Kitsune! Imayoshi Part 7

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Chapter 7

Your father was reading the morning newspaper when the phone rings.

"Is this (l/n)-san?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"...I'm sorry your daughter-" it was that same moment when the phone was disconnected.

"Huh? Hello!?" Your father panicked immediately after hearing the lines of 'I'm sorry...your daughter--'. He didn't know who contacted him so immediately he went upstairs to his room and started rummaging his closet looking for a device that he immediately attached to the telephone line- when he turned the device on,a lot of numbers appeared at the screen containing the different number of the people who contacted them for the past 3 months.

'Please- let me know that she's not harmed-- I cannot live without her!' Was the only thing on his mind.

-Kitsune Imayoshi-

Imayoshi frowned at the infirmary nurse who assisted them earlier- the nurse was panicking when she felt no pulse on your wrist earlier when she checked up on you- she called the school doctor immediately who was at that time having a meeting with someone. The doctor came, he even saw the tall, tan man who just got out of the clinic- Aomine.

"Sensei! There was no pulse! It was just a case of anemia, but-"

"Call her parents, I'll take charge." He instructed, as he shoved the curtains and found Imayoshi and your body- pale on the bed.

"Why are you here?" He asked Imayoshi, who was surprised to see him there that time.

"Ah, sensei. I believe she's just sleeping." Imayoshi said to him.

"Sleeping? That pale?" The doctor stepped in and Imayoshi didn't want him close so when the doctor reached for your hand and felt it cold as ice it was the last feeling that the doctor felt that morning after that everything turned black for him,

Imayoshi stood up and opened the curtains again where he found the irritating nurse who is now talking with someone over the phone.

"Yes, is this (l/n)-san?" 

"I'm sorry your daughter-" Imayoshi flicked something to her back then she immediately slumped on the floor, unconscious. He heard the travelers voice's in panic on from the other line before he placed the phone back down- completely disconnecting the call.

"Ara, ara~" Imayoshi sighed, "if he comes here and interfere, it'll be problematic." 

Imayoshi walked back to the bedside where the doctor was lying unconscious on the floor- he crouched down and lifted up the man's face.

"Do something about it, sensei." He ordered the school doctor.

The doctor opened his eyes groggily, his eyes was dark and empty,

"Tell them about what happened and to come here to get her." Imayoshi instructed before he went back to his seat.

The doctor did what he was told. He dialed again.

Your father jumped suddenly when the phone started ringing again while he was waiting for all the data he needed- he answered the call.

"This is Sukiyama, I apologize, your daughter, please pick her up here-" before he could finish his sentence, Imayoshi took the receiver from him and spoke instead.

"(Name)is with me, traveler." Imayoshi finished.


"Yes. I did remind you to never keep your eyes off her--but what happened?"

There was silence.

"You did a great job...but there's a little problem- someone sneaked in and got her."

"Got her!?" Your father exclaimed.

"Yes. From now on, I'll be taking her under my wing- you want her back- eliminate them before I do it myself- you wouldn't like it if I take care of them my self."


"Do you wanna know?" Imayoshi smirked.


"I get something in exchange, ok?" Then there was silence.

"Wh-what's your condition?" Your father closed his eyes,

"She goes with me." 


"She's dead... again." Imayoshi pressed.

Your father was silent- he knew where this conversation is was like history is repeating itself again...

"I could give you her cold body if you like- but I can also bring her back- all you have to do is to let her stay with me- you can too! You are always welcome to come with us, after're his father...chichi-ue." Imayoshi pressed that last one as if he's stating that he'll be his son too.

"Two birds with one stone- you get her back, you get names of the one who wants her dead and kill them yourself...if you can though." Imayoshi said, "Or, bring her home cold and even if I tell you their names...and still you will not be able to kill them anyway."


"Listen traveler." Imayoshi sighed, "I will kill them all for you. All you have to do is give me your blessing to be with my moon and everything will be fine."


