Nijimura II: LOST in the NIGHT (1)

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Nijimura x Reader

You were in your last year in junior high when your parents introduced you to your grandmother's friend, Nijimura Shuuzo.

"...and this is where you can spend time reading books, Nijimura-san." Your mother said as he opened the room where you are currently residing.

Your eyes met Nijimura's dark ones and then you glanced at your mom who is also surprised to see you there in the room.

"I didn't know someone is coming to look around today, mother." You stood up from the chair where you are sitting on and closed your book.

"Ah, (Name)!"

"I thought grandmother's friend will be residing here." You said.

"Oh yes!" Your mother smiled and gestured to the man standing next to her. "This is Nijimura-san, your grandmother's friend." She introduced with a smile.

You stared at your mother and then at Nijimura who still hasn't looked away from you since he saw you.

"You meant, the grandson" you corrected. Your mother laughed and turned to the man beside her.

"This is my daughter, (name)." She introduced you to him with a laugh, "I apologize, she's quite a delinquent."

"I m not!" You protested, "Geez." Looking away from your mother you noticed Nijimura smile.

"Your daughter took after your mother-in-law." Nijimura commented.

"Very, Nijimura-san!" Your mother agreed, "Even her attitude is like her. Not as smart and straightforward as mother-in-law tho."

You frowned and the next thing you know is that Nijimura was standing right in front of you, making you take a small step backward in surprise.

'Wah! Where did he come from!?' you silently screamed.

"Its nice to finally meet you in person, (Name)." Nijimura said as he gently took your hand and kissed the back of it, freezing you on the spot.


'What the fuck!?'

'No one in their right mind is still doing that kid of greeting!!?'

'He's fucking tall!!!'

'Shit! Did he just kissed my hand!? Wtf!?'

With wide eyes, You looked up at Nijimura's face shakily.

"Ni-nice to meet you too' Nijimura-san!" You stuttered.

"My apologies, I surprised you with my actions. I guess you're not accustomed to these kind of greetings." Nijimura said.

"...its alright." You answered after you recollected your thoughts. "I was just surprised."

"Now that you are acquainted with each other, how about I make some tea?" Your mother called out making you look over Nijimura's shoulder, at your mother.

"I'll make it-" you wanted to leave the room, but your mother smiled ar you.

"No, I'll get the tea." She said, "for now, stay with Nijimura-san. You can walk him around his house. After all, its you who is more familiar with this place." She smiled. With that, the older woman left you alone with Nijimura.

The house was pretty old. But your parents made sure to take care of it. It was a large 4 bedroom house with 3 en-suite bathroom, kitchen, a living room and a library in which you always stay in. The house was going to be sold to a certain family but your grandmother was against it, saying that the Nijimura's will come back and buy the house soon. Years passed, and your grandmother died...but it is in her last will that the house can only be sold to the Nijimura's...and while they were still in the US, it was you who took care of the place...just kidding, only the library. I mean, the house is too big for you to clean and all. Hahaha so, the library became your sanctuary..until today.

"Are you going to buy the house?" You asked him.

"Yes." Nijimura nodded. "Isn't it what Sayaka-san wants?"

"You know my grandmother?" You asked in surprise.

"Yes." He looked away, "We were friends."

"Oh, that's a surprise" you commented, closing your book and focusing your attention to the person standing in front of you. "Please take a seat," you gestured to the couch which was tight behind him and stopped. "Oh,'ll be your house soon so..."

"The gardens," Nijimura said.

"Huh?" You looked up at him in surprise,.

"The garden." He repeated, "I haven't seen the garden yet."

"Oh, the gardens is quite a mess-"

"It is not good to see it now then?" Looking at Nijimura's eyes, you frowned. You just can't say no to him...he's your grandmother's friend.

"I can take you there now, but be prepare to be disappointed, we're not really good with we didn't touch the garden..." you led him to the gardens where it's not really a good sight. The soil on the ground was dry and there's no living plant anywhere.

"See? There's nothing to see." You said.

"We will have someone to fix this." Nijimura said and looked around. "What do you think of roses? Or would you rather sunflowers?" He asked.

"Eh?" You turned to him who was now walking around the lawn, "Um, roses?"

"Okay, roses then. We will have roses here and more here." He gestured here and there and you chased him around.

"But you don't really need to have roses...I mean it just came out of my mouth. Obaa-chan always liked roses."

"How about you? Do you like roses?"

"I don't dislike roses...but I'm not really fond of flowers."

"It doesn't really matter whatever I plant here then?" Nijimura turned to you with brows raised.

"Um, anything is fine really. I mean this will be your house soon."

