Imayoshi II - Something Valuable pt.2 [end]

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6 years ago

"Ya! (name)-chan!" A voice of your favorite -mean- senpai called your name from the busy hallways to the cafeteria. You were on your way to get yourself some lunch food-but of all the time he comes and talks to you- he picks lunch time- a rush time.

"Ah- hi, senpai." You looked up at the tall man. He's really tall-you can't stop wondering all the time how tall this point guard is.

"I'm 180cm. (name)-chan." As if he heard your silent question, he answered.

"Woah-180-- so tall--er...I wasn’t asking for your height sempai." You turned red backing away from him.

"Ahaha. You look like you were asking for it though." He said, chuckling.

"Don't be stupid." You blushed and looked away in embarrassment. "Why are you calling me anyway?" You grumbled.

"Ah, yeah. The basketball teams' having a small celebration- so I'm inviting you to come."




"I've come to pick you up, (name)-chan, let's go." Imayoshi grabbed your hands and pulled you out of the crowded cafeteria before you can start protesting.

The two of you entered the clubroom- surprisingly today, it doesn’t smell like a rotten sock.

"You looked surprised (name)-chan." Imayoshi said.

"Yea- well... your club room always stinks- but today- its exceptionally...clean."

"Heh~ of course. The one in charge of today's cleaning isn't Aomine." 

"Ah- sou~ I can see now," you followed him inside and he opened another door where you found the rest of the basketball team.

"(Name)-senpai! I’m glad you came!” came Momoi's bubbly cheer as she jumped and hugged you.

"Good job, Imayoshi-senpai." Momoi said and with that you were pulled inside further to the table where there were several types of food and sushi and other foods.

"Eh? What's the celebration for?" You asked Imayoshi while eating on the couch and the others having their own conversation.

"Nothing really- Momoi just wanted to celebrate the third year's last term." Hearing that, you looked up at Imayoshi.

Oh yea, its summer now- and soon the senpai's time to leave...the school is ending at that too. Next term they'll be going and you'll be in your senior year.

You didn't respond to his last word. Imayoshi leaned back and draped his long arms around your shoulder--feeling his arms around yours, you leaned back as well.

"Can I have a piece of that?" Imayoshi started again, gesturing to the onigiri on your plate.

"Onigiri senpai?"

"Aa." Imayoshi opened his mouth and you picked the onigiri with your hand and feed it to him without hesitation.

"Good?" You asked, neither you know...that the rest of the team's eyes was watching the two of you- it was as if the time stopped amongst them all.

"Mm." Imayoshi answered, his glasses glinted knowingly which sent immediate attention towards those who was watching the two of you, "tastes much better from you." He commented.

"If want more, I can get you more onigiri-" you were going to stand up to get more of it since it was the last one on the plate- but Imayoshi declined.

"No- no, don't need to. Just sit there." He instructed.

"O-okay..." you mumbled quietly, your face turning red as you slowly look away.

'Should I tell him now?' You asked yourself, checking if you’re ready to confess your feelings to him.

You have always admired Imayoshi since you started attending Too- he was a big mystery- yet entertaining. He is polite even though he jabs you with the simple words that could destroy you if he intends to; he was smart too...the only problem is that he is mean, not to you but when he has always wanted to crack that megane-senpai's face.

'No-not today,' you decided.

Later that day

"Imayoshi-senpai, do you want to go home together today?' You asked him, it was a normal thing between the two of you. "There's something i'd like to tell you."

"Eh? Tell me something?"

"Yes, senpai." You nodded. "See you later, I still have PE." You smiled and waved at Imayoshi before skipping away to the direction of the gym.

On your way to the Gym, Momoi, your first year kouhai ambushed you.

"eh!? Momoi-san!?" Momoi grinned at you and pulled you toward the corner, away from the questioning eyes of the second years.

"Shh! senpai," Momoi gestured to you to keep quiet; she took you inside a room where Aomine was waiting.

"Eh? Aomine? Momoi-chan? What is this about? I have a class to attend to you know."

Aomine sighed and scratched the back of his head, irritated.

"I don't even know why I am here too, (last name)-senpai." Aomine said, looking at Momoi.