"Its up to you then...And also, the creature is a mask-make sure he doesn't consume your jealous wife." Imayoshi smirked to himself - he already know what will happen- he wasn't just expecting that it will happen sooner- he was planning to try college but it seems like Suza will be going on by himself...he was such a good friend too.

"How about bringing your jealous wife too, I'd like to meet her. And I think now is the right time." He suggested before hanging-up.

"Ma-mask!? Jealous wife?!" The phone was disconnected and he sighed defeated. 'Whether I bless you or not, you'd still take her anyway.' He knew that if he says no, the fox will give him the body- but he was sure it won't be his daughter body--he'll have her and he can't do anything about he'll just have to agree, he doesn't want his daughter to disappear like that- he's his life...and Miyaka will not allow it too--but she wouldn't believe even if he tells her.

For countless of generations he traveled through time with the memory of everything- that was his curse, he wouldn't able to forget everything that happens and he has experienced that includes his mother dying all over again in accident and sometimes disappears without trace- no one asks about it--through time Yue's name changed to (name)... he was happy that she wasn't harmed like what happened the first time- he knew it was because of the kitsune who his daughter charmed and he was grateful for that... also he didn't encounter his wife Miyaka...well, not until the present.

'Should I tell her about the fox?'

"Anata, you look pale?" It was Miyaka who freshly stepped out of her bedroom. 

Your father was having double thoughts if he should tell her or not. But she's her daughter! And the deal with the kitsune...she needs to know.

"Its (name)-she's--she's... in the infirmary she lost consciousness." he weakly informed her. Miyaka's eyes widened.

He lied... she's dead...your daughter is's my fault...

'Did the poison got her!?' came Miyaka's thought.

"When? Really? How!?" There was a surprised look in her eyes and your father felt guilty.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't-" he breaks down.

'Make sure your wife doesn't get consumed by the mask...' 

"Where is she- we need to get her!"

"S-school." Your father cried to himself.

'I won't tell her about the kitsune.' Your father silently decided.

"I'll pick her up myself - I mean that's the only thing I can do." Your father didn't answer when Miyaka offered to pick you up herself.

"I'll just go get my bag- stay here please." 

"No- I'll be the one to get her- j-just stay here." 

"No. I'll go with you! She's my daughter too!" Your father didn't ask why she didn't look too worried. He didn't care anymore. Maybe it's time for her to meet the Kitsune who saved her daughter's life- this is inevitable now.

+Kitsune Imayoshi+

Your father stopped his car in front of Touo. But before anything else, Miyaka leaned in to kiss him.

"Everything will be fine now." Miyaka said, and your father frowned sadly before they both stepped out of the car. "If she's dead then its much better."

'Huh?' Your father turned to Miyaka in surprise, 'I don't remember telling her what did she?'

-Kitsune Imayoshi-

"Wow, I never thought you'd leave it to me." Imayoshi commented when your father arrived at the clinic door.

"So you've decided." Imayoshi smiled widely, and your father just stood there, "that's a very good choice, (last name)-san." He walked over to him and held his shoulder leading him away from the bed.

"Where are you taking me? I want to see her." 

"Yes, yes. I will take you to her." He said, "you just need to calm down there." He led him out of the school infirmary and then everything changed- it seems like they ended up standing in front of a sliding door.

"Where are we?"

+Kitsune Imayoshi+

Aomine yawned and opened his eyes when he heard a light shuffling. He glanced at the closed door before he finally decided to stand up and go inside.

"A-Aomine?" He sees you sitting on the futon scratching your eyes.

"You're finally awake- do you want to eat something?"

"Aomine, where am I?" You asked- no, you demanded.

"Home." Aomine answered straight.

"This is not my home." 

"There's nothing we can do about that." Aomine resigned.

"Why are you here?"

"Because I want to." He answered, "Here, I got you something to eat from Maji." Aomine placed the paper bag filled with food he got from Maji; together the two of you started eating, you didn't really want to eat...but your stomach is growling.

