Akashi IV: Mine, It Will Never Change 19

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Akashi: Mine, It will never change

Chapter 19

Sender: (Name)
Subject: Re:Re:Lunch
Attachment: ---

You didn't have to pick me up. I don't want to get in the way. But if you're coming, yes...same time.
Sorry about the lunch.
Take care <3

Akashi smiled upon receiving the message and then he turned to face the older woman.

"Aiko-san, I would love to have lunch with you, but unfortunately, there are some natters I have to attend to."

The woman raised a brow, but eventually accepted it.

"I understand. Send my regards to your father."

"Of course." Akashi assured her, "Take care, Aiko-san." Akashi stood up and walked to the door.

"Always take someone with you when you're walking around, Tokyo isn't as safe as before. There are thieves lurking around here and there." Akashi tells her, the woman chuckled after a moment when Akashi's words registered.

"Of course."

"Great. The other night, someone got robbed around the area...we don't want the next victim to be someone we know, don't we?"

"Yes, I understand." The woman uncomfortably nodded.

"But please, I just don't want you to be in harm. I'll see you soon." There was a glint of mischief in Akashi's eyes when he stepped out of the hotel followed by his secretary, Saito.

"Sir, are we going somewhere?" Saito asked.

"Did you cancel my appointments for this morning?" Akashi asked.


"Come, Saito. We will be paying a visit to someone." Akashi smiled.

"Where to, sir?"

"XXXX Hotel."

"The hotel near the branch office, sir?"

"Yes. That one." Saito watched as his boss' expression changed.


Tomoe smiled to himself as he picked a perfect flower that reminds him of you at the flowershop near your office.

"Welcome to Tokyo bouquets. (Fav flowers) for our wife, sir?" Greeted the shop assistant with a pleasant smile.

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