"Well, I believe that (name)-senpai is planning in confessing to Imayoshi-senpai, am I right senpai?" Momoi gave you a knowing smile.

Your face turned shades of red.


"Don't deny it senpai- don't worry you have our support!" Momoi said, grabbing you hands.

"Ah? Eh--thanks?" You didn't know what to respond to her, you just looked at Aomine waiting for him to interrupt Momoi's actions. But he ignored you.

The lazy bastard.

But somehow, you're quite have these people support you.

Later that day you were ready to confess, you walked toward the 3rd year's classroom to look for Imayoshi...but he wasn't there- so instead you walked towards the gym.

You found yourself standing in front of the slightly opened door of the clubroom.

"Senpai-" you called, but abruptly stop when you heard a voice.

"Shouichi-kun~" came the lovely voice of a girl...inside the clubroom.

"Ngh- Sakura-what are you-"

"Shouichi-just a little bit more-"

"!!" Your eyes widened as you walked in and found Imayoshi lying down on the clubroom couch with a half naked girl-another senpai of yours--Sakura-senpai--on top of him...

'Ugh~ I think his thing is stuck inside her-' you grumbled were depressed alright, and you cannot stop the tears falling from the corner of your eyes as you started running on the hallways, away from the clubroom.


Running away from the clubroom isn't hard- but watching where you are currently going is harder especially when your sight is covered with your tears.

"Ow~" you grumbled, when you bumped into something--more like someone.

"Ugh" you heard the other. "What the hell-" his curse was forgotten when he saw your figure on the ground. "(last name)!?" 

You looked up teary-eyed at the person- it was your Satoshi Kai from the other class.

"Satoshi-san?" You recognized him, "I'm sorry I-" you helped yourself up first so that you could help him stand but you winced when you tried to get up. "ahh-!" You gasped painfully.

"Ah! (Last name)! Are you alright!?" Satoshi, came up to you and assisted you up- you winced as he helped you up but it can't be helped- it seems like you have twisted your ankle.

"You twisted your ankle." He examined your foot. "Will you be alright?" He asked. "Where are you heading anyway?"

"Ah- home? I forgot something at the clubroom earlier this day- I just came there to get it."

"I see." He said, "Are you waiting for someone? I can walk you home- it’s not good to leave you on your own like this." You smiled at Satoshi, you can’t believe you'll take his offer to walk you home...but it hurts like hell and it seems like Imayoshi is occupied at the moment.

"Thank you--and sorry for bumping and causing trouble." You apologized.


Imayoshi groaned irritatedly when he stepped out of the clubroom, he fixed his tie and crumpled the piece of paper he was holding. It was a letter-a confession letter.

'Graduation is nearing, you'll be leaving Too to study in a good university and we will be separated.
I can't keep my feelings hidden like this anymore.
Please come to the basketball clubroom later, after school
I will be waiting.

With all the love, (first letter of your name)'

When he entered the clubroom half-hour ago he found Sakura (insert random surname with the first letter of your first name). She latched herself to him and Imayoshi was very- I mean very surprise to find her there waiting for him.

"You came" she said and then stuffs happened.

Imayoshi crumpled the piece of paper and throw it to the nearest bin outside the clubroom when eh saw Momoi grinning at him happily.

"Oh- you Imayoshi-senpai you cunning man!" Momoi teased. Behind him was Aomine who was twirling the ball on the tip of his finger.

"Momoi- Aomine. What are you two doing here?"

"Well- we wanted to know~" Momoi said, behind her, Aomine groaned. "How was it? It never came to me that senpai will be giving it to you immediately after confessi-" Momoi's eyes widened when Sakura came out of the clubroom, fixing her skirt and buttoning her blouse.

"Eh? Where's (name)-senpai?" was Momoi’s surprise whisper. Aomine grumbled something pulling Momoi with him away from Imayoshi who was now staring at nothing.

'Shit, (name)!' He remembered. He immediately took out his phone and found 3 missed calls, 2 from you and one from an unknown number. And 5 messages. One of them coming from you.