"Where is Imayoshi?"

"With Momoi." 

"Are you dead too?" Aomine looked up at you.


"Then am I not dead?" 

"No." Aomine continued eating... "Stop asking questions and just eat there." Aomine said. moments later he suddenly growled.

"Aomine?" You asked, startled when he growled.

"Move back." Aomine grabbed your arm up and pushed you at the back.


"Quiet." Aomine said, "No- close your eyes." He corrected.


"Just do it!" And you did.

+Kitsune Imayoshi+

Momoi sat up from the bed suddenly after she felt Imayoshi's presence left the vicinity. She suddenly felt...worried. Her (h/c) turned into pink, and her (e/c) changed back to her original form and then she groaned silently and immediately she dashed to the window where she found your father's car at the school parking.

Without hesitation she jumped down the 2nd floor window down to the ground.

+Kitsune Imayoshi+

Aomine growled.

"You have the nerve to come here, teme." Aomine said quietly but growling.

"Aomine!" You called worriedly.

"Nah, don't open your eyes." He reminded you, you didn't--but you wanted and you heard the sliding door opened.

+Kitsune Imayoshi+

"This place-" your father gasped in surprise when Imayoshi took him to where you were.

"Why do you look surprised?" Imayoshi asked.

"Why is she in a place like this?" Imayoshi's grin widened at the question.

"Who knows... maybe a kitsune found her compelling that he even brought her here."

"She's not dead yet?"

"Stop with the question, and just go inside." Imayoshi opened the door and pushed him inside. "Oh look, meet my dog." He added lastly before he closed the door behind your father, leaving him inside.

Your father looked ahead and found himself inside standing in front of Aomine who was glowering at him.

"You must be (name)'s friend? Thank you for staying with her-"

"You must be the the reason behind all this." Aomine cut in.

"No, I'm (name)'s father.don't be silly, I'm here to pick her up."

"She's dead." Aomine answered. "You can leave."

"I need her body-it is a custom in our village to burn the body and spread their ash to the ocean to-"

"What for? To make sure she's really dead?" Aomine interrupted.

"Isn't she dead already? Why don't you just give me her body?" Aomine cringed at the way he says his words...he didn't entirely like the way he speaks. Its creepy and disgusting and he seems to be in rush.

Aomine being a harsh and straight person with a short patience, he groaned and spoke again, "How about you just reveal your true self, snake-woman?"

+Kitsune Imayoshi+

You didn't open your eyes like Aomine instructed. You listened to the sound but there was no sounds at all- no Aomine's voice too.

"Aomine-?" You opened you eyes but was suddenly surprised when you met Imayoshi's closed eyes centimeters away from your face, "!?--Imayoshi!?" You almost screamed but he covered your mouth to silence you.

"Shhh. Someone invaded our house- how about we just go home?" He said at you and you nodded in agreement.

"Ok- but Aomine- oh! He said I'm not dead-"

"Shh. Yea, yes- I was just messing up with you." Imayoshi smiled at you and then helped you up. "Come, let's get you home." He walked her to the a small door of the cupboard.

"Eh?" You groaned at Imayoshi when he stopped in front of the cupboard.

"Go inside." 


"Shh. Lower your voice, (name)-chan." He said and opened the empty cupboard- it has nice space inside and you were sure you'll fit in...but-

"Please get inside."


"Just do it (name)-chan, I'll get rid of those who tried to invade out peace." He said pushing you inside the cupboard closet and you fit in yourself --perfectly.

"Good. See you later." He whispered leaning down to your level and he opened his eyes... your (e/c) orbs met his grayish ones that glinted and turned gold in a flash and returned to its normal grayish ones.

"Sleep again for me, love and let's forget this little incident." He said. You blinked in confusion and before you could say anything he stood up and closed the cupboard leaving you in complete darkened inside but that didn't bother you this time--because everything had faded into nothingness...