"Then roses." He decided. "Come, your mother might be back." He said and you followed him inside the house.

You were picking up your things while waiting for your mother to come back with the tea when Nijimura noticedsomething that you were wearing.

"That ring..." he said, calling you out.

"Huh?" Then you looked down and turned your attention at your hand. "What?"


Your eyes caught the ring on your left hand.

"This ring?" You showed your hand to him, "this is a ring, given to me by my best friend."

"No, not that." Nijimura said as he walked closer and reached for your neck. "This one." His finger traced your neck and fished out your necklace revealing a silver ring you used as a pendant.

"Oh." this "this was obaa-chan's..she passed it to me before she died. She told me that I can have it since it fits my finger more than mom's."

You looked up and saw Nijimura staring at the ring with a sad expression.

"Is there something wrong, Nijimura-san?" You asked but before he could answer, your mother came in holding a tray with snacks and tea.

"I brought the tea!" She called and your attention shifted from the question to your mother's tea.

That was what happened during your first meeting. To be honest, you think Nijimura is a weird person. One afternoon, you saw cars parked outside his house. He seems to have some visitors...

"(Name)-chan!" Your father called you upon entering your house which was just next to Nijimura's.

"I'm back." You called to your mom before you went straight to the direction of where you heard your father's voice. "What is it?"

You found your father smiling as he arrange some fruits in the basket.

"Can you go to Nijimura-san's place?" He asked. "I got a lot of fruits from a client today, give the half to Nijimura-san."

"Half?" You eyed the full basket of fruit on the table and then turned to the other basket next to it---also filled with the same fruits as the first one. "That's half?" You asked in disbelief.

"Well, I got 3 basket." Your father answered, "I gave the first one to the office staff and took two baskets home, for us and Nijimura."

"Nijimura-san seems to have some visitors." You said upon lifting the basket from your father's hand.

"Oh, that car has been there since this morning." He answered with a smile, "probably some old friend? I mean, its been a while since he last came here to Japan."

"And that's like around 5 years ago?" You asked.

"What is?"

"When he last saw his friends?" You answered.

Your dad went back counting the years, "I think around thirty years or so?"

"30?" You laughed, "Dad, you meant thirteen." You corrected.

"No, 30." Your fathered pressed with a serious face. "Three-Zero, 30."

"Yeah, sure." You rolled your eyes, "You're just like mom. I'll take this to him." Taking the basket with you, you walked to the house next door.

You knocked on the door and yet, he didn't open the door for you.

"Nijimura-san, dad sent me to deliver fruits!" You called out from outside.

No answer

"Nijimura-san!!" You called again.


"Are you not going to open the door, Nijimura-senpai?" A beautiful blonde young man smiled as he look outside the window behind the dark curtains of Nijimura's living room.

Leaning back on his chair, Nijimura closed his eyes.

"So cold, Nijimura-senpai." The blonde commented again.

"Who invited you over here again, Kise?" His voice was laced with poison as he spat his question to his uninvited guest.

"Now, now~ captain!" The blonde chuckled and got a little scared of his captain's tone. "Akashi-chii sent me to check up on you."

"Well, I'm doing fine as you can see." He answered with an obvious gesture to his healthy body.

"We know that. You look better and younger. But how about your heart?" Nijimura's eyes darkened from his question. He never really like this sly bastard fox in front of him. If only he could scratch that face...but he can't, one cannot just ruin a model's face. And besides, there's no doubt that it will heal in split second.

"You heard of Sayaka-chan's death...that is why you are here. It's her 5th anniversary after all."

"You know why exactly I am here. And yet, you're still asking me. Do you really want me to break that face of yours, Ryouta?" The warning was very audible on his voice. A warning that immediately shut the blonde's thoughts.

"Sorry,sorry...I over stepped my boundary." The blonde said apologetically. "I'll be leaving now so you can tend to your woman in private."

"She is not my woman." Nijimura coldly stated, "She's just a daughter of the owner of this house."

"Which is now, yours." Kise pointed, "and you really have a good taste. But we weren't expecting you to buy the house for real."

"I promised her..." Nijimura trailed, and Kise just looked away at the empty sight of his captain, just in time for him to see a younger male walking past by Nijimura's gate and smiling at the young girl standing outside.

"Go home, Ryouta."

"I will, I will...let me just look at this, one sec." He focused his attention outside the window and watched the young girl. "Ne, ne~ captain?"

"What now?" Nijimura growled as Kise ignore him.

"What grade is that kid again?"



"3rd year high school." He answered, "why?"

"Ohh...she's in that age already? She'll be attending college soon!" Kise commented, "are you sure you're not going to let her in?"