'Senpai, I thought you're busy because you weren’t answering- so I didn't call anymore- and um...its getting late and stuffs happened and I can't wait for you- maybe next time?- sorry.'

"Shit!" Imayoshi fumed as he started walking faster away from the clubroom, the message was sent 20 minutes ago- so you're probably not that far away yet...

He left Sakura behind.

~*~*End flashback*~*~

Later that evening, you finished eating- Imayoshi finished minutes ago and was now standing at the large glass-made window where he has the clear view of the district of Roppongi.

He seems to be in deep thought. You decided not to interrupt him you sat down quietly at the couch and trying to avert your thoughts from thinking that Satoshi will be around...near you...on the same building.

You close your eyes. Clearing your thoughts...that moment you couldn’t stop dreaming of the past.


The next day you found yourself at the office of the vice principal for coming in late-very late that morning. You spend the first quarter of the class inside the office. You were reprimanded, but were immediately dismissed when they heard your reason.

Yes, that same day, your ankle is still hurting as hell, but isn't like it was last night- you can walk, but slower and you're limping.

When the break time came, the vice principal let you go back to the class. 

Limping on your way back, you saw Sakura-senpai chirping with her friends. You just sighed and continued walking up to your classroom.

That is when you found Imayoshi leaning against the wall next to your classroom door.

You inhaled deeply- pretending that you didn't know anything.

"There you are (name)---" you slightly heard Imayoshi's drawl when he saw you but it was immediately forgotten when a hand shook your shoulder.

"Eh? Why are you here!?" A voice asked, when you turned it was satoshi. "Didn't the nurse told you yesterday to take it easy?" He said, taking your bag from you and grabbing your arm and...well..assisting you to your classroom.

"S-satoshi-san!" You pulled your arms from his hold. "I'm fine, really." 

"But you see- I cannot just leave you limping like that!" Imayoshi's closed eyes were on the two of you- he didn't interrupt you and Satoshi and this broke your heart- probably he doesn't really care?

Since then you decided to ignore him too. Isn't he the one who should talk to you first? He is the one you didn't make it yesterday. But he didn't.

Momoi and Aomine decided not to bother you about anything knowing that the two of you must be arguing over stuffs.

The graduation day came and you were standing near the lockers waiting for the seniors to come out. You wanted to congratulate Imayoshi personally but it seems like all of his friends are all over him when he stepped out of the gym.

You stayed there and waited for him- and he arrived. He stands before you now.

"(name)-chan" he called. "I never thought you'll come today- you weren't responding to my messages."

"I told you before right? That I'll show up to your graduation." You smiled at him, "congratulations senpai." 

"Thanks." He chuckled and patted your head. "You'll come and visit me t my college right?"

"Sure- if I have time to spare on the likes of you." You joked,

"So mean~" he chuckled the two of you laughed and then you heard a commotion from a far.

'I want to have Imayoshi-san's second botton!" One of her female friends shouted other girls started arguing with her.

'I'll have it before you!'

"Ara? They're arguing now?" You said and Imayoshi chuckled "I think you should start running now." You suggested.

"Yeah, maybe I should." He agreed. "How about you run away with me?" He asked.

You stared at Imayoshi and a light touch of red appeared on your cheeks.

"What do you say? It’s been a while since we talked and that satoshi is always around you." You smiled at him.

"Run away? I'm not into running really- but I don't mind." You answered.

Imayoshi grinned. "Great." He gave you a small pouch "here keep this first- keep it. It’s my parting gift." He said. And you accepted the small pouch.

"Aren’t I the one who is supposed to give you a present?"

"I'll have your present later." Imayoshi said you frowned at his arrogance, but before you can protest, he pulled your hand and started dashing out of the school- the girls and other friends of Imayoshi running after the two of you.

It was a beautiful memory for the two of you---but of course, it was the saddest one because it was the last time you talked and saw him. He was too busy at school and you were too.

Satoshi confessed his love to you the day of the graduation and year later the two of you broke up, you were busy studying for good grades and he with his 'friends.' 

You remembered opening the pouch Imayoshi gave you. It was a button. You laughed to yourself- its probably the third or the fourth huh? You wondered who received the second one...

KnB Love Shots [KnB x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora