the test to the doctor who looked at the result as well.

"Congratulations (l/n)-san, Kiyoshi-san." She smiled.

"You heard that (name)? We're going to be parents!" Kiyoshi embraced you.

"Ye-Yes!" you smiled and hugged Kiyoshi back tightly. "We're going to be parents!" Your tone was of relief and happiness mixed together. And then you started sobbing.

"What's wrong?" Kiyoshi pulled away first, he was suddenly worried as to why you were suddenly crying. "Are you not happy?"

"I- I'm happy!" you answered in between sobs, "I'm crying because I'm glad you are not sick and all that!You got me worried and all for the past month because you were ill-- I'm so glad it was just nothing."

"I did tell you I feel alright." Kiyoshi pulled you closer to his chest and let you calm down.

"Sympathy Pregnancy are mostly common to couples who are very close to each other while there are no scientific exploitation to that matter, it is most certainly happening to most people. You are not the only one experiencing this." The doctor explained. "(l/n)-san, Kiyoshi-san must've really loved you. It was like he took all the symptoms you are to have when pregnant." She smiled.

The scheduled appointment to the doctor for Kiyoshi ended up for you, you were shocked at the most when you found out that you were pregnant after taking the test. It's not because you are not happy, but you were just surprised that is all, and you were worried that the child is not healthy as to why the reason you are not experiencing any symptoms at all. The doctor told you that the baby was perfectly healthy and is around 9-10 weeks now. She also explained that you weren't experiencing any symptoms was because you were too busy taking care of Kiyoshi and or was busy with your work.

"You were too focused on staying strong--feeling that you can't get sick because Kiyoshi-san is already sick himself--is what is happening in your mind." You looked on your lap guiltily.

It was true, you did feel like wanting to faint back then, but remembering that Kiyoshi is already feeling unwell, you fought the urge to sleep in to prepare for you and Kiyoshi's breakfast when he wakes up later and fought the urge to throw-up when you feel like doing so in the morning because you were thinking that if you feel sick now, who will take care of Kiyoshi. He was already sick, you can't afford to be sick too.

You just focus and never let weakness and illness take over your body...That is why there was no symptoms of pregnancy.

"You should relax more, (l/n)-san." The doctor advised with a smile. "Relax."

"Mm." You nodded.

"Well then, I will only prescribe vitamins for you and the baby. There will be no problem with that since you are healthy." The doctor wrote something on her pad and looked at you, waiting for your response.

"We understand." It was Kiyoshi who answered. You on the other hand just nodded.

"Great. I will schedule another check-up for you. Is that okay?"

"Yes. We will certainly be here by then."

"Good. Here you go." The doctor handed you the paper and smiled. "Relax and rest (l/n)-san." She reminded you again with a smile.

The drive back home was quiet. It was most likely because you closed your eyes and let everything that happened today sinked into your system. The fact that Kiyoshi was not sick and the pregnancy.

When you got home, Kiyoshi led you down to the couch and let you sit comfortably.

"Water?" he asked.

"Yes, please." you answered and Kiyoshi walked to the kitchen and brought back a glass of water and handed it to you. You almost emptied it.

When you turned to Kiyoshi you found him smiling up on you as he sat on the floor.

"What?" you almost want to giggle at the look at his face. He looked like a puppy waiting for you to pat its head.

"I'm just happy but also not." Kiyoshi's smile turned into a frown which confused you all of a sudden.

"What do you mean?" you frowned at him.

"The fact that you are pregnant made me the happiest man alive." He smiled at you and then turned his attention to your still flat tummy. "Our little baby is lying inside you, both ours." He smiled.

"Then the reason for you not being happy is?" you questioned.

"You are too uptight lately, as what the doctor said." He mentions, "What would've happened if you pushed yourself too much? You need rest, more sleep- yet, you wake up early and take care of everything." Kiyoshi commented, "While I am feeling a little unwell, that doesnt mean I cannot do stuffs. You worry too much. Do you not trust me?"

"...I trust you." You answered, "I was just worried..." you said, "You've been watching out for everyone's back since high school, while you watch for then, who is going to watch for yours?" you asked him with a gentle smile.


"That is my job." you answered, "To look after you, so I cannot afford to be sick and all... And I am very sorry that I didnt noticed that I am already...pregnant." you looked down.

"I understand that, I am grateful that you look after me." Kiyoshi kneeled down in front of you, he pulled your waist closer to his chest and wrapped his arms around you lovingly. "But from now on, don't be so uptight, let loose...if you want to sleep in, do it. I'll do breakfast in the morning like the normal days and it's alright if you feel like throwing up, you are pregnant after all, I believe that is okay." Kiyoshi said pulling you closer to him more and leaned his head to your stomach as if listening to the little life growing inside you.

"Teppei..." you smiled. "I don't feel like throwing up morning sickness." You assured him.

"Well, the doctor says its psychological. So maybe if you relax a little more than you normally do you'll experience them."

"..." you didn't answer him. Instead he just stood up.

"Either way, you are pregnant." Kiyoshi announced. "We'll be parents! I'll be a daddy and you'll be a mommy soon! Grandma was right all along!" Kiyoshi lifted you up and hugged you tightly.

"Yes, we'll be parents!" you chuckled happily.

"We should tell grandma! They'll be very happy!" Kiyoshi said. "But for now, let's have my (name) eat so that our baby will get healthy too." Kiyoshi pulled you to the kitchen and you laughed after him.


What the doctor said indeed was true. It was all because she was too uptight with everything that she doesn't let things get into her head that she wasn't experiencing any symptoms of pregnancy.

"Are you sure you're okay?" It was Kiyoshi who asked you this time.

It was Saturday and you and Kiyoshi was planning to visit his grandparents. But you were inside the bathroom and throwing up.

"This is not fun..." you grumbled.

"It's not that bad. Momoi-san was having it too. And she was crying all day saying Aomine is an ass that it should be him experiencing it and all the stuffs." Kiyoshi tells you as he held your hair back to prevent it from getting into your face.

"And besides, its normal." Kiyoshi said happily. "I throw up too, but I'm happily throwing up because I'm very excited to be a dad." Kiyoshi started blabbering about how excited he was being a father that he was even okay if it will be him conceiving.

"But then I will look very ugly if it will be me you know." He concluded and laughed.

"Yeah, who wants to see a big man with a big tummy." you chuckled.

"I know right? But if its you, you will still look stunning even though you're pregnant." Kiyoshi looked at you lovingly which made you chuckle.

"Stop it." You pushed him away from you laughing.

"What? I was just telling the truth."

"You're being cheezy." you laughed, wiping your mouth with a tissue and taking the glass of water the Kiyoshi was holding to you.

"I am not." Kiyoshi chuckled too. "It was the truth."

"Stop it, Teppei."

"Hai, hai." Kiyoshi smiled cheekily at you and assisted you out of the bathroom.

"Shall we get ready?" He asked you.

"Mm. Let's drop by the Kawamaura's sushi on our way, is that okay?" you asked.

"Sure, anything for you."

"Remember that sushi Riko-chan and Hyuuga-san brought last time, I want that. Also, mangoes and strawberries." you counted all that you wanted on your left hand.

"Want another of that Strawberry and wasabi?" Kiyoshi asked.

"Yea, sure. It doesn't taste so bad you know." You smiled at Kiyoshi.

"I'll make you some of that when we get to grandma's. And tea?" he asked lastly.

"Yes, and tea." you nodded.

"They say that when you're pregnant, you eat stuffs that you don't like when you were not. I guess that is why you drank the tea grandma gave you the last time. Normally you dislike it."

"Probably. But that time, the tea doesn't taste that bad."

"That'g great. Tea is good for the body you know. Quit drinking sodas as well. We will have to cut you from drinking soda, we dont want our baby have some unhealthy food." Kiyoshi told you.

"Ah! I want ice cream too." You weren't listening to Kiyoshi's reminder and continued walking to the kitchen as you looked for some leftover ice cream. "You ate everything last night, didn't you?"

"Aw...sorry sorry." he laughed goofily and started scratching the back of his head.

"Mou~ you keep controlling me for having junk foods yet you are the one who keeps eating them all. So unfair, Teppei!" you pouted at his direction.

"Sorry, sorry... but you see I'm feeling the symptoms too you know...We share."

"Share..." you grumbled at Kiyoshi who grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him...closer and enough for him to give you a bear hug like he usually give.

"Yes, share." he smiled on your head.

"Hmmmm...okay." you looked up at him and smiled. "But you will have to give me a larger portion since I'm feeding your baby."

"Sure, sure (name)-chan." He smiled. "Now shall we go get ready? Grandma and Grandpa is excited to see you."

"Mm." you nodded.

Kiyoshi held your hand and walked you out of your shared apartment. He never let go of your hand until he opened the door to his car and had you sitting down on the passenger's seat.

"Teppei, I can walk by myself you know."

"I know, just making sure you are perfectly safe." Kiyoshi smiled back at you before he closed the door and walked to the other side of the car.

Kiyoshi smiled to himself and started driving right after he made sure that your seatbelt was perfectly placed.

"Let's go." He said and you nodded with a smile.


A/N: Gomen, the last part sucked. I know, I know... I just suddenly lost it right in the middle of the story. I'm sorry.
I'm still working on the Kitsune Imayoshi and the Akashi story at the moment so I decided to insert this crappy Kiyoshi.

Will update again soon.

Sorry for the grammar errors and spelling shits. Im working on my tablet and no chance to check them again. Sorry.

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