"No. She'll leave eventually."

"Why is that?"

"She's a distraction."

"Is it because she's wearing the promise ring?"

"You're being nosy, Ryouta." That was Nijimura's second warning. One last warning and Kise knew he'll be a double dead meat.

"Sorry, I just can see it from here." Kise smiled, "I think you should really let her in,its rude making someone wait outside while you are hiding here--eck!!"

"Shut up." In a flash Nijimura was on Kise his hand was around his neck, ready to snap it in two, but he didn't because of Kise's perfect timing in speaking.

"Sorry! Look!" Kise gestured outside the window. "Please let go, captain."

Growling, Nijimura's trail of sight slowly traveled outside the window and downstairs where he found you standing holding a basket filled with fruits and smiling at the younger man who was outside the gates of his house and talking to you.


"He's probably not home?" You frowned "such a waste of time walking here." You said as you turned and smiled when you saw your classmate outside walking.

"Hey, Kei!!" You called out and the person stopped his tracks and turned to you.

"Oh, (name)!" He greeted back, "what are you doing there? Library again?" He asked and chuckled.

"No, silly.' You answered, "I came here to deliver fruits from dad's office."

"Someone is living in that big house now?" He asked surprised.

"Yes. Obaa-chan's friend' grandson, I think?" You answered, "but he's probably not home." You slowly walked up to the gates to walk back home along with your classmate, Kei.

"Are you going home now?"


"Let's go together!" You said.

"Idiot, your house is just over there." Kei laughed.

"Still let's go togethe--" You were almost out of Nijimura's lawn when his door opened.

"(Name)." Came a cold voice that made your body jolt in surprise followed by a hand on you shoulder halting you of your movement.

With wide eyes, you turned and met Nijimura Shuuzo's piercing dark ones.

"Where are you going?"

"Eh?" You were speechless and shocked of his sudden appearance. "G-gods! Nijimura-san! You surprised me!" you managed to stutter.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Nijimura said and glance at the boy standing behind you who was wide eyed. "You were knocking, sorry for making you wait."

"I thought no one was home, but then there's a car outside, are you probably busy?" You asked, finally you got a hold of yourself.

"Not quite, he is already leaving." Nijimura informed you, "And who is he?" Nijimura threw a cold glare at the boy who flinched in return.

"K-Konbanwa." The boy, whom you called Kei bowed in introduction, "I'm Kei."

"That's Kei-san. A childhood friend and a classmate, he lives five blocks away." you said.

"Oh." Nijimura ignored the boy and turned to you, "Come inside, I have a special tea from Kyoto."

"Oh-- no! I just came over to to bring these." You lifted up the basket of fruit.

"I see. Still, please come inside." He insisted, "I have some tea, your mother will love it."

"For Mom?"

"Yes, for your mother." Nijimura gave a nod and grabbed your wrist pulling you inside the house and leaving your classmate, Kei standing there on his own.

"Waaah! What just happened?" Kei breathed heavily when the door closed, he was dumbstruck with the man's sudden appearance behind you. "Where did he come from!?"

"Now, now kiddo~" A cold voice came behind him. Freezing him again, on the spot.


"You don't have to shout like a girl you know, that's very unmanly." commented a voice, when he looked over his shoulder shakily, his eyes landed on a very beautiful face.

"Fallen angel!" Kei accused and the beautiful blonde man laughed at Kei's comment.

"Why thank you~" Kise Ryouta responded with a smile. He was leaning on the car that was parked in front of the house where Kei was standing.

"How did you get there?! You weren't there earlier!" Kei said.

"Foolish child, I was here the whole time. I saw you walking there and your friend calling for you." There was a pause and the younger boy's thought traveled back to what happened five minutes ago.

"No- I'm sure you weren't there!" the boy was sure.

The blonde laughed and then lifted the younger boy's chin and made him look at his face.

"You seriously think I'm a fallen angel, young man?" he asked with a serious face and the boy got surprised with his question.

"Y-yes...but more like a model."

"That's so nice~ssu!" Kise giggled with happiness, "Aomine-chii should hear this!" he called out excitedly.

"Who is this Aomine-chii?" the boy asked.

"You asked too many questions, just go home kid and forget you what just happened here." Kise suggested and let Kei's chin go making the boy stumble backwards and fall down on the ground when he lost his footing.


"Ow!" Kai cursed and soothed his hurting backside, "Damn. What just happened?" then he blinked and looked around.

No one was there. Just an empty street and few street lamps blinking creating an eerie feeling.

"Nanda? What am I doing here?" Blinking twice, thrice...he look again around him. "Eh?" confused, the boy helped himself up and scratched his head before continuing his track back to his house.