+Kitsune Imayoshi+

Momoi opened the car and pulled your father out of the back seat, unconscious.

"(L/N)-san?" She called his name, "please wake up (L/N)-san." She urged.

"He's just unconscious." It was Imayoshi who came up to her. "Take him back home, the moon is inside the closet." He instructed and Momoi nodded before she hauled your father easily on her shoulder like a sack of potato and start to make her way back to your home.

"We will have to relocate soon, Momoi." He called, "I entrust to you everything."

"No problem." She nodded and she disappeared.

"Don't go anywhere near the snake's room- I'll take care of what is inside there." He didn't need to hear her respond, he knew she heard him.

Imayoshi heard Aomine growled followed by the sound of glasses breaking.

Aomine didn't hesitate to bite the arm of the person standing before him- leaving a bleeding mark of him on the other's body before he was punched away.

"Argh! You fucking dog!" He groaned in pain and slowly scales started appearing on his leg, the face of what is supposed to your father's morphed into a beautiful face of a woman but her body was like of snake.

"Gross." Aomine spatted.

"You ugly dog!" Kiyohime snarled, clutching her wounded shoulder. "Why won't you just give me my daughter?"

"She is not your daughter." Imayoshi appeared behind her.

"You- it was you all along!" Kiyohime accused as she pointed her finger at Imayoshi disgustingly.

"Yes, it was me." Imayoshi gave her a fox like grin, "It was me all along, Kiyo-hime." 

Kiyo-hime hissed at him. 

"You abomination!"

"Look who's talking!" Aomine spatted.

"I will bury you two with that child! Now give me her body!"

"I cannot allow you to have her body. She's mine." Imayoshi said calmly.

"She's my daughter!" 

"She's not."

"You shut your mouth dog!" Kiyohime attacked Aomine but he dodged her snake tail.

"Why you- I will have to break your neck no-" before Aomine could attack her back Imayoshi cut in and stopped him.

"No. I called someone to take care of her."

Kiyohime hissed at Aomine and Imayoshi. They stilled for a couple of minutes until a sound of bell started at a time.

"That sound!" The Kiyohime hissed in pain.

"Where is it--argh!" Kiyohime jumped out of the window surprising the the man. 

"She's going away!"

"She has only one place to go- she won't go anywhere." Imayoshi said.

+Kitsune Imayoshi+

Your father woke up and when he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was Momoi. 

"Finally, you're awake." She smiled.


"Hisashiburi, (l/n)-san." Momoi smiled and helped up the old man.

"My-my daughter!?"

"She's safe. She's making something to eat."

"Miyaka?" Momoi froze.

"Oh, she-- I'm not sure I didn't see her around."

"What happened? I was going to the school, she kissed me and everything turned black."

"What are you talking about? I found you sleeping at the gardens earlier when I decided to check on (name)-chan." Momoi smiled sweetly at him.


"Dad, I made some pasta." You emerged from the kitchen holding a plate of pasta.

"Great- I always wanted to try (name)-chan's pasta!"

"Dig in." You said with a smile.

+Kitsune Imayoshi+

Flash back 30 minutes ago

When Momoi got back to your house, she laid your father on the sofa and then went to the closet in your bed room, there she found you sitting with a blank look on your eyes.

"Captain must've probably taken her memories away...again." she murmured before she moved her to the bed, where she unconsciously blinked and sat up suddenly.

"Ara!? A dream?" She found Momoi standing at the door way.

"Hey, you feeling good? I was asked to check up on you." She smiled.

"Yea--I just had a bad dream...I died..." You decided and you looked at your hands it was a little sticky... "was I eating a burger?" 

"Maybe last night?" Momoi tried.

"Yea, maybe." You nodded, "have you eaten already Momoi? Would you like some Pasta?" 

"Sure that's great." She nodded, and let you go down to the kitchen, when you were out of sight, she dumped the half eaten burger at the trashcan- she found it on your hands when she opened the closet.



I don't know what I'm typing anymore.

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