"Shit! Look at the time! Mom's gonna get angry again!" With that, Kei run back home, completely forgetting what happened earlier.


"I completely thought no one was around 'coz you weren't opening the door." You said when you and Nijimura got inside his house.

"I was talking on the phone."

"Your visitor left?" you asked as you look around the newly furnished house.

"Yes. Minutes before you arrived."

"Your kitchen looks nice." You commented when you entered the kitchen area of Nijimura's house.

"Thank you, an old acquaintance did the design." Nijimura said and placed the basket you brought for him on the counter next to a box of tea.

"Here, give this to your mom." Nijimura pushed the box of unopened tea to your direction.

"What? The whole box?" You asked in confusion.

"Yes. The whole box. I got another one here." Nijimura pointed at another green box near the sink.

"Are you cooking your own food?" You randomly asked as you look around his kitchen.

"No, I'm not good in kitchen stuff. A friend's servant comes every now and then to make food."

"Oh... I don't see him come around though." You commented, "He probably comes when I'm out at school?"

"Yes. Most of the time." Nijimura said. "How's your study?"

"I'm doing fine. I'm preparing for the university exam."

"And where are you going?"

"My goal is to enter T University." you answered, "I'm taking the exam with Kei, you remember the guy earlier?"

"I see." Nijimura answered quietly as he placed down a cup of tea in front of you. "Is he the same person who gave you this?" Nijimura tapped the ring on your hand.

"Oh this?" You looked at your finger, "No. An old friend gave this to me, she moved to the US already."

"A girl."

"Yes, a girl." you nodded. "I don't usually wear this, but lately I use this ring for fashion." you said.

"And Sayaka's ring?" he questioned and then you looked down to your chest where you found the ring on the necklace you are wearing.

"Oh, I don't really use this. But Obaa-chan told me that this is a protection charm. So I wear it like this since the day she gave it to me." You watched as Nijimura stare at the ring again and touch the ring lovingly.

"That's all she said?" he asked.

"...she told me it as given to her by a very special friend. Around 30 years ago? Or was it 40? I forgot. But it's something like that..." Nijimura titled his head to the side and waited for you to finish your story.


"I gave this ring to her." Nijimura said in a whisper.

"Come again?" you laughed at yourself upon mishearing his statement. "For a second, I thought you said you have it to her." you chuckled at yourself.

"I did." Nijimura waited until his words sink inside your head. "I gave this to her when we met in the US, 30 years ago."

You looked up at Nijimura and your eyes met his own piercing dark ones...

"How old are you again? You're around late twenties, correct?"

Nijimura laughed quietly and that's when you realize that he was not standing on the other side of the counter anymore, instead he was behind you; hands on your shoulder to keep you where you are standing.

"Remembering Sayaka makes me thirsty..." your eyes widened.

"Thirst-" before you can move a step away from his hold, Nijimura's lips was on the space between your neck and your shoulder and moving to the throbbing vein found in your neck.

Your heart beats faster and you wondered if he could hear them, you trembled and you wanted to cry...he scares you, the way he had his hand is holding your neck and your shoulder to hold you down and expose your neck to him is scaring you...

His words are scaring you...

"Don't mind me, (Name)..." But when you heard him say your name, your eyes stilled and you felt a cold shiver went up to your spine and froze your body all over.

You cannot move.

"I'm just taking...a drink." With that last word said, you felt something sharp on the expose area of your neck followed by a piercing pain...

"Ni-Nijimura--ah--" you whimpered in pain, followed by tears flowing out of your eyes. You felt him sucking your skin--No, he was sucking the blood from you...from the mark that he created on your neck. "It hurts--"

"Shuuzo," he said upon pulling away and and licking the blood on your shoulder and then the ones that was on his mouth. "My given name is Shuuzo."

From your peripheral vision, you saw two sharp fangs and there was that satisfied look on his face. You panted from the pain you felt, your eyes closed and yet you tried to open them.

"You're a..." you tried to finish your sentence but you felt light headed.

"Yes, I am." Nijimura answered before he let you fall unconscious on his arms.


Hallo~ Sorry for this lame shot. It's just a small story to keep you guys up while I'm still working on the last chapter of Akashi's Mine It Will Never Change.

I'm sorry for making Nijimura OOC. The story fits Akashi more than Nijimura but a lot of people are getting tired of reading Akashi since I made a 24 chapters from the last here I present the OOC Nijimura.

This could be a two shot or something like that...but it depends. Hehehe

See you next chapter!!!

Akashi chapter 25 will be up soon. I'm working on it now...
It's almost half done.  

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